Forget About The Fucking Money On Steemit For A Second, Dedicated To @Klye Who Shook Up My Brain!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Forget about the fucking money for a second.

If you don't like cussing, leave now. I want to cuss tonight and there will be a lot of it.

I had been searching all day, starting at 9:30 am for something interesting to read on Steemit. I began the day with a challenge: I wanted to see if I could create 100 high quality comments on people's posts. I wrote about 8 comments on people's blog posts from a variety of sections: new, hot and active, but then I forgot all about an interview I had with George at 11:00 am. Fuck! I got ready in ten minutes for the interview. I think I'm done with interviews though.

Anyway, after the interview, I resumed trying to locate interesting posts. I found one from @dragonho that I quite liked, and some others, but I was finding it supremely difficult to find much that impacted me on a visceral level.

The day continued until BAM! I found @klye's post about how to stop worrying about money. It blew apart my fucking mind! This was the article I had been searching for all fucking day!!!!!!

Here it is:

If you don't want to read it, basically, it made me feel exactly like this:

You see, ever since I returned from vacation and Steemit has become quite popular with over 70,000 people, I have noticed that I am not possessed any more by that outrageous zeal, that unstoppable passion and energy that first overtook me on June 8, 2016, when I first accidentally fell into the Steemit rabbit hole.

Those first four weeks were a haze of sleepless nights, unending study sessions in which I devoured the Whitepaper, Dan's blog, every YouTube video on BitShares, Steem and literally anything related to Ned and Dan's beginning phases.

My brain was quite literally blown to shreds, and I am not sure if people will remember this or not, but I had frequent hallucinatory episodes which were brought into existence because my brain was overstimulated with new information, lots of it. My passion for absorbing new information plus my prolific writing binge on Steemit caused me to instantly quit my day jobs, and I decided with abandon that I would throw myself into the Steemit universe without any realistic notions or practical concerns about money, outcome or anything else.

I was gripped, like the Gila Monster to the jaws of Steemit. I had fire.

There were few people in those early days, and everyone stood out because the news feed was so slow. I realized from the first days in Steemit that it would become crowded, and very soon, too. It did.

The dark spectre of money now looms large over every potential post that you or I decided to commit our energies to. There is stress inside our creative minds. We ask ourselves, "What will people read? Will the whales vote for my post? Is my post interesting to anyone? Why would anyone read anything I write?

The devaluing of our inner selves continues its merciless march towards this thought: what if I keep on posting and no one ever cares?

What if my small $100 posts start to turn into $10 posts and then $5? What will happen when the big celebrities enter the scene and the REAL competition shows up? What happens when big name writers appear, like Elizabeth Gilbert, essentially overshadowing all half-wits and smallish, no-name writers? Yes, it will be good for Steemit, but then what exactly should the no-name writers do? I have these fears, too. Remember, I quit all my professional writing gigs. I'm just not terribly interested in anything else at the moment. The Steemit beast still looms large in the realm of possibilities.

This is the point that I want to say: FUCK THE MONEY. JUST FUCKING FORGET ABOUT IT.

Just seeing this idea coming from someone else makes me feel better! The passion I had in the beginning was partly fueled by the money, but it was fueled by something else too: seeking knowledge.

I know people will not be able to forget about the money, but it's true. It wasn't until I read this by @Klye that I realized that I was caring too much about money and had started to treat Steemit like a job.

I was getting careful!

In getting careful, I was losing my sense of purpose, my passion and I was losing the fun. Here's part of his post that woke me up:

One final thing I should mention is that you can have all of the income in the world but if you spend it frivolously and foolishly on outlandish toys and needless vices you will soon find yourself once again poor and worrying about money. While being able to acquire great wealth is impressive and will give a good person great ability to improve their life, it is not a cure all. Money is merely a tool that could be viewed as a magnifier of people's character.

He is so right! Money is only a magnifier of character! I've become careful and a bit boring! I'm not boring! I need to return to being myself, the person who is an explorer, a risk taker and an adventurer without cares about money.

Before I had received low payouts for my posts, I was seized by an insatiable desire to build out a team of what I refer to as "Black Swans". This team's mission would be to find people who really want to become free (say, getting out of the 9-5 world) and then assisting them in a quite fantastical way. I have the entire thing mapped out in my mind how such an operation would work. I think it has tremendous potential. The selection of the team is crucial, as the skills required are intense. At any rate, I noticed that once my post payouts began to drop, I started worrying. I began to be consumed, like everyone else about the payouts! The whale vote has pretty much vaporized from my posts, and that began the feeling of being constrained again, like I was in the past before I found Steemit.

Then the price of Steem began falling, and before you know it, I am in a terrible mindset and the dream of building the Black Swan team has sort of vanished because that idea was created in a mindset of abundance, creativity and freedom!

It has happened so fast, and the cause is money, the worry that it will disappear.

