Steemit Zombies are coming! A protest against the poor distribution of wealth at steemit!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Armageddon is here.

While I do believe that staying positive is the only way to create a positive change, there are real problems at this platform which, while often talked about, are not being properly addressed.

When the posts you put your heart and soul into get little to no attention, you start to question what you are doing here. Some of us experience this despite being here for months and having tons of well respected followers. You might feel less encouraged to post or you might change what you post about or even suck up to those with larger accounts. You may find yourself discouraged about your future here or about the platform itself. This only leads to more shitposting, bot usage, and behavior which doesn’t help others much or doesn’t feel like who you are.

Decentralized currency with centralized power

The nature of the system allows users with more SP to sway huge portions of the reward pool with their ideas of how the system should work, encouraging minnows to jump on this bandwagon or the other. A huge portion of rewards finds its way back to upvote bots, which may benefit the user but becomes a crutch. Even valuable members of the community who have been here over a year like @scandanavianlife claim that they will not get any significant payout without taking advantage of such bots. Some users like @haejin feel it’s ok to post 10x a day for $200 a day, mostly through self-upvoting. Other users like @berniesanders may try to do what they believe is good for the system, but at the same time pressure users to conform to their point of view Or shut up about it. People are quick to point the finger st this one or that one, but perhaps we should focus more energy on ourselves and what’s we can do to make the platform better as we improve our own position on it, rather than feeding the polarizing debates.

We all have different ideas about how to solve this problem, and while we disagree the powerful get more powerful and the majority of minnows still eat scraps and are told to shut up and smile about it cause $0.50 is better than nothing. They are lectured about human nature and how they’ll be there someday, as if trickle down economics actually works in the long term.

This is a sorry state we are in.

Don’t get me wrong, we are all VERY fortunate to be here. Steemit has allowed some of us to peek into new possibilities where we are able to build our lives the way we see fit, earning money for just being who we are. This platform has literally changed my life for the better and I love the people here. But the system is easily gamed and so our potential rewards often go to those who game the system. We don’t have to sit back and just deal with it.

We should not focus on demonizing these people but instead focus on changing the conversation.

These people all have their own perspectives. Even among friends we don’t always ahree about what’s fair and while I don’t think it’s wrong to have strong opinions about how we go about interacting on the blockchain, we do much better as a community when we form a consensus.

As @berniesanders has shown us, sometimes trolling is the easiest way to draw attention and support from people who have more power in the system. Demanding better conditions can accomplish way more than whining in the chat rooms about our small payout and the misbehavior of certain whales.

But how do we demand better treatment when we seem to have so little power?

The Necromancer Of Steemit

Some of you may know me as the organizer of “The Deadpost Initiative”. I would like to expand on this idea and bring forth an army of high quality zombies upon the steemit ecosystem in an act of protest but more than than, in a statement of self empowerment.

First, let me explain The Deadpost Initiative. It is a weekly contest that invites undervalued steemians to share their undervalued posts and receive rewards and comments for it. The initiative has been going on for 22 weeks and has not really grown significantly. My goal was to be able to reward 5-10 minnows with 5-10 Steem each for posts which deserved a lot more than they got. Instead, most weeks we get about $3-8 in total payout for awesome minnows who believe in the project, but little support from dolphins and whales. @ats-David and 2-3 others helped us out once or twice and @bubke a few times as well but often our biggest upvote is from @irreverent-dan who is still a minnow himself, though larger than myself. @amariespeaks donated $8 this week despite being at around 250 SP herself. The project has shown me both how awesome people are and how broken the system is when one whale upvote is worth so many thousands of upvotes from others and there are so few whales around.

At times I want to rage against the whales and dolphins for not supporting this project when meanwhile we see things like @dmania apparently receiving delegation from @ned which is taken advantage of by dolphins and minnows alike. But again this is not about pointing fingers. The fact is, many whales and dolphins are TRYING to act responsibly with their power. But if those great whales and dolphins are too few and too spread thin and busy to notice us and help us grow, we need to find another way.

I propose that all of us who feel under appreciated or undervalued spam steemit by reposting our undervalued QUALITY CONTENT. We are told quality content will pay off, now let’s demand proof!

This will be a nice way to vent our frustration when no one notices our posts and when we see shit posts doing better than our life’s passion! I think it will serve us and serve the platform much better than trying to change ourselves in order to receive payout, or getting discouraged and quitting the platform or posting less.

Let’s bring the deadposts back to life on a mass scale. Rather than shitposting, why not just spam with really good content?

We will organize under a tag #steemitzombies and support each other’s zombie posts through resteeming. I think we should also add a little blurb at the top explaining why we are reposting and any other extra information about the post.

The goal

The goal of this protest will be to raise awareness of all of our friends and fellow steemians who we feel deserve more than they get and advancing our own personal status as individuals on the platform so that we can have our piece of the pie and share larger upvotes with people who deserve them. We want a distribution of wealth that reflects a distribution of talent, passion, and hard work, and until we get it, we will rage against this machine.

This is not a war. We are not fighting with anyone. We are just putting our foot down and saying we will be ourselves and post what we want to post, and insist that we are worth more, even if we don't feel like playing by others rules. We hope that more whales and dolphins notice us as individuals and if they don't at least we can work less than churning out new material every day or sacrificing our standards if we want some kind of payout.

