i'm not even here for the money, yet i'm also annoyed that bullshit carries away heaps of coins, wile my serious work doesn't even get read, and hen it is read, and someone votes on it i still don't even get 1 cent LOL About all my posts are dead posts, so the idea to make the zombies walk sounds good to me.
I can however feel a cheetah hiding in the bushes.... If you know what i mean?
And i think it is going to snack on zombie bones
Hey @underground!!! I hope you are doing well! yes I have noticed you have been pretty busy lately, I haven't been spending nearly as much time on steemit as I used to. This place can be hard on the head, Seems like ppl notice my near absence more than my presence! I noticed a few trying to promote me in their posts to help me out and am very grateful for that. Do you know how I can get a notification when someone does a shoutout? I may miss some at times.
As @bifilarcoil says, I'm not in for the money and never was just get tiresome to see poor quality rise to the top while many hard working minnows or red fish struggle to get 20 views on most of their posts. I think it gives a poor image of the platform as a whole and new users copy the behavior on the trending page and perpetuate the low effort that gets rewarded.
Don't give up @bifilarcoil, we'll find a way to get out there in time penny by penny! Just stay true to yourself and continue to publish great content. Once in a while one of the many great curation trails like @ocd or @curie might notice you and help you. They do a good job at searching for undervalued content daily on the platform. As for cheetah, he's not that bad, add a bit of new material and it is real people behind the bot and they do read comments, just explain yourself and the situation and add some fresh material to the older post also state in the post that it's a re-post due to lack of viewership.
Yea we'll get there. good people find eachother at the bottom of the dungeon :-)
Cheetah ... i can't see goodness in poor executed patchwork o be honest. Yet i hope that i'm wrong. just cant see it yet.
an ISP should not be policing it's users
So let the cheetah lay in the sun and leave us alone. :-)
lol . Bad experiences eh!! I had an encounter with the kitty cat during my early days because I post my pictures on my personal facebook. All I had to do is explain my case and I posted one of my Steemit post on my facebook account and I never seen cheetah again. There is a lot of plagiarism on Steemit and cheetah is just trying to help, she just needs a bit of love.
not bad experience as such, just the worn people doing the policing for the elite copyright industry.
An ISP should not even think of policing it's own platform. this is asking for corruption. and inequality.
Plagiarism is a hoax, your mom does she claim copyright on her best soup recipe?
Or are you free to adjust it to your own taste, elaboration on her skills?
Same with information. Set it free, let people elaborate and improve it, or just copy it for that matter. And then maybe a cheetah like thing can try to find a link to the very fist 'creator'? ,.... But why? Why do we need that ego trip? Once people get more creatice and start to enjoy to adjust and improve the cooking source code then we all can evolve together in peace
The money system is the bigger problem. THATS the actual cause of 'plagiarism'
The need to have more to be able to earn even more is just oldskool bankers bullshit.
We need a system that is most efficient at the 'enough' level. and the more you have THE HARDER it gets to earn more, and the less you have the more easy it becomes to always have enough so that you don't have to starve to dead when things get a bit difficult.
Its a different approach that still needs a lot of refinement, but this should be the basics in the raw form somehow.
cheetah needs to be set free in the wild, that the most love a cheetah can get. total freedom. not being some drone for the copyright police. :-p
what i'm talking about is a fa cry from a mom making a recipe. Take a good look around the platform and see how many people rip off a picture/text/artwork/videos from the internet without consent or linking to their source and taking credit for someone else's work and getting paid for it. It's not just stuff from big corporation but from regular people. If I ever found someone taking credit for my work that I worked hard to produce, I would be petty upset and heads would roll. Why should someone else be making money off of my intellectual property without my knowledge or approval and claiming it as their own? I know it's a chance to take when we upload our content on the internet.
It may not look like it right now but the point of steemit is to give average regular people a chance to display and monetize their skills/art/knowledge since the world doesn't allow for regular joes like us to get recognized. Is the money the problem or is it personal ethics of each individual users? I know the world makes it harder and harder to make a fair wage but at the end of the day how much money does the average person from the developed world waste on absolute useless overpriced crap acquired with credit( one example, smartphones) to keep up with the Jones?. Is it the corporations fault for offering products or is the people that need to take accountability for their spending habits or life and education choices? The world isn't a pretty place but it's not a free for all either. I'm not rich but I still earn a good wages because I've worked hard to get to where I am professionally and got a degree that has a lot of demand for my skill and continue to periodically go to school and acquire more specialized training to stay current and relevant in my field. Is it glorious work? no, not one bit. Is it fulfilling? nope but it pays the bills and as long as the world is reliant on electricity/ oil/ fertilizers or any system that relies on highly pressurized steam, I have employment and I started off as homeless in my teens with no parents to rely on and work my way up and I also had to leave my home town and the life I knew and move across the country to get there. If I was able to do it, just about anybody can it just takes will power and good critical thinking skills instead of an attitude of defeat and giving up on life People need to find a different mindset/strategy and not blame everyone else for their downfall. It's a hard thing to do but it is the solution.
Steemit can get sued for the use of copyrighted material and they are trying to take steps to protect their investment and Cheetah may be flawed a little but this platform is still in beta and the original concept was for users to have a means to create original content. not a copy paste article/photo/ video from the internet that someone else created. I know the platform is quickly breaking away from it's original intent for now and it's hard to get visibility unless we buy huge SP to begin with that's just part of the growing pains of the social experiment Steemit is. The platform will be what the people make it as a collective.
cheetah kills a post. It does not matter that it "upvoted" you, people see the cheetah avatar and move on, do not even read your post. They are NOT doing good work, they are self appointed little tyrants shitting on newbies.
And the zombie post is an EXCELLENT idea, except cheetah will kill every effort.