I'm choosing today to live by what @klye has stated and I reformed into a new phrase: Just fucking forget about the money. Do the things that are scary, unknown and have the potential for great change.

Do the things that you're good at, that have the potential to benefit lots of people, especially you! Find your value, digging deeper every day. A happy person is a person who can give to others!

That person was right when they said, "You're not doing the world a favor when you play small." It's true!

Today, is a start of a new day in which I choose the fearful route, the one that seems impossible, full of trials, unknowns and mysteries!

It no longer matters if I am a failure here, and for some reason fall out of favor with the whales. I am going to follow my internal directives that are pushing me to do something that is scary and challenging. Something that gets my blood boiling again. I do not want my creative inspirations to be squashed by trifling worries! I want to really live in that third layer.

For, as Kamal Ravikant says, "On the other side of fear, that is where the magic is."

All gifs from

Oh, and I think I am taking a break from publishing the Secret Writers. I need some days off to just go back to being me for a while. This means longer wait times. Be patient. I need my fun back.

There are 2 pages

Its refreshing to know that even with your more reputable position in the community, you still take moments to evaluate and readjust, and most importantly, be true to yourself. That is where successful people go wrong- they lose themselves admist the success. I don't know you, but- cussing and all ;)- get the vibe that you are truly a good person, and the world needs as much of that as it can get.

Also a side note about money. While for some, money is a driving factor, remember that below those, there are very tiny minnows- tadpoles even? Where money is so nonexistient it can't even be a driving factor lol. I am very new and at this point, I've had some upvotes, some discussions, and a few cents. But, everyone of those upvotes feels amazing, even if the payout stats at zero vecause that means somewhere out there, someone is reading. We are not completely lost, and I love the excitement of that. So my point in bringing that up is that for the tiny little tadpoles, it is nice to know ypur post is even getting read, rather then wondering if a single person even saw it.

Yes, I have considered what it must be like from the vantage of a tadpole. One must never forget that all of us, even me started out at zero. I remember when my upvotes meant nothing, and I didn't even understand how to upvote. The whales would upvote strategically, when I was still upvoting like I was in facebook. I'm still not strategic in curation or upvoting. I never was. I always employed basic social media etiquette, and it's always better not to factor in past successes very much. That will actually burn people.

Yes, absolutely. I think people tend to see a successful person in their current light, and fail to consider what it took for them to get there. Your reply reminded me of a quote that I found very empowering awhile back "let your mess be your message". And not to take that literally, necause I'm not saying you are aa mess nor do I know you to know yoyr specifics. But- because you DID start in the beginning, your "message" of being able to start from the bottom and get to a successful place is inspiring to those beginning their own journey.

I know what you mean about using other social media etiquette. I used facebook the moat, and I used the like button in excess. I didn't want to not like a comment and se3m offensive, so I liked pretty much every comment made to me. Lol. I have to remind myself here that the upvote button is not the equivilent of the like button. I referred to it in a comment the other day as "still washing off other social media residue." Anyway, thanks for your reply and vote, I'm glad my thoughts were worthwhile, and I always enjoy a good conversation. :)

I still feel a certain loyalty to those who take time and create an insightful comment. I think my strength lies in the ability to hone in on those who take time to write comments. The sea out there is huge, and will continue to get bigger. Steemit could be quite powerful if the concept of mutual aid societies takes off. Creating tribes could be one of the next phases as people begin to form bonds organically that meet their needs. Also, as people begin to understand who to trust based on their interactions, they will necessarily be the ones with whom they do business. These next stages I think are just around the corner...

Your loyalaty is appreciated and encouraging. :) thats a great ability because without discussion- which takes more then one party, postbecome pretty lifeless. I have always been a comment scroller; its a way to learn more and see other view points and in turn expand yours on the topic, but that was one of the things that really got me stepping away from facebook. The comments there are more often then not name calling, arguing, and general negativity. Its really inviting to not see that here and to realize that debate and discussion is still possible without putting one another down. In fact, that was one of the things that made me explore more.

You're right about the sea only getting bigger. I think some kind of feature to "resurect" posts that weren't caught would be helpful, even an "inactive" section. General consensus that I've seen is that many quality posts go unseen. If they aren't caught right away, or kept active, they fade off and it would be nice and I think beneficial to have a way to look at these. There could be a gem there, just waiting to be dug up.

I'm sure tribes are inevitable, I juat hope they don't become cliquey... but so far Steemit as a whole has been supportive, open minded, and welcoming, so hopefully it keeps that mindset. cliques alienate, whereas tribes welcome. It will be interesting for sure to see how things devolop in the near future.

Money is only a tool. With tools you need to know how to use them, and not really abuse them. There is also a safety techniques like with any other tool. Remember a lot of lottery winners end up dead and/or worse off than before the lottery. Why? Because they have no idea about using money to improve their lives. Because they stick by the same habbits they had before winning, only throw much more money at them.