Why should we mind seeing the same post a few times our feeds, there is so much great material that we don't have time to read. It's better than letting it all go to waste!

Building Consensus and community

Rather than deciding all the details by myself, I’d like to open this to discussion first. I want to brainstorm with others about how to make this as beneficial as possible to the widest amount of honest and dedicated steemians. It would be nice if we could get a curation group going for zombie posts (we will need curators and delegators). I’d also like ideas about how we can make the biggest impact and get some dolphins and whales onboard to help us. I am not looking to do this all by myself, or be in charge of this project, id like it to be a community effort to improve things at steemit and help turn it into everything it could and should be.

Come find me on discord. I will be in the “Be Awesome” chat for now but we will likely openca different discord for this if enough people are interested.

Please shoot this a resteem if you are onboard.


Join the "Be Awesome" discord community

The Be Awesome discord chat, was created with the intention of making deeper connections with fellow steemians. Come talk about "deep shit" and make friends.

I’m also a language learning coach. Come find me if you need help learning a language.

Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories


I welcome crypto gifts :-D


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by @skyleap


I'm very selective with what I resteemit, but this one is put myself behind. I am Relatively new here . have read a bit about the war but like most of the minnows am trying to and keep me outside just of fear. but a dont like it and a see all the time good post that get no attention and the the sea of shit post who gets so much more. It's scary in the long run.
a have some posts who could need a little more love am going to see what's going on later.
am if a see a good re upload gets it up vote.

Don’t be scared of the war. Stay away because it’s a waste of energy. I talk about it because I know users who have been here longer than me and posted great material consistently and are still struggling cause there aren’t enough whales out there to reward us all and so dragging out that kind of drama benefits them but it hurts everyone else.

Making friends with similar perspectives or passion is essential to do well on steemit. It’s only half of the equation but a very vital half so keep leaving great comments and getting to know people better.

this is true in my short time here I have found myself a little gang of users
it works very well. am in my bubbling there but difficult and avoiding the war and neither do you want to. find out what I can do with it. So as u are saying, just ignore them and hope that the rest of the little people do the same.
a have a I have a rule here when I find a new user ho is who posted something good , I add a comment and an upvote a few times. if a get a response a can follow if not am out.

All you can do is what you can do. Post what you like and share and promote and comment on things you like. Focus on that. And that is the risk of life in the real world both online and offline. Life does not guarantee success and wealth ever, or maybe not always. Be happy with the potential, brand yourself, relate to people, and be patient.

I agree with all your points! Following you!

No need for fear, we actually need people to discuss the subject with good constructive criticism.
Warn us all that you posted something and make us react.

We are in this bullshit together, we can oly lift eachouter out. So we need you to give us a hand so that we all become a bit stonger. We have all have two hands, the bullshitters oly have one 'shithole' so we should have double the power IF we all help eachother a little.

Please correct me if i'm wrong. :-)


of these so so things happen.u not wrong at all @bifilarcoil . just find the most correct road. its seams like more users are speaks

So rant with both hands my friend. Don't wait for change, be the change.
And sure sometimes you will grab in bullshit and get your hands dirty. But at least you will have warm hands, right. :-)

I can agree with much of what you say. This place is a voting circle for the rich to get richer and the hell with everyone else. I often pondered leaving because I believe my thoughts are worth more than what a lot of spam gets rewarded yet aside from the occasional post that do well, most of them are worth next to nothing and I'm also tired of seeing other worthy posts earn a few cents but I can't do much to help with my 2 cent vote. I do believe in the concept of steemit and it could be a great place if it was used appropriately. I also believe the current price also reflects the state of the platform and that less and less people believe in it's future. out of almost 1 million accounts, only 60 000 are active, that also speaks volume of the current issues and I'm sure many great writers have left because they think they deserve more and that's unfortunate but I don't blame them. With that being said, it's the first I hear about the deadpost initiative and I think it's a lovely idea to introduce the tag #steemitzombies to help each other out. How would we post under that tag? copy paste an old post with a few added features and a link to the deadpost?

It's a good idea LadyBug!
:D How have you been?
I've been TOO BUSY, but this idea is a pretty solid one, I believe you can do darn near anything like that as long as you use the Quote Tags and linkbacks. The people getting in trouble with Cheetah and Steemcleaners are just fk'n LAZY! One can use the proper references and attribution, and add their own input and be Just FINE!
Don't give up yet, check out the many minnow initiatives that are out there. We have a lot of people over 50 Rep that are still struggling, and it's usually lack of being plugged in with the right groups. It is getting Better! I know you are getting around more, I see your name popping up in a lot of my folk's posts that I curate and help promote. YOU CAN DO IT!!! :D

i'm not even here for the money, yet i'm also annoyed that bullshit carries away heaps of coins, wile my serious work doesn't even get read, and hen it is read, and someone votes on it i still don't even get 1 cent LOL About all my posts are dead posts, so the idea to make the zombies walk sounds good to me.

I can however feel a cheetah hiding in the bushes.... If you know what i mean?

