So, why is there a group on Steemit flagging down anti-vaccine content?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemit, I've been getting active on the platform over the last week and a half, and I've really been enjoying the interaction I've gotten on most of my posts! I've been covering a variety of topics, from geoengineering to Trump, from 9/11 to Facebook arguments, and people seem to be interested, and willing to really talk about, most everything I've shared.

This morning when I hopped on, I scrolled through my recent posts, to see if any of them had had any major changes, and I found this:


Now, this post had been one of my highest earning so far, and had brought in a lot of great conversation from folks about vaccines, VAXXED, and Dr. Wakefield himself... and for some reason a group of accounts (I almost said people, but in situations like this I've found it's usually just 1 person with multiple accounts) decided to flag away all my earnings.


As you can see @engagement, @thecyclist, @nextgencrypto, @iflagtrash, @randomthoughts, @yougotflagged, @danknugs, and @steemservices have all flagged my post, to the point that they eliminated all potential rewards (previously over $50)... As I scrolled down into the comments, I found this:


I went to this account's profile, and clicked on their "flagging report" for today, only to find this at the very top of it (followed by a post exposing pedophile rings):


This flagging guild seems to be going after some autoposted/spammy content, but many times their reasons are things like: "____ is a douche", "disagree on rewards", "personal"... all the while spamming the platform with their daily post which is mostly copy & pasted with the only written part being links to the posts they downvoted, and how much $ they removed. That seems worth $100+ per post right?


I was under the impression that Steemit was a platform dedicated in large part to being a censorship-free environment, but this is leading me to question that understanding. If someone(s) can simply remove all the rewards from, and effectively hide content they disagree with. I'm not here to collect a bunch of money, but it is certainly nice to be rewarded for your work, to have people see the value of your content. The idea that one person can "disagree with rewards" and eliminate all the value that others see in my work is strange, when there is nothing offensive, no plagiaristm, etc.

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I am an investigative journalist and liberty activist; a Lead Investigative Reporter for and the founder of the & The Houston Free Thinkers. I have also co-authored three books: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1 and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2

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[...] for some reason a group of accounts [...] decided to flag away all my earnings.

They're not earnings until payout. Before that they are pending which means we all vote on whether or not the post should be rewarded - that includes down votes.

It's not censorship. Please can still view the content.

It's not censorship. Please can still view the content.

Except as it gets flagged lower, it gets hidden, and then won't be seen by most people.

I think the down vote and flag should separated slightly personally, I've argued for this before. I think you should be able to down vote to disagree and affect the payout without affecting the visibility. Flagging then would be downvoting and reducing visibility.

But still, what we have today is not censorship. Reducing visibility is not the same as hiding. The post is still there but grayed out. I repeat, does not hide content.

Couldn't agree more. When youtube censors someone, the content is completely removed and is inaccessible. Same goes for any number of other sites. On steemit, at the absolute most, you would have to click something one other time to make it 100% visible. I don't believe having to click one extra time is censorship.

I don't believe having to click one extra time is censorship.

It would be great if everyone would get this, and especially put it into a historical content of what censorship really is. Spread that wisdom around the chain!

Of you can save the URL.

I was under the impression that Steemit was a platform dedicated in large part to being a censorship-free environment,

Steem is censorship resistant since even when your post get in the negative it can always be seen.

I don't know enough about vaccine to consider countering Bernie's vote, So I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

That's just how Steem work!

Downvoting has nothing to do with censorship. Downvotes and Upvotes represent the bipartite tool set to actualise Steemit´s core logic:

Stake-weighted allocation of rewards.

Every single post is subjected to the 7 day spanning process of reward allocation. Also anti-vaccination content can´t escape this.

I highly recommend reading Schattenjaeger´s last post on this topic.

This is really disgusting, and not at all in the spirit of the platform I joined a year and a half ago. Making up lies about a post in order to flag it. Sorry to hear about this. I’m afraid I cannot do much, but I’ll do what I can to get in the fight here. I post content about vaccine injury as well, so this hits home.