The good use of money provides freedom. Freedom to do what you consider valuable.
So a good place to start is to get your priorities together. It doesn't matter if you have money or not. Of course there are some priorities that override others, and can provide a lot of worry. Food, water, shelter, health. But after they are covered, what is important? What is fun?

Yeah, leisure activities can be fun. But they are fun for a while, and if it is only thing that you do they become tiring. I know a lot of people that say that they are not, so maybe there are people who can spend their whole life laying by the pool, but I think most of them only want that because it is something they can't have. A luxury. Luxury is primarily valuable because it is scarse, right?

Once you had your fill, what will you be up to? I think Joseph Campbel has a good idea about that. Something doing that creates "sacred space". It is different for everybody, but it is something that puts you, as the gamers say "in the zone". A lot of times if you are doing that it will also improve your financial situation. But if you are well of financially it is something that you should consider doing with your time, and stop worrying about the tools too much. I mean most people don't worry about their axes, or kitchen knives, or pencils, or computers beyond the required maintenance, or until after they break. If so much people worry about money, perhaps the money is broken? _On the bright side it is a good chance to become aware of that fact. Crisis and change are actually the same thing. It is only problematic if you try sticking with the old and don't get on with the times.

This was my one coherent post for the day. For some reason I do them better in the comments. Perhaps it has something to do with the quality of posts that provoke the comment. It is something that I noticed a long time ago in other areas, that I do much better if I have someone better to bounce off. I should think a bit about doing more colaborative work, otherwise my posts come out barely coherent and are in my opinion a jumbled mess, that I keep editing through the day. At least I know what I should work on. :-)

I experience this too, when commenting just feels so much easier to do than come up with a complete, coherent and well-designed post. Your comment was insightful, for sure. Many of us who have been chasing money, just barely enough to live, are not used to freedom. I know I am not. I have been out of money for a long time. When you don't have money, life feels dull and tiresome because you have to use your energies very wisely. I think I was working myself to death for years. This is the first real break I've been able to give myself in a long, long time. But it feels weird, very odd to not make the most out of every minute of the day like I was doing before.

I think the post provides support, and the comment is like a vine or any other little plant, maybe even a mushroom. If the post is a big strong tree, then the little plants thrive around it.
In the good environment the grassy plants support the saplings till they grow, and vise versa.

In the future when your situation improves, think about the following. When you do something you both produce and consume energy. It is best to do things that give more energy than they cost. Those things you can export, that is exchange for money. Other things that are not very efficient is possibly something that others are good at, so it might be possible to outsource them. It is best if the people around you complement each other in terms of what they enjoy doing.
I had an insight about thinking about economics and how ecosystems work, because all those things they are trying to emulate ecosystems, and those can be good or bad: variety rises, everything thrives, or things get stagnant & variety falls. Should observe & think more before having a solid model, but already there is some things are becoming apparent.

I agree with what you and @Klye are saying, and I don't get bent out of shape over the money involved on Steemit. It's not why I participate. But I have to say, I was still pretty happy this morning when you upvoted one of my posts and brought it out of the less-than-a-dollar fate it was destined for. Peace!

I did that this morning because I was putting myself in the shoes of the newbies! I was feeling those creeping $1 as if it were my own post. That's why I did that! I had to since I have not done that in a while...

Go check my posts if you get a chance. I'm all about spreading the love to the newbies. You should write a post about how active newbies are the life blood of this community. Without the newbies coming in and staying active where done. Newbies deserve more curation power, curation rewards and author rewards.

Oh well that's nice you help each other. I am still creeping and I am ok with it ! I am not a big social butterfly anymore and if you or anybody else appreciates my contribution to this platform , I am happy and it's great but if not I will still be ME in Backstage observing all ego issues . I closed my eyes for the trending pages for a while but keep my mind open to find nice content I appreciate . It's a shame I can't give them even a cent , yet . Otherwise I never gave a damn about money . I always will have enough

I remember you.... I will always do

I also remember you :) You deserve your success .
Thank YOU !!!

I remember you too. I think it's great you have mastered the 'everything in moderation' approach to life. I never mastered it. For me, it's all or nothing. Steemit is still a big game that will never be completely figured out.

Absolutely spot on. I thought Klye made some great points.

If you are constantly worried about money (or anything for that matter) you can't focus on what you actually need to do.

My personal belief is that as long as you work hard and do things right it is bound to pay off in the end and that doesn't just apply to Steemit it applies to life in general.

Successful people don't worry about things too much because worry is a form of fear. Fear is a restriction and prevents you from taking the risks you need to take in order to achieve your goals.

I think we can all fall into the fear/worry trap occasionally and it takes something to give us a kick up the backside and refocus on what is important.

Looks like Klye's post did that for you.