And i think it is going to snack on zombie bones

Hey @underground!!! I hope you are doing well! yes I have noticed you have been pretty busy lately, I haven't been spending nearly as much time on steemit as I used to. This place can be hard on the head, Seems like ppl notice my near absence more than my presence! I noticed a few trying to promote me in their posts to help me out and am very grateful for that. Do you know how I can get a notification when someone does a shoutout? I may miss some at times.

As @bifilarcoil says, I'm not in for the money and never was just get tiresome to see poor quality rise to the top while many hard working minnows or red fish struggle to get 20 views on most of their posts. I think it gives a poor image of the platform as a whole and new users copy the behavior on the trending page and perpetuate the low effort that gets rewarded.

Don't give up @bifilarcoil, we'll find a way to get out there in time penny by penny! Just stay true to yourself and continue to publish great content. Once in a while one of the many great curation trails like @ocd or @curie might notice you and help you. They do a good job at searching for undervalued content daily on the platform. As for cheetah, he's not that bad, add a bit of new material and it is real people behind the bot and they do read comments, just explain yourself and the situation and add some fresh material to the older post also state in the post that it's a re-post due to lack of viewership.

Yea we'll get there. good people find eachother at the bottom of the dungeon :-)
Cheetah ... i can't see goodness in poor executed patchwork o be honest. Yet i hope that i'm wrong. just cant see it yet.

an ISP should not be policing it's users

So let the cheetah lay in the sun and leave us alone. :-)

lol . Bad experiences eh!! I had an encounter with the kitty cat during my early days because I post my pictures on my personal facebook. All I had to do is explain my case and I posted one of my Steemit post on my facebook account and I never seen cheetah again. There is a lot of plagiarism on Steemit and cheetah is just trying to help, she just needs a bit of love.

not bad experience as such, just the worn people doing the policing for the elite copyright industry.
An ISP should not even think of policing it's own platform. this is asking for corruption. and inequality.

Plagiarism is a hoax, your mom does she claim copyright on her best soup recipe?
Or are you free to adjust it to your own taste, elaboration on her skills?

Same with information. Set it free, let people elaborate and improve it, or just copy it for that matter. And then maybe a cheetah like thing can try to find a link to the very fist 'creator'? ,.... But why? Why do we need that ego trip? Once people get more creatice and start to enjoy to adjust and improve the cooking source code then we all can evolve together in peace

The money system is the bigger problem. THATS the actual cause of 'plagiarism'

The need to have more to be able to earn even more is just oldskool bankers bullshit.

We need a system that is most efficient at the 'enough' level. and the more you have THE HARDER it gets to earn more, and the less you have the more easy it becomes to always have enough so that you don't have to starve to dead when things get a bit difficult.

Its a different approach that still needs a lot of refinement, but this should be the basics in the raw form somehow.

cheetah needs to be set free in the wild, that the most love a cheetah can get. total freedom. not being some drone for the copyright police. :-p

what i'm talking about is a fa cry from a mom making a recipe. Take a good look around the platform and see how many people rip off a picture/text/artwork/videos from the internet without consent or linking to their source and taking credit for someone else's work and getting paid for it. It's not just stuff from big corporation but from regular people. If I ever found someone taking credit for my work that I worked hard to produce, I would be petty upset and heads would roll. Why should someone else be making money off of my intellectual property without my knowledge or approval and claiming it as their own? I know it's a chance to take when we upload our content on the internet.

It may not look like it right now but the point of steemit is to give average regular people a chance to display and monetize their skills/art/knowledge since the world doesn't allow for regular joes like us to get recognized. Is the money the problem or is it personal ethics of each individual users? I know the world makes it harder and harder to make a fair wage but at the end of the day how much money does the average person from the developed world waste on absolute useless overpriced crap acquired with credit( one example, smartphones) to keep up with the Jones?. Is it the corporations fault for offering products or is the people that need to take accountability for their spending habits or life and education choices? The world isn't a pretty place but it's not a free for all either. I'm not rich but I still earn a good wages because I've worked hard to get to where I am professionally and got a degree that has a lot of demand for my skill and continue to periodically go to school and acquire more specialized training to stay current and relevant in my field. Is it glorious work? no, not one bit. Is it fulfilling? nope but it pays the bills and as long as the world is reliant on electricity/ oil/ fertilizers or any system that relies on highly pressurized steam, I have employment and I started off as homeless in my teens with no parents to rely on and work my way up and I also had to leave my home town and the life I knew and move across the country to get there. If I was able to do it, just about anybody can it just takes will power and good critical thinking skills instead of an attitude of defeat and giving up on life People need to find a different mindset/strategy and not blame everyone else for their downfall. It's a hard thing to do but it is the solution.

Steemit can get sued for the use of copyrighted material and they are trying to take steps to protect their investment and Cheetah may be flawed a little but this platform is still in beta and the original concept was for users to have a means to create original content. not a copy paste article/photo/ video from the internet that someone else created. I know the platform is quickly breaking away from it's original intent for now and it's hard to get visibility unless we buy huge SP to begin with that's just part of the growing pains of the social experiment Steemit is. The platform will be what the people make it as a collective.

cheetah kills a post. It does not matter that it "upvoted" you, people see the cheetah avatar and move on, do not even read your post. They are NOT doing good work, they are self appointed little tyrants shitting on newbies.
And the zombie post is an EXCELLENT idea, except cheetah will kill every effort.

Trump was once a poor man, or at least his grandpa was.