It's not just 1 account. There is a swarm of them. I remember there being about 55 toxic whales accouts mass flagging purely on disagreements or at times even just to hurt the other guy. One of them are asking to become a witness. One account has -19 reputation. I even saw @sgtreport getting flagged just because some guy thinks a post get too much rewards. @sgtreport is a great content creator that is fighting the good fight just like @dbroze. Value is a subjective thing. Disagreement on rewards can only be used on abuse cases like voting bots on shallow content etc. If flags are being used because of the post payout is too high, then that reason is in direct opposition to Austrian Economics. Basically it's just commie rambling. If the same logic was extended to the real world, we'd have to jail the homeless and physically deformed because they are eyesore. The accusation can be considered true. But in no way it's criminal or else we should be flagging every post and comment that talks positively about BitConnect. BitConnect is a ponzi. But not all posts that support it are worthy of flags. Even stupid arguments are sometimes written with passion and care and human work goes into them. It's not a matter of Upvote or flag. There is a 3rd option: Do nothing. We won't evolve as a community unless we understand this fact.

It is the one person (Bernie) that runs all those 50 other accounts. The flags will all come in at the exact same time. If a flag comes in at a different time, than it would be a separate person.

Wow! 50 accounts? Amazing to learn this. Am currently constructing a post to 'celebrate' the moment I turn 71... in a few days. Seeing what is going on now I don't feel so great about Steemit as I once did. Sorry that he is on your back too.

Sending you a hug. You're handling this with dignity. xo Unfortunately it's looking like it's something anyone posting about vaccines is going to get if their post gets too well paid. Keep on posting, the truth needs a voice.

Yeah this is not cool.... Let's see if we can cause some shit and get some changes done that prevent this sort of manipulation....

That isn't a group. It is one whale with multiple accounts.
He is best know as berniesanders.

He has done the same to me and it stinks!

I will increase my vote for your article,
and asked a few others if they might do the same.

I'm so sorry that he had to be such a "dedicated asshole" -- as he calls himself (not my words)
but please stick around as we do have a good community here.

I figured it was just one person, and I believe I remember @kennyskitchen, @dollarvigilante, and others mentioning berniesanders at some point.

Thank you so much for your support, and for reaching out. I've had a great time so far on the platform, connecting with the community, probably part of the reason I was so taken aback by this morning's development.

I looked at his report, and see that he flagged another great Youtuber, SGTReport, for talking about Pedogate.
It is so sad that he chooses to flag the people that are trying to help children the most.

On my post that he flagged, he also flagged invisible a comment from a new user, who was simply talking about how her badly injured child. I didn't mind as much losing some of my rewards, but it was simply ATROCIOUS to flag her comment about a very sick child into invisibility.

I guess that this issue really upsets some people.
But the TRUTH is coming out more and more. I don't think that these things will be hidden that much longer.

Keep up the good fight!

Totally agreed. We shouldn't let these commie tactics that emulate the functions of religious dogmatism push us down. I think everyone who are posting here face the risk of getting mass flagged. But injustice shouldn't be allowed to thrive. I've seen similar repeated behavior from the same whale who is also running randowhale and he was fighting other upvote bots and their creators. This whale has been mass flagging any form of intellectual debate against him. The only way to counter this is to gather up enough voting power on our side. I'm a tiny minnow account who has been observing all these events for about a month and I remember your account having done great service to this platform and fought well against CPS. So even as a minnow I understand that I must not sit in the sidelines anymore. This is war. We shouldn't look away from that fact. The good has always faced the threats. Understand how this platform work and fight the good fight accordingly. Best of luck!

Thank-you for staying positive throughout this ordeal.

I don't know how yet, but I have a strong feeling that this will all resolve itself for the better. Steemit is a great place, and we must not give up so easily.
Often the message gets attacked the most, RIGHT before everything is revealed as truth to the masses.

Yep, I saw that too. That is sad & possibly somewhat telling.