Well said indeed. There's no point in worrying about things that are beyond your control. All you can do is focus on the things you can control and try to maximize your chances of success. I'm reminded of an old trading adage that I try to live by: trade to trade well, not to make money. Similarly, I would say: write to write well, not to make money. Focus on consistently putting out quality content that translates your passions to the written word!

Have you ever watched Shawn Anchor's TED talk on "The Happy Secret to Better Work"? He addresses how our moods can literally impact our personal and professional success.

wow, well said. I agree with you. You need to write a book. I'd definitely read it.

Maybe one day I will :)

I 100% get what you are saying. In my life I really try to stick to the middle path. For me this means that, on steemit, I have to be very careful. I need to balance my desire to be a helpful member of this site, earn a little money, but not let it consume me to the point where I shortchange my family. Up until I posted about trying to figure out the perfect way to participate here I was definitely going overboard. After reading the responses to that post, I have reflected and pulled back a little. I don't have to be in the top 10 most active people her... I just need to enjoy the fact that this place exists. I need to stop chasing perfection. Let's all take a breath and enjoy.

I have never "wanted" money. But I have a dire "need" of it.

When money has become an obsession, that's the point where we have to pause and rethink our position. It is not the money that is EVIL, it is the LOVE of money. And I have witnessed so many people "falling in LOVE" with it that eventually met their downfall.

Rich people have so much of it not because of their LOVE of money. It is because they know how it works and how to use it to their advantage, not the other way around.

If we are consumed by it, we can be sure we are damned.

It is difficult when this platform is built on monetary rewards! Most people are consumed by the nature of this site, and are addicted to the casino feel, myself included!

I joined that same club! But when I got less-than-meager earnings on my posts, I had to accept the fact that making money in Steemit is not as glorious as it sounded. I had to change my perspective. I have never written so much in my entire life until I found Steemit. And for that, I am thankful. My writing has improved although not as comparable to yours ;-) but I have learned so much in this platform. And that, is more than money to me.

Very true! We were initially drawn here for the money and new economic potentials, but we stay for the community and knowledge. Even if Steem devalues, there is still a wealth of knowledge here. Lots of smart people with intelligent and creative ideas and stories. I think Steemit has already proven its success. Money is just one incentive. The goal is to enjoy life.

Money to live. Money to live? Seems strange doesn't it. Constant worry about bills - such a mechanical way to live. And most people are stuck, it shouldn't be that hard to break free. Something needs to changeI love your mind @stellabelle wake up calls are great. Those ones where you stop and say "what the fuck am I doing" This life is for living and it is very short. Another reason i dislike the "9-5" they make the week go so fast, you're exhausted. the only reason you do it is to make

It's incredibly hard to break free from it because you need a replacement plan going while you're working. This is exhausting, but necessary. I wrote my book largely during the time I was a car saleswoman. On my down time, which was considerable, I would be writing my book on my smartphone, using the Google Docs app. People thought I was texting. I was not! I was able to get a big chunk done that way. So, I had already started my plan while continuing to earn money. That is what is usually missing in most people's plan to "escape the 9-5". Usually, they don't know what to do. They know what they don't want to do, but usually have no idea how to replace it.

Writing a book is a great idea, and completely doable - I'm envisioning lots of people being able to put together a book from their collection of writings right here on this site. Even if Steemit never makes any of us rich, it can provide a motivation for thousands of people to write down their passions that they can then take out into the world in published form. But I do have a question about this - can people publish text elsewhere that they've published on Steemit?

Oh yes! You own your own content. Steemit has no copyrights over your own work. This is great for writers! This is why i am here! I hate a publication owning my content.

Excellent news, and all I needed to hear! I've been trying to find this out since I got here, and knowing this, the opportunities are endless!

Thank you for this. You put into words what's been creeping up in the back of my mind. Steemit could not have come at a better time for me, creatively. As a professional content writer, I'm thrilled to be able to use my gift to help business owners succeed - but of course, it's not exactly creative writing (well, not in the common sense, even though there's a level of creativity needed to make the mundane or technical interesting).

For YEARS, I've been telling myself that someday I'd free myself to write the stories rattling around in my mind. It never happened until Steemit. I was scared. Scared that they wouldn't be good enough to justify the effort and time needed to write them, mostly. Now, because there's the possibility of finding a readership and even maybe seeing their appreciation of my creations in the form of money, spending hours (ok, sometimes days) creating now feels justifiable to me. Steemit's giving us the opportunity to let multiple flames ignite in our creative minds - and then give them the air they need to burn.

If that's not life-changing for a creative, I don't know what is.

