...next people are going to be asking for trigger-warning tags as well.
Don't even suggest it! It'll be another thing they can complain about and beg for.
As a final point, I guess the real worry is that many people are also here because they are sick of the PC culture, and are trying to escape it, not be a part of recreating it.
My understanding was that this was the entire point of creating this platform. Free expression and no censorship. But it depends on what people are calling "censorship" too. Flagging content can often serve the same purpose, especially if the post is "hidden." When this happens, most users will not bother looking at it, even if the flag was unwarranted.
“If you don’t conform, then you don’t count as diverse.”
Sometimes it feels as though some people here want this very thing. They try to equivocate free expression with conformity to a specific philosophy. It happens a lot in anarchism/conspiracy circles. If you're an anarchist, then you must also be a 9-11 Truther or anti-GMO, some will argue.
sad to think we may already need a new term for this, and I barely just got here! lol ...
steeminazi crybullies
uh oh, hope I don't get flagwinked for that one!
also just found this hilarious post outing a bunch of sad hypocritical steeminazis: