Oh, and I think I am taking a break from publishing the Secret Writers. I need some days off to just go back to being me for a while. This means longer wait times. Be patient. I need my fun back.
Can I admit something to you? Don't take it the wrong way... but I don't really read the secret writer posts... never really did. I voted on them for a while for curation rewards, but those started to dry up after a while and I realized that I wasn't being true to myself for voting for content that I didn't personally enjoy and appreciate.
Now, I certainly appreciate you. I feel like you're the conscience of Steemit in some ways. You've done a lot of things to earn my respect, and I don't really feel the need to list them here.
But, I guess what I want to say is that I want you to get back to being you. I think the secret writer project was awesome and helped a lot of people... but I also think that it came at the expense of your own personal expression, which is what I think people were originally drawn to.
I'm pretty excited to see what you're going to do next.
I like hearing your honest opinion! I hate when people get careful, so getting perspectives from others is essential if we are to live in reality and not a bubble. Thanks for your feedback. I have no idea why this comment is hidden....