Exactly. That is precisely what I saw in Steemit too. That's why I could not turn away. It felt the solution to the problems I'd had for the last ten years. And I like that we all exposed to radically different ideas. Modern social media shields us from people who are unlike us, and it is like blinders. Steemit exposes us to everything, and it makes for a better mix of global people. Most of my long-term friends here are not Americans. They seem to be from Norway, Canada, UK, Nigeria, Germany. I find it so interesting that Steemit has been able to mostly obliterate country divides. This is a radical shift from what we have on Facebook I think. I believe it is because Steemit is meeting our needs in ways that other social media platforms cannot.

@klye is the fucking man. He really writes from his heart. I have absolute belief that even if he had received only one positive comment on his post, and not near $1k that he would still have found a reason to smile in his very @klye like way.

I don't think there will be anyone else like @klye here and the same goes with @fyrstikken. They both have such unique perspectives on the world and have humor that entertains us all.

Neither take themselves too seriously. They can take a good ribbing and not get upset about it.

Yesterday @klye was super excited about his $1300 and soon he will have well over $2000.

While the money is nce, I honestly don't look at catch a whale or try to tailor my content for anyone. If it makes a good amount of money great, but if it connects me with someone that shares a passion I have and forms a friendship, that's even better.


We have the ability to share our love through upvotes instead of just keeping them to ourselves. The more you give to others the more you get.

Selfish people are like assholes. No actually no simile needed. Selfish people are assholes.

Find your passion. Fuel others passions. Fuck the money. Find real happiness!

I don't need to be on Steemit......I want to be on Steemit. I work 7 days a week and on my 3 or 4 hours a day spent not sleeping or working, I want to be on Steemit. I like to be on Steemit. I like to find unique personalities and writers that make me think and laugh. Like u @stellabelle. There are many others that fit that bill also. Finding that uniquely skilled writer that blends humor, sarcasm and intellect is gold to me. This is why I do it. I do it for selfish reasons. To make me happy. When this becomes like work to me, I won't be doing it.

Very well articulated. I liked hearing that.

Oh, and I think I am taking a break from publishing the Secret Writers. I need some days off to just go back to being me for a while. This means longer wait times. Be patient. I need my fun back.

Can I admit something to you? Don't take it the wrong way... but I don't really read the secret writer posts... never really did. I voted on them for a while for curation rewards, but those started to dry up after a while and I realized that I wasn't being true to myself for voting for content that I didn't personally enjoy and appreciate.

Now, I certainly appreciate you. I feel like you're the conscience of Steemit in some ways. You've done a lot of things to earn my respect, and I don't really feel the need to list them here.

But, I guess what I want to say is that I want you to get back to being you. I think the secret writer project was awesome and helped a lot of people... but I also think that it came at the expense of your own personal expression, which is what I think people were originally drawn to.

I'm pretty excited to see what you're going to do next.

I like hearing your honest opinion! I hate when people get careful, so getting perspectives from others is essential if we are to live in reality and not a bubble. Thanks for your feedback. I have no idea why this comment is hidden....

I always write what's true to me... What I personally want to read. Probably most isn't even remotely interesting to most steemit users and I've always been keenly aware I'm far outside the bell curve of "normal". No different than my experience outside of steemit. Still, I don't fucking care (we're in the cuss-cool tree right?), really. I'm free to be carefree because honestly I don't care about the money. I make more than enough already. If I made a ton of cash here I'd be giddy because I achieved something. But then I'd probably get bored and stop posting. I learned a long time ago money isn't real. Ive been broke and homeless and I've been a multimillionaire. Doesn't feel much different either way. Only the chase give me any thrill. I'm just a dog that can't resist chasing a ball.

I think you are in the minority, as people have changed their writing behavior in favor of getting rewards.

I am curious how you became a millionaire, did you write about that?

Rock on @stellabelle. I've been thinking about this for a while also:

What will happen when the big celebrities enter the scene and the REAL competition shows up?

I've already positioned my expectations to know I'll be ignored. And I'm fine with that. I'm a programmer, not a writer, and yet somehow I've managed to gain over 400 followers. I'm probably swimming in a small pool that's soon to become an ocean. I'm doing what I can while I can. After that, I'll enjoy the pros and reminisce about the payouts I once got.

As for ignoring the money, give this script a try. Just 24 hours will change your perspective. It's good stuff.

@lukestroke couldn't comment anymore so I write my reply here . I just saw your fantastic post now and as many others I read and like your posts a lot . Sometimes I don't vote because I could not even give you a cent. I don't know what CSS is but the $ sign never influenced me anyways and this since I became a member a few weeks ago. I am sure it would be helpful for many I observed in silence. I am happy as long as I got enough to order some tracks on @radiosteem :)

Thanks for the feedback!

i tried to comment on your post, here it is
This is brilliant!
"I know I'm not the only one that does this... let's be honest, we're all addicted."
Yes, it does start to affect one's ability to enjoy! I felt bad when I saw a young kid trying to get upvotes on his post, but it didn't work! It was still at $00.00!!!!
This is a great idea, have you done it recently?