If you look at it from a psych standpoint, people get cognitive dissonance when their beliefs & actions don't match up. If you've already taken an action, and then new knowledge challenges the belief you hold about that action, one has to either accept that what they did is something they no longer feel is right, one has to change their belief to match the actions, or one has to live with cognitive dissonance (an extremely uncomfortable state, which generally leads to heavily self-medicating).

So the easiest answer is to include a belief that all those who say the thing you did was not right, must be crazy, immoral, conspiracy theorists, or some other identifier that makes them easy to dismiss.

Right. So we must all just keep posting these truths,
and spreading them to as many people as possible who have ears to hear.

Even though that one account is powerful, it is still just one individual in a big, big world where lots of people are on the side of truth.

You can try, but you ain't gonna get very far. I promise!

Keep doing what you’re doing Bernie. We are free to use our votes how we please up or down. I voted for your witness account.
Bernie stands up for the people and I suggest you don’t fuck with him. He has many eyes in many corners of the steemit world. HahhahahahahahAHAHAHAHHA

I doubt that @dollarvigilante would ever flag that kind of content, or flag at all to be honest.
He is very much aware of what's going on in the world.

No, he meant that dollarvigilante had made people aware of the type of things bernie was up to.

Ah, thanks for the explanation.

There are always bad actors in a big crowd.

@canadian-coconut: it's a shame that one person would do such a thing. To me it smells like a shill, but it could just be someone who enjoys to hurt others? I don't know, it beats me. I mean not agreeing with something is one thing. You can either get into a discussion with the other about it or just not read it at all, but using their powers like that just doesn't seem right to me.

I suggest you look into the swarm of related accounts. The whale revels in hurting others. I've observed his behavior for about a month from sidelines unable to do anything. It's a real power hungry communist like behavior. Also check my other comments on this post.

@vimukthi I realized this now too. After it was mentioned to me that it's a whale with multiple accounts who is doing this, I started some digging. I noticed some strange behaviour of all of those accounts.

I've been talking about this for the last few hours on steemit. You are welcome to check them out:

are you on steemit chat @vimukthi?

No, I'm not. I just spend time on steemit in between anime, movies and little bit of trading and self-education via internet.

Great work!

How fascinating! UPvoted!

I see your other content is not flagged. This guy obviously have something against anti-vaccine movement. Funnily enough I just asked anti-vaccionation friend to join Steemit and write about many bad experiences after receiving vaccine she collected from various people over the years.

Ya, it does appear that he mostly has a problem with vaccine awareness (and posts exposing pedophiles)

Does he ever comment why anti-vax people are wrong or he just flag?

He only said we were f**ing morons. No discourse there.

I've seen you on YouTube before and remember liking your stuff.

This is exactly why I find ancap philosophy to be lacking. When money attracts money and money is power, the power still remains in the hands that get to it first and leads to the same kind of abuse as it does when there's is a state. I haven't seen that much of this kind of semi-censorship myself because I don't hit such charged topics in a very head on way but I've been trying to get across that whales having such massive weight is eventually going to cause the community to implode, even if the site succeeds as a business and cryptocurrency.

There are still great people here though so I hope you stick around. And if you happen to be ancap, hope you don't downvote my posts ;-) . We can have respectful conversations about it like I do with @kafkanarchy84 from time to time. Glad you run into @canadian-coconut , my go-to for anything anti-vaxx , super helpful.

I'm not signed up at YouTube so hopefully we can share ideas here X-D

Really appreciate having my previous 100% upvote wiped out again.

Yea unfortunately you'll come across the one of two whales on SteemIt that are just complete a^^holes who don't do anything but just spend their entire time just downvoting quality good content.

Its not downvoting quality good content. Please spend some time investigating the people who are getting downvoted and why. . . @berniesanders is doing things for the good of all. . If you don't like it then you are free to make a decision, just like he is free to downvote ppl, as are you. . If you don't like the fact that whales have the power to downvote, well unfortunately that is the environment that is created here. Whenever power is attached to $ then those with the most will have the most strength as such in the real world. If you are just here to earn on your posts, then chances are you are here for the wrong reasons anyhow.