Well said! Following you!

Yes a minnow like me who put in 8 hours work into her last post got an ovation from crickets yielding a paltry $0.81 and have been feeling a bit hesitant about putting up the next installment that took 20 hours and that was just the video portion. Is it worth it?

This is an awesome idea. I'd been meaning to come back to the deadpost initiative once I'd been here for long enough to submit something. And I've definitely had my own rage/rant about whales, inequality of income distribution that ignores quality of posts, and what might be done about it.

So, we will re-post our old content (as opposed to resteeming it), with the #steemitzombies tag, plus a little blurb on why we are reposting etc.? With enough mutual upvoting and resteeming, and if we can all be consistent in our core message, this might work. And if it doesn't, it will still be a bit of fun.

Will see you in discord shortly :)

Yes, I’ve missed a bunch of friends solid material because there is just too much to follow here so hopefully I can see some of their ideas and art that I missed.

Great to have you on our channel!

I totally can relate. Sometimes, I get saddened by the lack of response from what I post. I just think to myself that maybe it wasn't enough. Then, I often find myself tired struggling to be somehow noticed.

I agree. I get tired sometimes too, having very few audience.. *sigh

People get bored by the never ending streem of bullshit posts..
The bullshit is so overwhelming that it is worse then censorship to REAL content.

A big part is making friends and getting your name out there, involved with the community. But a small you can see with some users like myself, it only takes you so far if there aren’t a bunch of dolphins and whales among your following, one isn’t enough because few people will read an dupvote ALL your posts, even if they are great, too much going on here. I’ve tried pandering to large users and it leaves an aweful taste in my mouth and is just a slow and grueling a process unless you happen upon the right one. So many are pandering, you might as well just be yourself, strong and proud and don’t get too emotionally invested in the platform itself, get invested in the friendships you can make cause those are more reliable than payout. Stick around though, it’s a good place despite the BS.

yes @whatamidoin! I agree with you completely mate. People posting good content and not being appreciated is an other issue altogether but talented people not posting itself thinking that this is just like any other social platform and moving away after just a few months try is saddening. Am aboard buddy..Cheers!

Exactly! I know many great people who left the platform or just stopped taking it seriously because the way rewards are distributed or because certain ways of posting has a better chance of getting a high upvote. I’m ok with @dmania existing, I think it has a place here but such a large delegation to a meme platform is a death sentence for the platform if you ask me, sooo many great users post more memes then what they are passionate about now.

yes @whatamidoing , certain ways of posting has a better chance of getting a high upvote and yes @dmania is confining people to meme but that's the thing buddy..what's the point in posting a good article if your meme is making more? I myself made some good amount(nearly 3 SBD) with meme's! It would be good if we post good meme's and good articles aswell and being recognized!

I totally agree with you but I would say that there are so many lovely people on who help minnows get recognition.

There are! For sure! But still way too much of the upvote goes upward to those who already have the most sp, that's simply a function of capitalism. I'm not proposing we get into a debate about whether capitalism is good or bad, although i have my opinions on that, but it is what we have right now and at least we can agree that we want the system to do as good by us as it possibly can.

There are some ideas that I really like here. I have some stuff I'd like to repost so I might start using that tag.

How does one submit a post for The Deadpost Initiative?

Anyway, I'm upvoting this and am going to follow you.

We have weekly posts, this weeks is almost over, a new one should be ready tomorrow or the next day, I will post it.

With all the good sides it is safe to say that Steem is simply not working the way it was intended to. It is obvious and can not be denied.

I’m not sure it was intended for much more, I just think the imagined it would take longer for the platform to become this centralized and that they could keep putting it off. Or I guess a lot of people really do believe the demand of the market will solve everything....maybe it could if you could compensate for the fact that money/power attract money/power in an exponential way, which they didn’t bother with.

I have been stupid giddy with getting .025 SBD from the contests I win once and a while! I think that we get messed up thinking that Steemit is a functioning economy...its a proto economy and the rules have not been written in stone yet. Yes it functions fairly top heavy now, but I firmly believe there is room for ingenious ways to tackle the steemit mountain. A zombie post initiative may one of those solutions that opens up new doors and make the climb easier for more people It certainly would address one of the problems you have if you don't have a trending falls off of the radar within hours. Most things in life have to build an audience over days and weeks. It is just very hard to even promote something that is considered cold fish in 24 hours. So I am for any method that keeps good work in front of potential eyeballs longer.


Same you make with a lsmall-mid sized minnow like me ;-)
Face palms all around!

I can get behind this. Quality content spam ahoy!

This looks to be about 1/2 realistic and about 1/2 crybaby hysterics... Don't get MAD, open up your eyes!


Last year, and while you have a little bit of "REP" on me, I'm making BANK in the Steem race. I was the "LIKES KING" in my usual hangout, before I found Steemit, by a LONGSHOT. I was maybe one of the most popular users there, I might not have been everybody's #1 guy but I was on a lot of folk's top ten lists, so to speak. I was giving out LIKES (up-votes) like crazy. I was #5 or 6 on the website's list in likes RECEIVED, but guess what? I had given out about 1/3 of the LIKES RECEIVED to the #1 guy, and more to the rest of the top 4-5 than from any other source. That told me One Thing...