Thank you!

have you done it recently?

Not recently, no. I think that first 24 hour reset really helped me not only think about the payouts differently, but also respect the influence of my little $0.12-$0.15 vote. To me, voting up that $0.00 payment to $0.12 could be the difference between the author abandoning the site or sticking around to see what's possible. The money symbols can be a good thing, if we approach it with the right state of mind.

I read @klye s post too and I agree. I was not a blogger or any kind of writer (professionally) before I got here, so I didn't expect much. I am inspired to do more however and I have learned a lot and I find that if I stay away from the trending area, I find much that interests and inspires me. The trending slot seems to me to be filled with a lot of whales stroking each others egos. Just my opinion. The really inspired content comes from us little guys for the most part. Some who had a following and some who are building one. Fuck the money! Love it.

Most of my posts average under 10 cents, save for one random act of upvoting in the last couple of days. It can be hard sometimes, ESPECIALLY since the best writing of my life is pouring out onto steemit.

Then I remember, before steemit, I wasnt writing anything of quality, and I never got paid for a single writing I've ever done. So 10 cents is more recognition than I've had before.

Granted, I miss the followings I've had in the past, but I figure that if I keep up, I might be able to grow. If nothing else, I'm doing something creative, something that drives me, and I'm producing content. That alone allows me to appreciate steemit, for if all else fails, I have something to show for it.

This is nice to hear. I continue to experiment with my short stories, my awareness posts and my writing about flow states and such. Because I love it and I have a small but dedicated number of friends that tell me my writing means something to them.

I find a lot of inspiration in your posts, and though I might miss some of them I do look out for them. I just miss being able to chat with you on a regular basis! Have you been able to get on the rocket chat yet?

No I haven't. But I appreciate that you look out and perhaps I'll try and get back in the next week I'm trying to catch up with some friends posts xx Thank you.

Finally someone has said what I've been saying for a long time in a more eloquent way. From the beginning, I've been of the camp that if you weren't going to write the post for free, then you shouldn't post it.

That's the reason I post very little. Look at my history and you'll see that my actual posts a old and honestly, shitty.

The thing is, I posted those because I actually wanted to. Not because there was money at the end of it. I haven't even cashed any of my steem for this very reason!

Steemit isn't and shouldn't be about the money. It's about creating a creative collective and having a place to share ideas without oppression. I love steemit, but I hate the money-grab mentality that has become so prevalent.

Fuck the money and just express yourself.

I know. The money-grab feeling is truly leading to sub-par posts. The quality is why writers are not coming here. They don't take it seriously. I've asked many writers including the VICE writer. He's not convinced that it's quality in here. I am not sure if this will get ironed out or not. It remains to be seen. I am optimistic, but I am also a realist. Anything could happen. If more people step out of their money-encrusted shells, and stop "trying" to make a post, I think we could see the quality increase. It's tricky though!

I couldn't agree more, but I don't have a solution so it's always hard for me to truly argue about something when I don't have an answer.

Do you think maybe we should change the attraction slogans ? ie: Blog, get paid or Come to Blog and get paid for it ..? I am not a "Blogger" or writer at all. (not what I came for) I'm just trying to say this is NOT enticing "Pro" writers to come here, but it IS drawing a LOT of people trying to make money blogging ... so, perhaps a different approach in our ad campaigns ? maybe Where Quality Reigns or Where Quality Blogging Pays ...w/e. Not really suggestions, just trying to convey my idea ..
Thank You for YOUR content & dedication !!!! just my .02 SBD
Read More, Reason More ... JTS

This is easy for you to say... you don't have to buy a new Death Star.

Your riddles continue and my former star was death itself. It cannot be bought or sold again. What was once is no longer and can never be recovered. That water, the water, water, retaw. The third layer calls.........

This is the point that I want to say: FUCK THE MONEY. JUST FUCKING FORGET ABOUT IT.

Says the person with an estimated account value of $194,870.53 in their Steemit wallet.

I can see why some people find that strange.. But seriously though. Look at the payouts. From $1000+ posts to ~$100.. That's one helluva reason to start to analyze things. And she did. She realized that she started to care about the money more than sharing things she did previously, in the beginning of her journey.

She is one of the most reputable users on steemit. I for one, wouldn't take her words lightly. Take it as a huge experience and use it as a tool.. I've been in a similar situation too, even though I'm still just seaweed in comparison to stellabelle. - If you only think about the money when you publish your content, you'll end up with nothing. Or perhaps something.. But if you share things you truly want to share .. People will find those posts sooner or later.. And when they do, then you'll reap the rewards.