Normally in the real world, people would be able to formulate a coherent refutation to go along with their downvote..Instead of having the ability to wipe out the value of a post simply on the basis that they disagree with it.."You're wrong" isn't a refutation. Or is the criteria for "quality content" directly proportional to how much one particular person agrees with it?

Welcome to Steemit, those with the most power get to be the arbiters of the platform. Wonderful right?

They can't actually censor your content, it's on the blockchain, but they certainly can impact your rewards and reputation.

I understand they can't truly eliminate it, but they can make it so others can't see it (due to being so flagged), which is generally the exact same way FaceBook, YouTube, and others go about their censorship. Why go through the trouble of deleting your content when I can simply make sure people don't see it?

I totally get where you're coming from, but all it takes is to just buy a ton of steem power (or convince someone with power) to counter it. Done, no longer censored. That's a lot different compared to FB, Youtube and other centralized systems.

Which brings me back to my point that those with the most power get to be the arbiters of the platform. Right or wrong, it's what the system is.

"Which brings me back to my point that those with the most power get to be the arbiters of the platform. Right or wrong, it's what the system is."
Thank you

Well said, stating the facts.

anti vaccine is bogus.
but I don't flag it.
I mute it.

I appreciate the non-aggressive approach.

youre welcome.
as the prophet said.
suffer the little children
everyone has the right to be stupid

but that doesn't mean I have to listen to the drivel they spout.

Unfortunately, I can't even upvote this since my voting power is very low (not that those 2 cents matter). I was just reading another post of someone about this. What they pretty much said was that if you accept the upvotes, you also have to accept the downvotes. I agree with that to a certain point (to be honest, I didn't even know till recently that downvotes existed). People are free to express it if they liked it or not. I agree there. BUT. The problem is that you could get 40 upvotes, and then if one of the whales sweeps in and doesn't like what you are saying, they can take it all away. I think it creates a world within steemit that we are all trying to escape from and gives control and power to people who maybe shouldn't have it. If you take it a step further, government shills could come in and downvote just every post that would expose their work, like about vaccines or the Big Pharma or whatever. Besides that, it could become personal, if somewhere down the line, an author offended someone by what he/she said and now this someone just downvotes everything this person says. I don't know where to stand in this really and I just hope that those scenarios don't happen all too often.

Very upsetting. This platform will die before it even gets going if we let this happen. We must find a way to disable this corruption before it destroys steemit. Destroying it may be their intention.

Agreed. And we have the means. On steemit SP and voting power is everything. Anybody with voting power rules and dominate. That's how things operate. Those are the rules. So acknowledge them and work accordingly. Steemit isn't about who's right or wrong. It's about gathering the most voting power regardless of right and wrong. If you don't like what you are seeing, you need to fight with your votes and SP. Please take time to read my other comments on the this post.

Hmm... this kind of thing seems to be happening a lot lately on Steemit. I sure hope we as a community can come together and figure out a solution.

I'm generally opposed to the anti-vaxxer movement, but I'm all for free speech and and glad to hear all sides of everything. Downvoting something just because we disagree with it isn't going to accomplish anything.

Well, I'm still a newb and have no voting power, but I will support you as I can.

If you disagree with someone, be grown up and comment why he is wrong. Not like some pussy flag it because your pathetic mind can't stand that someone have different opinion than yours.

I wouldn't put it quite that way, but yes, I agree: be an adult. There is too much of this type of thing these days, people yelling at anything they disagree with instead of sitting down and discussing it like adult.

I just said it more directly :P Sometimes I get frustrated to see childish behaviour like this. Flaging without explaining is bs. 'You are moron' conversation leads nowhere, arguments conversation lead everwhere.

