
Well, they exist in millions. I know many cases personaly. Me or my friend will make series of posts describing all the cases we know.

No, you maybe know people who you think have vaccine damages.

That is not to say that it does not happen, but there is no vaccine made epidemic.

Take for example the "autism" damage, often claimed by "vaccers".

Yes, autism goes up, but there are other, well known and lesser known reasons for it. (More importantly, it does not go up in correlation to vaccination rates.)

One reason is that "autism" as an ilness was unknown even to most doctors 50 years ago, so you can't directly compare the number of diagnosis.

More importantly though is something that developed the other way: Iodine lack awareness.
I have a cousin for example that suffered (and in part suffers today) from this. In its extreme cases it produces kretins.

The numbers of people lacking Iodine have increased in the last decades, and that lack is known to cause symptoms like that of autism.

Also the usage of bromidic fire retardents does the same, as does the usage of cloridic pesticides and herbicides.
It was shown in comparisn studies that children exposed to those pesticides (school directly at the field etc.) have a 7 point lower IQ.
TRIS flame retardent was the first where damage to the child development was shown, but othe bromidic too

If you look in the periodic table then Fluor, Chlor, Brom, Iod are in the same columns, so it is not a big surprise that they have similar effects, especially when you consider that it is not unusual that smaller atoms can replace larger ones in compounds if they are similar.

I undertand what you want to say and there is probably truth to it. I'm not saying I know reasons for autism. What I know there is many many kids that changed in few days after receiving vaccine.

Let say that million people got sick after buying donuts from donut shop. There woudn't be problem in suspecting donut shop as main reason. Why that can't be done with vaccines? Doctors are not sacred cows that tell the truth all the time. They lie all the time to sell medication.Just look example of cannabis, they were and still are talking that cannabis is dangeroud drug.

Look at this video... It is from Croatian TV. Guess was John Virapen, former boss in pharmaceutical industry. Host ask question in croatian, John answers in english, so you should understand it. What pharmaceutical companies are doing is beyond belief...