Dry whale teats make one think.

that account balance could easily evaporate if the Steemit experiment fails. People tend to forget that Steemit is in beta still. My account used to be worth over $300,000. I'm gambling with my time, afterall, since I left all my jobs. Steem is full of risk and I think a survival instinct is rearing its head. I don't live in any exuberant way. I live the same as I did when I made $2000 per month. So, your analysis is not exactly correct, however I do see your point and it's a valid one. I was very poor before Steemit, and my mindset is still reflecting a type of poverty. That is what is going on, I suppose.

You read my mind @saltysardine Maybe better to try some chocolate cake for a change with some whipped cream on top if vanilla ice cream with strawberries was not enough. One day people like you and next day all might be gone again . What's left is only YOU.

I'm brought to a smile when I read this post and I'm glad that my article resonated with you. Although I am not a perfect person by any means I do try and share what value and information I have been able to gather so far with others in hopes they succeed and do not have to go through the same as I have had to to learn these lessons.


well thanks @stellebelle for trying to be one of the minnows :) we appreciate it.

This was a nice read @stellabelle, as always.

I've shared similar stories like this one. My experience and that I lost myself. I started to doubt my own content and I started to doubt myself due to the success I had when I first joined steemit. I had great success, multiple times. 2-3 days in a row with $600+ payouts etc. (I know it might sound low to others but for me, it's the best experience I've ever had online, and I work full time online as a freelancer). However, I lost myself as the whale votes stopped. I started to make $3-$6 on all of my posts.. That was obviously scary... And honestly, it still is.

Even though I've managed to "pull myself up" again, I still have concerns. I share those concerns with other users too. I can clearly see why you started to think about the money when the whales "abandoned" you.. You had a great success. You made a butt load of money .. And suddenly, most of it disappeared.

You often don't realize what you have until it's gone.. You probably took things for granted, just like I did. I went huge when I joined and I immediately thought that I would do it on every post I made. It was easy. It was awesome.

I've always liked your content. I've always appreciated your secret-writer stories even if I haven't always upvoted your content. But I do like the things you do.. I hope you'll be able to come back to your real self again.. And I look forward to it!

Best of luck to both of us! :)

It is a weird feeling when the whale teat caves in on itself and you find yourself in the middle of the sea trying to suckle a teat that has long ago shriveled up. Paranoia and over-thinking ensue, leaving you once again to embrace the ones who around you, the minnows, who know all too well how you're feeling. It feels a little like an identity crisis.

By forgetting the money you will free your creativity. True?!

Yes. Yes. YES! Get your fun back and forget about the money. Find your purpose again. Hell, I've always said if (anything) stops being fun, don't do it.

I'm still having fun on Steemit. Today I posted about my first month here and I'm not sweating it because... well... because I don't have any fucking money. LOL But the way I see things, I'm reading things of interest. I'm learning something new every day. Heck! I'm celebrating 85 followers because I've interacted with them and got to see them as people - and not dollar signs.

You got on my radar by the simple fact that you are a whale (I know that sounds shitty) but honestly, I've seen how you mentor people and your comments are thought out. That takes an incredible amount of time - especially if you're committing to 100 posts a day (which I think is a little nuts, but hey, to each their own).

Secret Writer has been a joy to read because of the honest on just about any subject. i hope you don't lose your passion for it. There's a reason you're at the top of the list, @stellabelle

So here you go:

How Stella got her groove back

Grab a cocktail, breathe deep and get your groove back :D

I've never worried about what I think other people may or may not like about my writing. I just write. Sometimes it's receieved well, sometimes it's not received at all. Once written and shared, there's not much more I can do about it.

This week, I've finally started seeing some results here on Steemit. It's great to finally get some rewards for my efforts, but I would continue writing even if I had received nothing. It's more important for me to know that my work is seen and that I get feedback on it. Making money is secondary - although it is definitely great to be paid for what I enjoy doing.

I hope we can all continue doing this. It may not be able to support the personal needs of every single user, but knowing that we have a chance to be seen and rewarded is much better than having neither.

I like this !

I totally agree, if it comes it comes but there is no point getting out of shape and chasing the money no matter how subtly. One of the things I dislike seeing is a particular type of post being successful then everyone doing it. I can't list example stories or I would be hung! I have been guilty of it too with some of my posts but am genuinely trying to relax into just being me.

It is a struggle for sure, considering we all have a mammal brain!

Damn our mammalian ancestrage!!!

I have always wanted to live in a cashless society. I am seriously tired of the insanity that money brings. What is wrong with barter?
That is what I am and have been saying for a LONG time!
I also am happy to see that there are others who understand that money is not important. It just isn't.
We need to help one another. That is everything happiness is. Being a community of friends who help each other when the need arises.
Have fun!

It is human nature that we start to no longer enjoy the shiny new toy. As with any relationship if we want it to be successful we then have to roll up the sleeves and get to work.

When the shiny wore off of Google Plus I doubled down the work and built an amazing business out of it. The same will happen here.

Or it could all crash and burn, indeed, anything is possible.