Wow this is a disgrace to the platform. Thank you for bringing this to the light @dbroze I appreciate what you are doing. If we cannot benefit from sharing our opinion and facts why even build a community on this platform??? If Steemit is not careful they will lose the base that they attracted for censorship free and community based platform. You have one more follower in me and I hope to see the posts keep coming sir.

This is not censorship jerk off. . . ppl can use their votes however they like. . .if you knew the actual reasoning behind @berniesanders flaggin and downvoting then you might feel otherwise, but since you decide to jump to conclusions without investigating first then you support dick licks like @dbroze
To address your earlier comment about me being part of the problem. . .let me ask you something, Do you think i give a flying fuck what your opinion is?

Amazing! Evrybody who believes in fighting for a censorfree environment, according to you, is a 'dick lick'?

Your tactics, like those of antifa, speak more about you and those like you who have taken over the other social media giants. You have the right to hate; you have the right to use insulting and hateful words, but god forbid that anyone uses the same against you and the likes of your hero berniesanders. Just his nik gives away what his personality is like - and all we can do is hope that he too will be just as huge a failure in the end.

I came here because I thought I had found a group of people making an attempt to break away from the hatefulness of FB etc, but I see they sent their emissaries to do their dirty work here also.

I am very lucky, I don't care about the money, not when it means I must sacrifice my integrity (which I think is what those who downflag for their own personal reasons have done).

Isn't there even ONE whale who is decent and hates what is being done to Steemit? I don't know what the witnesses are supposed to do (apart from covering themselves in glory and earning more money), but I don't see them fighting on behalf of the little guys - so it means we have no one to help us, we must do it on our own.

One way to hurt them is by letting everyone outside steemit know what is happening and thus, hopefully slowing down new membership application, until we've solved the problem or given up on this platform.

Yo cry-baby, flaggin' or down-voting is not censorship. Censorship is removing or deleting content. Flaggin' or down-voting is everyone's right on this platform. . .

You sound like a hurt and shook beta.

Comparing flaggin and downvoting to Antifa-LMFAO

You will be added to the list. .. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Thanks for continuing to do the great work that you do @dbroze! I've re-steemed this post, the vaccine post, and the post about the Big Pharma appointee.

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I have been noticing this shit of Downvote abuse from about a month, wrote about this, but I guess no body just cares about this.
You can also read in detail @acidyo thoughts in his post:
My thoughts on flags for disagreement on rewards.

Wow! I'm now following you. I better check mine out too! I've posted about anti-vaccinations as well. I will upvote you as much as possible.

How interesting! UPvoted, followed and resteemd!

Trolls ganna troll.

So true

Maybe because the people don't like to see steemit in connection with unscientific bullshit, baseless conspiracy theories, stupism and such things?

Was the answer I had in mind after reading the headline and the first paragraph.

After reading a bit more, I still think that. However, as in the stellabelle case I think that should not be done.

Millions of cases of kids having problems after receiving vaccine is conspiracy theory? hahahaha Where you the cave?

Strange that I never have met even one of those millions of children. And no, I don't live alone in a cave.

Well, they exist in millions. I know many cases personaly. Me or my friend will make series of posts describing all the cases we know.

No, you maybe know people who you think have vaccine damages.

That is not to say that it does not happen, but there is no vaccine made epidemic.

Take for example the "autism" damage, often claimed by "vaccers".

Yes, autism goes up, but there are other, well known and lesser known reasons for it. (More importantly, it does not go up in correlation to vaccination rates.)

One reason is that "autism" as an ilness was unknown even to most doctors 50 years ago, so you can't directly compare the number of diagnosis.

More importantly though is something that developed the other way: Iodine lack awareness.
I have a cousin for example that suffered (and in part suffers today) from this. In its extreme cases it produces kretins.

The numbers of people lacking Iodine have increased in the last decades, and that lack is known to cause symptoms like that of autism.