That is a Universal TRUTH. So I brought that philosophy here to steemit, and figured out my VP was dropping off too fast. Got me a Slider as fast as I could, and saw that it was better, but I was not doing as well as I'd hoped. Steem was about 90¢ and I liquidated my BTC that was left over from a long hard trail of Gains and Losses, figured it would at least work for me here and earn more, instead of just waiting for a moon-shot. Good Decision! Guess What NOW? STEEM DROPS! So I did what any Smart Stacker does... I Bought More! I have a big-buy in at a 90¢ average. Plus I am building connections. Honing my Content. Meeting People. I also use a concept I call "Seed Money" and I am giving some away. Not just .001 units either, sometimes actual U$D Dollar Amounts. Around Oct or so of '17 I see that I am doing well, but still just not quite humming along they way I want. I felt like you do NOW. But I did not mope around, (not saying that you are, but I know you are looking for a BUMP START or kick in the pants, or w/e) So I hammered it with MORE because I fortunately caught the BTC run-up to 20k... missed the Peak Prices because coinbase was DOWN but I caught a decent price in that quick bounce back up near 18k or so right after. DOLPHIN on 1-1-18
Dolphin Proof.png
I KNEW I was going to be a Dolphin soon, and in late Nov or early Dec I offered to take a protégé in @taskmaster4450's 1kSP Program. The guy I selected has REALLY TORE IT UP, and if you do not like the way I did it, then maybe you can learn from @spiritualmax, he did it with 3 crucial items:

  1. 550-ish DELI SP from me
  2. EXCELLENT Writing and Marketing
  3. Yes, he used BOTS but he invested ZERO FIAT
  4. We figured out what he was good at and he Dug In like an Alabama TICK!

You seem to be citing the same barriers that everybody else does. If you hit a barrier, GO AROUND THE MF'er!!! I see you are trying to do that, I really do, but believe me, 99% of our roadblocks are MENTAL. It seems like everyone you know and refer to, is not afraid of Hard Work. But like Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."

I have "something else" and it's called Minnow Boot Camp. IDK if it is for everyone, but I have Bots and they do help. It is not "bid bots" it is Community Vote Sharing Bots. You vote the bot, the bot votes YOU. It is Working, ppl are growing and the bot is too. IDK if you like that or not, but it is Effective.

I looked at your wallet, seems you are missing some of the better dynamics of STEEMIT. Looking at mine, you will see that I have near 90% of my SP DELI'ed OUT, it is WORKING. If you were helping your smaller minnow friends with Deli they would be using it to vote you back ;) I just think all this talk about "organic growth" is so much horse crap, and on top of that ppl want to complain that Steemit is "unfair". Not saying you are doing that, but I see it on occasion. Makes me Laugh :D

IDK if this is offensive, motivational or what, but it's my honest opinion of what I am seeing in this post. GLAD you are trying something DIFFERENT, but it may not be "enough".
Just my 2¢, pineapplehead... if I am wrong about you set me straight cuz I DO like part of what I see, but your outlook seems skewed.


Your reply is 1/2 good advice and 1/2 opportunistic, morally relativistic tactics and selective vision. Dude if I delegate SP to others I want it to be for their benefit, not for mine. The precise reason I’m “whining” is because strategizing and taking advantage of every opportunity (regardless of what it does to the platform) gets many people further at steemit than real dedication, community building and high quality.

You offer some good advice, but you seem to think success is a one-fits-all solution and it’s not. “You got to give to receive” you think you and your friends are the only ones doing that? The only difference may have been that someone noticed. Or the biggest difference may have been the bots. Or it could have been self-centeredness.

The fact that you gave so many likes to the #1 guy just makes it sound like you know how to kiss ass. I don’t want to be rude man, I’m just returning the favor and being honest. A lot of your outlook is that of someone who is winning at a pyramid scheme, mixed with some nice positivity.

I do agree that we get in our own way and I’ve had my share of that, and sometimes selective vision is a good thing, but sometimes it’s just negligent of something that needs to be addressed. I’m not just looking at my position, if I were doing that, I’d be rich already because I know a bunch of ways that I COULD get rich. But if every great user I knew had success like @spiritualguy and I was lagging behind, I wouldn’t make posts like this! I known users who are honest and hard working and write amazing stuff and don’t even complain about it. Maybe delegating them some sp will make a difference, but I’m not going to do it so that they vote me back.

I’d like to push steemit in a direction where it can help as many people as possible to live life on their own terms. It’s not just about cashing in on an opportunity, it’s about shaping the future. Things may “work” now but could also hurt the sustainability of the ecosystem. I see a lot of the same contradictions in this system as I do eith the world economy and the same desire to ignore them so long as we are doing ok ourselves and can help out a few friends. I want more for us as a species.

You also have to remember, not everyone comes from the same place as you, even if we are 100% responsible for our own success and failure and we bring all pain and suffering on ourselves, some of us have different challenges than you have had. For some the challenge is learning to work together, for others it’s to be more positive, and then for others the challenge is learning to stand up themselves. We all drive things forward in our own way and we all grow at different speeds too. But it could be these very “whining” that save some our platform in the end and allows your Steem to be worth anything in 3 years. It could be thiscother outlook which teaches you something about yourself that you were missing, something which may have later hurt yourself or others in some way. I feel I should warn you to be more compassionate to those who are in different situations from yourself and your friends, if you wind up looking down on others who don’t manage the the same success, you aren’t the success you think you are.