Ironic, since you are already a whale, people will upvote and you won't know if its for the money or your content. That's the mindfuck you have to deal with.

I upvote only what I heartily like and I critisize whoever I feel like even if it's a whale. I got flagged from a couple of them but that's just to show that you need to see beyond the money and not just petty politics to get along with everyone. Remember about that "pocking stick" you told me about? Not for me. I don't like falling into rabbit holes.

I am not technically a whale. I believe I am an Orca at this stage. Berniesanders is a whale. I have a fraction of his SP. I live in rabbit holes. I love them. I get mad once the magic drinks wear off, though.


We all end up comparing ourselves with something bigger and greater. You make more money per post than the average 10 members combined writing all day. It is unrealistic to try and give advice for money on Steemit when you woke up wih golden sheets in it.

I am so with you this time, your article is very useful for me. thank you for the information

I'm not sure you ever lost your fun, I mean when I think Stella, I think fun.... Or sometimes a street car named desire, I probably think that more often than fun, but fun's a close second.

But I know the difference! I am sleeping normally! I am not seized by mad impulses like I was in the beginning. I need that zeal in order to feel alive.

We definitely don't want you boring stellabelle! lol Don't be afraid to challenge your own creative boundaries. Even, If those boundaries aren't "popular" with the masses. You won't always hit a "Homerun" at bat. As long as you can lay your head down at night and be at peace with who you really are Inside: That's ALL really that matters. Take care:)

thanks for your comment.

People are naturally venturous, but often trying to escape this feeling in favor of comfort. It's a safe, but boring ride.

Life is short and bla-bla-bla but Steemit is such a good place to be wild:)

I'm in favor of making it customary for the dolphins to power up before taking rewards as cash out.
The ultimate goal of this platform is to make money for writers, and there is nothing wrong with that.
If you power up and take your rewards over the 104 payments you give both stability and predictability to the market.
Without powering down there would be no steem on the market, so powering down is important.
I'm just asking that it be taken out in payments and not right away.

Very good post. Thank you!

This is an extremely blunt but awesome post and words to live/steem by! Thanks to @klye for inspiring you and thank you for elaborating and sharing! This will open a lot of peoples' eyes. Steemit needs more genuine content, not money-driven drivel.

if you don't have it you worry about it tho, can't be helped

It's my first day on Steemit and it's so fascinating that now it's 01:52-ouch!
Read you later,

Welcome to the FUN !

Oh Hellloooo Stellabelle! Nice to have YOU back ;-)

That's great. Do you remember that TED talk by Dan Pink, on how financial reward really screwed with cognitive tasks? I'm sure that's been happening to me here, with even an iota of return and I start dreaming and stop writing.

There's a quote from Auden, which goes something like amateur poets think of metre and structure and meaning; professional writers think of royalties. Well, stuff that! I am an amateur.

F-it! I don't want my comment voted up to Zero-Zillion Dollars!

In the interest of continuing your trend, all I cnn say is:

Fuck yes!

The hell with the fucking money. Steemit is about turning the social media sector on its ear. Yeah, sure, the money is great, but I'd rather become known on here for good content and not for becoming just another whale.

By the way, this is my 250th post. I was saving it for something important. This is it.

This is a fantastic post and I hope that it gets read by as many people as possible.
You have inspired me greatly with this post.
Steemit has enormous potential if the system can somehow find a balance between creativity and commercial activities.

I applaud your decision because it is the only sustainable path to creative greatness.

Hopefully, your decision will encourage others like myself to reach inside of ourselves to find and enthusiastically exercise our true passions thereby raising our collective ability to make a better more beautiful world.

The future on Steemit looks very bright indeed because of you. Bravo and Bravo again.

I look forward to seeing more from you.

Have a great weekend.

I'm glad to know you. I'm glad I've read this post from you. I'm glad you're on Steemit!

This is exactly what I've been thinking for some time, although in my position it's very difficult not to, I'm having trouble even breaking into the 9-5 let alone escaping it.
But for the first time I actually see the possibility of earning a living combining the things I love most writing and crochet (and more) so each time the money worries rear their head I throw myself into a project, to design something new and that is exhilarating and led to wonderful ideas both on and off steemit.
since i forced my focus away from the money amazing things have started to happen. I'm now working with my sister, we have our first commission through steemit (i don't normally sell but this design request was so touching and such an exciting project to work on we couldn't refuse). And the crocheted animation we made with our children has become the inspiration to make a children's how to crochet series for you tube.
Yes of course I'm hoping I can build an income through all of this I still have my dream of buying a house in Sweden big enough to host crochet workshop holidays, but for now I'm just enjoying the wild ride of creativity and new lease of life that steemit has gifted me.

Stella, I love your writing style and am kind of confused as to how I hadn't stumbled upon your blog sooner! Thanks for this post. Best of luck. :)

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