Also the usage of bromidic fire retardents does the same, as does the usage of cloridic pesticides and herbicides.
It was shown in comparisn studies that children exposed to those pesticides (school directly at the field etc.) have a 7 point lower IQ.
TRIS flame retardent was the first where damage to the child development was shown, but othe bromidic too

If you look in the periodic table then Fluor, Chlor, Brom, Iod are in the same columns, so it is not a big surprise that they have similar effects, especially when you consider that it is not unusual that smaller atoms can replace larger ones in compounds if they are similar.

I undertand what you want to say and there is probably truth to it. I'm not saying I know reasons for autism. What I know there is many many kids that changed in few days after receiving vaccine.

Let say that million people got sick after buying donuts from donut shop. There woudn't be problem in suspecting donut shop as main reason. Why that can't be done with vaccines? Doctors are not sacred cows that tell the truth all the time. They lie all the time to sell medication.Just look example of cannabis, they were and still are talking that cannabis is dangeroud drug.

Look at this video... It is from Croatian TV. Guess was John Virapen, former boss in pharmaceutical industry. Host ask question in croatian, John answers in english, so you should understand it. What pharmaceutical companies are doing is beyond belief...

NOOOO wayyyyyy !!!!

Hey dick lick, there is not a centralized form of censorship in the form of a governing body but shit content like yours might get flagged if it targets the wrong people. If you don’t like it, tough cookies Sally. You are free to continue posting or free to leave as well. @berniesanders will find you. . . Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha

Wow... you're part of the problem with this world. I hope you feel real good about yourself.. "dick lick" that's the best you came up with?

I'm a problem because i am expressing my thoughts in a manner and for use of language that is not acceptable to you. . cry me a river

Rawdawg is trying to win favor by kissing ass.. thats what it comes down to. No integrity, no morals, no selfworth... just trying to fit in with the big "dawgs"

Hahahahaha, you got me. Trying to win favor, that’s me.

Sure looks like've mentioned @berniesanders like 100 times in this thread alone..Sure reads like a cry for attention to me.

What about writing comment with arguments on why is this guy wrong about vaccines and not like some pussy flag it because he disagree with it? Flagging wihout comment with arguments is moronic!

Great shame I guess it freedom of speech but to flag every post just because you don't agree is not really fair. Just don't read that post I say. I given you a vote little though it is :)

I am curious how flagging works.....BernieSanders has -19.
His rating is so low. Will his vote affect anything?

He has many, many accounts over which his Steem Power is invested. Swarms of bots, as it were.

How many other accounts does he have? Sounds like abuse to me........and why isn't anyone doing anything about it?

At least 50. There's nothing against the "rules" about having multiple account, just against getting the first-time signup account, with free Steem.

Using something like AnonSteem, anybody can have as many accounts as they would like. They just have to pay for each one. I believe witnesses can effectively just create them.

Upvoted and resteemed

Fully agree with you.. i wrote something about it in my last post.

I think that if you have a negative opinion on a post you have to write a bad comment, nothing else. I think it's a shame same as downvote.

It definitely seems like the more polite, adult way of handling disagreements of ideas: to have a discourse. Or even to simply ignore, if you don't want to communicate with the person to help both learn more.

I do not belong to any group. I never saw your nickname, but I will tell you why people downvote anti-vaccine posts - because people disagree with your opinion - simple.

no, it seems to be because people do not want certain information from reaching the public.

because people disagree with your opinion - simple.


no, it seems to be because people do not want certain information from reaching the public

do you disagree that when people do not like particular opinion they do not want to it reaching the public?

No, I do not agree. I do not want to bury their opinion - I prefer to expose it for the evil it is or stupidity etc, so that everyone sees it. Burying without killing it first is stupid - and shortsighted.

Yes, its all one big conspiracy. . Members of Steem do not want the information to get out to the public so they team up and downvote your content. You aren't a dick lick, you're a lunatic.

You have been flagged, likely because you are attempting to take advantage of the reward pool. Please see my daily post for more detailed reasoning. Thank you.

