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RE: So, why is there a group on Steemit flagging down anti-vaccine content?

in #steemit7 years ago

Wow this is a disgrace to the platform. Thank you for bringing this to the light @dbroze I appreciate what you are doing. If we cannot benefit from sharing our opinion and facts why even build a community on this platform??? If Steemit is not careful they will lose the base that they attracted for censorship free and community based platform. You have one more follower in me and I hope to see the posts keep coming sir.


To address your earlier comment about me being part of the problem. . .let me ask you something, Do you think i give a flying fuck what your opinion is?This is not censorship jerk off. . . ppl can use their votes however they like. . .if you knew the actual reasoning behind @berniesanders flaggin and downvoting then you might feel otherwise, but since you decide to jump to conclusions without investigating first then you support dick licks like @dbroze

Amazing! Evrybody who believes in fighting for a censorfree environment, according to you, is a 'dick lick'?

Your tactics, like those of antifa, speak more about you and those like you who have taken over the other social media giants. You have the right to hate; you have the right to use insulting and hateful words, but god forbid that anyone uses the same against you and the likes of your hero berniesanders. Just his nik gives away what his personality is like - and all we can do is hope that he too will be just as huge a failure in the end.

I came here because I thought I had found a group of people making an attempt to break away from the hatefulness of FB etc, but I see they sent their emissaries to do their dirty work here also.

I am very lucky, I don't care about the money, not when it means I must sacrifice my integrity (which I think is what those who downflag for their own personal reasons have done).

Isn't there even ONE whale who is decent and hates what is being done to Steemit? I don't know what the witnesses are supposed to do (apart from covering themselves in glory and earning more money), but I don't see them fighting on behalf of the little guys - so it means we have no one to help us, we must do it on our own.

One way to hurt them is by letting everyone outside steemit know what is happening and thus, hopefully slowing down new membership application, until we've solved the problem or given up on this platform.

Yo cry-baby, flaggin' or down-voting is not censorship. Censorship is removing or deleting content. Flaggin' or down-voting is everyone's right on this platform. . .

You sound like a hurt and shook beta.

Comparing flaggin and downvoting to Antifa-LMFAO

You will be added to the list. .. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA