
You're a nobody.

That very well could be. Cheers, @berniesanders ;)

Why did this convo got downvoted? I mean Bernie pretty much apologized in the end and his statements on the topic should be on the very top of the comments, since they are the most relevant.

Eh, I didn't mean that, you're an alright dude. I'm just a bit tired today.

Bernard, I dont think it is good idea to flag truthers of any kind, at least not to 0. If you think they talk shit than downvote a few bucks on them. This guy is at leasting trying by making videos himself and not just "aggregating" some bs he found on the web.

I am actually pretty anti-vax myself. Vaccines are often critized even by credible/mainstream authorities in Germany since they often contain a small dose of the virus itself.

In case, you haven't figured it out. Berniesanders account is a dummy account this guy created just to flag people because there is no way anyone can get NEGATIVE 19 rep and NOT care!

I know that bernie has multiple accounts...

(In answer to berniesanders)
The only kind of person who sees any other person as a 'nobody', only shows that he is the nobody. I can imagine how it works for you; you are incapable of arguing logically, so you use violence and insults for making your point.

Unfortunately, for you and people like you, it does make a very clear point of what you are like as a human being.

wah wah wah. . .poor Artie. . .You need a spanking . . .Negative rep coming up for you. . get ready