@Dbroze give this a read

I address the same thing.. we are being censored and attacked because we go against mainstream media's accepted narrative...these accounts really should be dealt with.. it's creating a hostile environment here.

They keep saying it is NOT censorship. They think that by applying a strict definition to the word, they can convince us they are the good guys!

If I own a supermarket an I do not want your company to do well, I can choose where to place your goods so that very few people see it. That is a form of sabotage AND censorship.

I yhave no idea, but, is there no way a large number of steemians can get together and pool their resources so as to be as powerful as berniesanders, so as to flag him to death? If not, then there must be some way for us to fight back. I'll go along with whatever the majority decide.

BTW I happen to believe that vaccinations are being used as weapons to depopulate our planet, as Bill Gates himself has admitted on TV. That means, millions of children being brain damaged, paralysed; sterilised. How can ANYone claim to be a decent human being who favours that kind of barbarous cruelty. I would, if I could, make certain all of them are forced to have THEIR children be vaccinated.

I'm not even going to start on the pedophiles. Strangely, I do not have a blanket hate fro them, only for those who directly or indirectly harm children. Still, it is amazing that peoople can flag others because they spoke about pedophiles - I find it proves that Steemit is totally corrupt at the top.

I've seen steemit posts appearing on other social groups, so this is going to get out and it will tarnish the name of Steemit - which means the whales will end up being damaged - in the same way they are trying to damage us (has anyone seen the totally inane posts by whales, which should not earn more than 10 cents, getting paid amounts like $2,500 -and they think they have the right to say us small fry earned too much and take it away?)

Cry babies. . i would be be quiet if i were you. . @berniesanders might be listening. . HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA

Bottom line it IS censorship and it's being done in different ways depending on the social media platform. There is no possible way that these big accounts with half a million dollars worth of steem "earned it" just by writing and interacting. They are getting funded by whoever doesn't want the information we share to get out in the public.

Rawdawg... you should change your pic to a rat. It seems more fitting :-)

You are one delusional person and quite self absorbed to think that Steem accounts are being funded in an attempt to not get your so called truth out to the public. Yea, that’s it, it’s a big conspiracy.
Maybe there is just some people who don’t agree with you and decide to show their disagreement by downvoting your garbage.

Rawdawg..can you tell me what hasbara is?

You have the wrong impression of Steemit. We can use our votes as we please and I think what you post is bullshit. So, consider it flagged, exactly like I did. Just like @jamesc jerks off all you anti-vaxx morons, I'm going to flag them all.

I know a lot of people who had bad experiences with their kids after vaccination. That is not 1 or 2, it's many. So, they are all morons? They shoudn't question vaccines? What you are trying is to stop open debate. Don't know what is good about it. Your behaviour is pathetic in many ways!

Am I an “anti-vaxx” moron, @berniesanders?

You're a nobody.

That very well could be. Cheers, @berniesanders ;)

Why did this convo got downvoted? I mean Bernie pretty much apologized in the end and his statements on the topic should be on the very top of the comments, since they are the most relevant.

Eh, I didn't mean that, you're an alright dude. I'm just a bit tired today.

Bernard, I dont think it is good idea to flag truthers of any kind, at least not to 0. If you think they talk shit than downvote a few bucks on them. This guy is at leasting trying by making videos himself and not just "aggregating" some bs he found on the web.

I am actually pretty anti-vax myself. Vaccines are often critized even by credible/mainstream authorities in Germany since they often contain a small dose of the virus itself.

In case, you haven't figured it out. Berniesanders account is a dummy account this guy created just to flag people because there is no way anyone can get NEGATIVE 19 rep and NOT care!

(In answer to berniesanders)
The only kind of person who sees any other person as a 'nobody', only shows that he is the nobody. I can imagine how it works for you; you are incapable of arguing logically, so you use violence and insults for making your point.

Unfortunately, for you and people like you, it does make a very clear point of what you are like as a human being.

wah wah wah. . .poor Artie. . .You need a spanking . . .Negative rep coming up for you. . get ready