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RE: So, why is there a group on Steemit flagging down anti-vaccine content?

in #steemit7 years ago

@Dbroze give this a read

I address the same thing.. we are being censored and attacked because we go against mainstream media's accepted narrative...these accounts really should be dealt with.. it's creating a hostile environment here.


They keep saying it is NOT censorship. They think that by applying a strict definition to the word, they can convince us they are the good guys!

If I own a supermarket an I do not want your company to do well, I can choose where to place your goods so that very few people see it. That is a form of sabotage AND censorship.

I yhave no idea, but, is there no way a large number of steemians can get together and pool their resources so as to be as powerful as berniesanders, so as to flag him to death? If not, then there must be some way for us to fight back. I'll go along with whatever the majority decide.

BTW I happen to believe that vaccinations are being used as weapons to depopulate our planet, as Bill Gates himself has admitted on TV. That means, millions of children being brain damaged, paralysed; sterilised. How can ANYone claim to be a decent human being who favours that kind of barbarous cruelty. I would, if I could, make certain all of them are forced to have THEIR children be vaccinated.

I'm not even going to start on the pedophiles. Strangely, I do not have a blanket hate fro them, only for those who directly or indirectly harm children. Still, it is amazing that peoople can flag others because they spoke about pedophiles - I find it proves that Steemit is totally corrupt at the top.

I've seen steemit posts appearing on other social groups, so this is going to get out and it will tarnish the name of Steemit - which means the whales will end up being damaged - in the same way they are trying to damage us (has anyone seen the totally inane posts by whales, which should not earn more than 10 cents, getting paid amounts like $2,500 -and they think they have the right to say us small fry earned too much and take it away?)

Cry babies. . i would be be quiet if i were you. . @berniesanders might be listening. . HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA

Bottom line it IS censorship and it's being done in different ways depending on the social media platform. There is no possible way that these big accounts with half a million dollars worth of steem "earned it" just by writing and interacting. They are getting funded by whoever doesn't want the information we share to get out in the public.

Rawdawg... you should change your pic to a rat. It seems more fitting :-)

You are one delusional person and quite self absorbed to think that Steem accounts are being funded in an attempt to not get your so called truth out to the public. Yea, that’s it, it’s a big conspiracy.
Maybe there is just some people who don’t agree with you and decide to show their disagreement by downvoting your garbage.

Rawdawg..can you tell me what hasbara is?