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RE: Forget About The Fucking Money On Steemit For A Second, Dedicated To @Klye Who Shook Up My Brain!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Money is only a tool. With tools you need to know how to use them, and not really abuse them. There is also a safety techniques like with any other tool. Remember a lot of lottery winners end up dead and/or worse off than before the lottery. Why? Because they have no idea about using money to improve their lives. Because they stick by the same habbits they had before winning, only throw much more money at them.

The good use of money provides freedom. Freedom to do what you consider valuable.
So a good place to start is to get your priorities together. It doesn't matter if you have money or not. Of course there are some priorities that override others, and can provide a lot of worry. Food, water, shelter, health. But after they are covered, what is important? What is fun?

Yeah, leisure activities can be fun. But they are fun for a while, and if it is only thing that you do they become tiring. I know a lot of people that say that they are not, so maybe there are people who can spend their whole life laying by the pool, but I think most of them only want that because it is something they can't have. A luxury. Luxury is primarily valuable because it is scarse, right?

Once you had your fill, what will you be up to? I think Joseph Campbel has a good idea about that. Something doing that creates "sacred space". It is different for everybody, but it is something that puts you, as the gamers say "in the zone". A lot of times if you are doing that it will also improve your financial situation. But if you are well of financially it is something that you should consider doing with your time, and stop worrying about the tools too much. I mean most people don't worry about their axes, or kitchen knives, or pencils, or computers beyond the required maintenance, or until after they break. If so much people worry about money, perhaps the money is broken? _On the bright side it is a good chance to become aware of that fact. Crisis and change are actually the same thing. It is only problematic if you try sticking with the old and don't get on with the times.

This was my one coherent post for the day. For some reason I do them better in the comments. Perhaps it has something to do with the quality of posts that provoke the comment. It is something that I noticed a long time ago in other areas, that I do much better if I have someone better to bounce off. I should think a bit about doing more colaborative work, otherwise my posts come out barely coherent and are in my opinion a jumbled mess, that I keep editing through the day. At least I know what I should work on. :-)


I experience this too, when commenting just feels so much easier to do than come up with a complete, coherent and well-designed post. Your comment was insightful, for sure. Many of us who have been chasing money, just barely enough to live, are not used to freedom. I know I am not. I have been out of money for a long time. When you don't have money, life feels dull and tiresome because you have to use your energies very wisely. I think I was working myself to death for years. This is the first real break I've been able to give myself in a long, long time. But it feels weird, very odd to not make the most out of every minute of the day like I was doing before.

I think the post provides support, and the comment is like a vine or any other little plant, maybe even a mushroom. If the post is a big strong tree, then the little plants thrive around it.
In the good environment the grassy plants support the saplings till they grow, and vise versa.

In the future when your situation improves, think about the following. When you do something you both produce and consume energy. It is best to do things that give more energy than they cost. Those things you can export, that is exchange for money. Other things that are not very efficient is possibly something that others are good at, so it might be possible to outsource them. It is best if the people around you complement each other in terms of what they enjoy doing.
I had an insight about thinking about economics and how ecosystems work, because all those things they are trying to emulate ecosystems, and those can be good or bad: variety rises, everything thrives, or things get stagnant & variety falls. Should observe & think more before having a solid model, but already there is some things are becoming apparent.