I appreciate your honesty, about a third of your advice, and your reminder that the most of our roadblocks are mental. Thanks for a very interesting reply.

LOL, at least you got part of it. Get over being offended and see that there is a FOREST that you can't see because of all the trees in the way. ;)
Yes, we all have different roadblocks. The trick is to figure them out, and how to get over, around, or THROUGH. A lot of folks have ESL (English second language) roadblocks, and Boot Camp addresses that as well. We really work hard at helping our new minnows and trying to make it easier on them, rather than harder. Still pretty new, but it's paying off for many. Plus I am Profit sharing with the minnows helping me run the place. Good People!

As far as compassion goes, if I had none in this case I'd have said nothing. I see more GOOD from you than not, but Making Bots a "moral issue" is stunting the growth, IMO. What is so wrong with Bots? I operate 2 of them and they are about as user friendly for the Small Accounts as anything else out there, I take a tiny Sub-¢ent Vote and multiply it BACK to the person in my system, and most times it is like 10x larger or MORE. We are helping all entry level people get a vote that they might normally not get at all, providing a Community where they can network, and I also cruise around and up-vote good commentary and we are also doing Minnow of the Week, and so on. One of our more advanced videographers just got a Curie Trail Vote, in excess of $200. I personally promoted his trailer, and the main film got the Curie nomination and the big payout. Better than I ever got! I made $100 on a story post once, which is great. If my protégés do better than I ever did, I am all about that! My personal Satisfaction is greater in helping than my own "success", for I am more of a teacher/motivator, I believe that is my calling.
As far as my misconceptions of your post here, take what little good you find, leave the rest, but just note, 4 eyes are better than 2 and maybe someday you might get a small nugget of truth once you understand it from an outside viewpoint. I'm far from perfect and so is my perception, but maybe it will help. Take the good, the positive, that which you think might help, and DON"T SWEAT THE REST, That is not why I mentioned anything.You bring up "moral relativism" and hint at "lack of compassion" but cite no examples of either. Rather than hammer that for what it is, I'll just ask for examples. I guess you don't like bots but why not? "@spiritualguy" as you call him did a 1 week comparison w/o bots of any kind and while SBD IN vs SBD Out was basically a wash, SP Earned was a lot lower w/o Bot Promotion. Overall, careful bid bot usage increases the earned SP quite a bit and overall STU's earned are more than not using a bot. I rarely used bots but I was slamming my SP with what I call the "Brute Force Method" but that was mostly from lucky timing and following good advice from a trusted friend. Not the "Steemit TA Hounds", either LOL

Oh, one other thing, I never said "whining" ONCE, but you said it several times. ;)
But I did say "crybaby hysterics", that was more of an attention getter than anything. It was too successful, I did not intend that level of fixation. My Bad...

BIG PS: DELI helps Everyone, I just added that on the rare occasions when you do up-vote each other, well, it is kind of a "social acceptable alternative" to the self-vote. Once I got my SP up and I could back up my comments with a good up-vote, (when deserved) it really did get attention. Helping a newer person get a Slider is a big boost!

You also mixed up my prior "unrewarded" forum upvotes with experiences here on Steemit. My networking is OUTWARD and DOWNWARD. Whales have too little time and exposure for people on our levels. "Statistically" Dolphins are the upper 1% so a true Whale is like the 1% of that group, or .01% or less of the total population. Even as successful as I have been, I find that Whale "attention" is something you rarely want to have. Even most of @spiritualmax's public attention from Whales has been negative. At least at the start of that sequence. Most of them are busy with the larger issues, it is really the Dolphins and the Fat Minnows that do most of the work that we are discussing here.

I’m not offended, just a little tired of hearing the same thing from those who have profited from the established tactics of bot usage and being noticed by whales. I do admit my outlook is not perfect and I’m open to hearing different points of view but this is one which I’ve only heard from users who have had relatively short grinds or who are some of the more powerful people on the platform now.

I’m sorry if I misquoted you or misunderstood you but when someone says you are using “crybaby hysterics” and you don’t agree, 40 minutes already feels like a long enough time to put into a reply. I have no need to prove anything to you. We can have our different opinions.

I do not frame things in terms of business and branding and I’m more interested in the idea of friends than “followers” and perhaps this is a huge handicap I give myself. You may want to call it foolish or too stubborn or even judge mental but my experiences and intuition led me to this point. About the facts. I saw taskmasters post and the evidence, I’m not refuting it but it seemed like a very negligible change to me and I don’t see any reason to believe that it is a “trend”.

I just want to see MORE dolphins on this platform because no matter how decent the dolphins and whales are, the fewer there are the longer and harder the grind is for most people and the more we are pressured to conform to tactics that don’t come natural to us. I see many people, whales and dolphins included doing the same thing, but as a minnow, I believe there is more that I can do than just appealing to them for help because hey are already spread thing. This is just an attempt at that.

I was not offended, and I only tell you that so you understand my tone was not angry, but I did come close to feeling offended, so thanks for giving me a nice challenge :-)

I think we're coming to an understanding here, I mean the longer I think about and look at your "Zombie Post Initiative" the more I like it. I have often thought about re-branding my older stuff, in ways like this and differently, and I see no real downside. If one were to use plenty of "Quote" markdowns and add new insights and opinions, I don't see where anyone would have a problem with a "remake" of prior content. I've seen some of my own that I think would do a lot better with my current audience.
I see a lot of positive stuff from you, keep that UP! It was meant as a nice challenge, and I know you can do it.
Our Community Vote Bots are not big timers, it's a nickel and dime thing. It keeps the new folks from getting discouraged and the ones that do best figure out that they must Network to Succeed!

Spiritualguy writes quality and works hard, maybe just like you, but he spends even MORE time "strategizing and taking advantage of every opportunity " - that takes work, dedication, and steals countless hours from my routine.

That means that not only am I working hard and getting quality content out, building communities etc, I also work HARDER and research for good opportunities, make connections, establish meaningful relations and more...

It is hard work, what I do, it's not luck, kissing ass and I even go the extra mile as to spell people's names right.

Plus, what you speak about here is kinda just giving out excuses. bots make out for 1.7% of all votes in the blockchain, so they are not really a problem, read @penguinpablo's

Finally, the distribution of wealth in the blockchain has no problem either - check @taskmaster4450 last post. There's data behind it all.

Plus, you know ways to get rich but you don't do it? Heh.... that's funny.

Don't whine at the system and tell how broken it is just because you don't analyze it properly... I had a lot of concerns similar to yours, but I researched it and found hard data on why I was wrong.

With the time you're here you should know better already than to tell bots have such a lousy impact when they're 1.7% of votes AND DIMINISHING..

Plus, relative power of whales and orcas is also DIMINISHING, and it will continue to do so in the future as more people sign up and the platform adjusts according to its smart design.

I know your frustration, I had it once, I wined about it and got flagged at 100% by @smooth and his alts - by the way, he was right on doing so, I spoke to him and understood it.

Man up, pineapple head, Spiritualguy wants everyone to be successful, but truth is, only some are willing to put in the effort. There's no better place to reflect effort than the STEEM blockchain...

Effort put in, hours of work, thought and grind are REWARDED here.

Sorry I got your name wrong and I know you work hard, I don’t question that. But I’ve seen people work at a same level as you and create the same level of quality, more than a few, I went through a period of working that hard that hardon my posts too (I still work hard although not less of it goes to my posts and more of it goes to showing respect and support for people who have had a hard time getting noticed).

At a certain point, it becomes hard to justify putting all that effort into your post if no one noticed. I’ve forced through and have been relatively succesful, but I don’t believe the grind should have to conform to certain tactics that many of us don’t like and all I’m doing is exploring other ways to make the grind a little more natural and enjoyable for us. I admit I am frustrated, so if you want to think we are just whining because we weren’t not chosen for some whales speedy growth program (not saying you didn’t deserve it, you did), OK let us whine a bit so we can be honest with ourselves, please try to admit that you may not have all the answers for everyone, a thousand roads can lead to the same place. You’ll see that I made a point to say there is no need to blame or demonize anyone, even people whose behavior we disagree with, and that it’s important to stay positive.

Yes I know ways to make money that I don’t use. Many companies make more money harming the environment, does that mean everyone should? Sometimes you don’t like a method of getting something you want enough to look for some other way, is that so wrong?

Regardless of the statistics (which I imagine are incredibly hard to get accurately, although I will read more about it) when you open the trending/hot pages, you see most of the posts here have been promoted to an insane degree by upvote services.

All I can say to your last comments is that it’s very easy to say that when it’s paid off for you. I can also say that perhaps you point to a reality that myself and some of my favorite steemians need to level up a bit to be even more clear, focused and positive than users like yourself who found their place here rather quickly and easily if we want to be succesful without taking every single opportunity to make money when it doesn’t make us feel good and doesn’t reflect who we are.

"because we weren’t not chosen for some whales speedy growth program (not saying you didn’t deserve it, you did)"

A speedy growth program? I got a 500 SP delegation from @underground and that was it for the "growth program". 500 SP is what makes the difference?

Yeah, I was still a Minnow then and living the Dolphin Life LOL
Even TASK is not a whale, just a great big Dolphin. All of us Dolphins and Near-Dolphins with Taskmaster were working with and for each other, but beyond the SP it was mostly just pats on the back and encouragement, Right Maxey?
That's a main motivator for the MInnowBootCamp, trying to have extra help for the enrollees. And thank You for Your Support! The payments just went out, did you see your wallet yet?

@spiritualguy could be your alter-ego LMAO

So much to read! Anyway, as a newcomer having done some quality posts that worked good without bots and mostly others that don't (even with bots), I indeed start to question that rather oligarchic system, especially when seeing crap posts being so popular. I will resteem the post but don't know else what to do exept expecting the platform to evoluate towards something more meaningfull.

I just try to build community a Sunday much as I can and speak my honest opinion. I think that’s sometimes all we can do but it can do a lot actually.

I believe there should be a limit on what value your up-vote is worth based on not only the steem value you have in your account but also on how long you been an active member of steemit.

Some sort of bracket system instead of what is currently offered, which I believe will help spread out the worth of everyones up-vote. A long time members vote should be worth more then a new members but shouldn't be worth more then hundreds of members upvotes combined. That is a broken system.

I’ve mentioned this before but most users witha heavy stake obviously hate this idea. @dana-Edwards has proposed the idea of a maximum wage. That’s the only exception I can think of.

Shouldn't our upvote VALUE be mostly based on our reputation which is mostly already based on the votes we get from each other already which means agreed upon VALUE and is that not what the free market is all about and is that not how the law of supply and demand works, right?

The current system is broke. Anyone with enough money can become a whale on steemit today. Using reputation alone is another manipulated system due to popularity getting you upvotes and not your content.

A teared system based on reputation + time on steemit with a maximum bid amount that has to be maintained if you want to keep its highest value ( if you step away from steemit for a large amount of time your upvote begins to decrease in value ) may be a better system.

One upvote from anyone should not be worth 100's of individual upvotes regardless of the amount of steemit or reputation of the poster giving the one vote.

How is money broken? How is the art of having more money in order to become a whale on Steemit than a broken and manipulated thing? If you worked very hard to make a lot of money for many years, do you want to be disallowed from one of the best investments ever? Are you really against how capitalism works? When you limit the ability to buy value, which includes the value of being a whale, then you may be limiting the integrity maybe of the path and competition and the desire for more value and more maybe. Do you want to maybe try too hard for the art of the Redistribution of Wealth, Value, of Equality, for money, for people, which was promoted by Obama, Freud, Hitler, and seen in Socialism, Communism, Stalinism, Marxism, Leninism, etc, right?

Money isn't broken. The system here on steemit is. One vote should not be worth more then hundreds of others regardless of how much money each member voting has.

A poor man can recognize good content just as a rich man can. Not everyone that has money worked hard for it. Not everyone that has no money is lazy. Hard work does not always prosper.

Why should I work hard to be rich if I can do everything that a poor man can do? If a poor man can do everything that a rich man can do, then is that poor man also motivated to become rich if there is no incentive and motivation and bonus and more that the poor person does not already have like maybe more voting power and stuff? If there is no expansion in voting power, then why and how can people be encouraged to invest in like the stocks or bonds or SP of the Steem network? You said that hard work does not always prosper? So, does that mean we should do the opposite of hard work because of the element of risk and unpredictability in life? By the way, some bots think I am spam and they are down voting me.

You are misunderstanding what I am saying.

I never said a poor man can do everything a rich man can. I said a poor man can recognize good content the same as a rich man can. A rich mans vote should not be worth more then 100's of other votes.

I never said to take away incentive to buy in. What I am purposing is a lower valued max upvote so one upvote doesn't equal as much as hundreds of other members upvotes combined.

I see the current system to be having a negative impact of the growth of this platform.

It wasn't me that downvoted you. I don't downvote.

We can't do much about those who just take from Steemit. You need serious SP to counter what they do. We can still support the good content by worthy people. I don't think buying votes is very profitable generally. Work with those who share your interests. It's all about the community

I am glad that some bigger accounts are helping like this. I have, with the exception of one post, struggled to gain any ground here despite putting a fair amount of effort into most of what I produce. I'll try to do some of the things that are suggested here and if I ever find any success on this site I will do what I can to help others get off the ground too. I saw that you upvoted my other comment and I appricate the support.

It really does take time. It was months before I made anything. Keep building links with others. I see you are getting good replies already

Thanks. I'll keep at it.

It may not be directly profitable, but for users who already has money to spend a lot on them draw attention like advertising which fools all the smaller users into thinking it’ll be worth it. It also makes a lot of money for the people who run the bots, money that could have gone to lots of undervalued users and it makes it even harder to reach hot and trending. It also presents a skewed image of the content being created at steemit.

I believe the money at Steem should be shared based on quality of work, dedication to community, even friendship to some extent, but not because you paid someone more powerful than you, directly or indirectly.

I fully agree, but it seems Ned and co are happy with this sort of economy

Agreed, promote those you like, those with shared interests, like you would in offline relationships with family, friends, lovers, contacts, staff, employers, customers, neighbors, etc.

This is one of the most interesting post, I have come across since my stay in steemit, although i was told how difficult it is, to have the attention of the big guys in the platform but it's obvious to the blind and audible to the deaf that there is pure segregation between the whales, dolph and the minnow in display. Though matter how quality your post is, if you are not among them forget it.. Now i ask, how do we,(the newbies) ever get close to something meaningful in rewards and encouragement from our top guys.
I really appreciate your concerns towards the dead posts,

The truth is that, your concern is a kind messah to many fainting souls.
I have joined the discord for better movement. Thanks.

Don’t feel desperate, that’s the first key. The fact is, many big guys at steemit are trying to do good, but there are not enough of them so we need to build stronger community to compensate for this and continue to show the best we can offer.

That is a great idea, thanks for bringing this to the community and I hope it will pay off and that there can be a working strategy for it x

I will open a chat later to discuss strategy.

Anyways, I love this idea! I will try to meet up with you in discord today if you're around- I have a question or two.
I think I'll put a disclaimer right up front to remind people that it is past payout so they don't go wasting their voting powers on it - just in case they don't check the date.. I've done this so many times, then I see the price doesn't change and I'm like fuuuuuck LOL
The Zombie Apocalypse is Near!
Resteemed !!.pngThanks so much for the honorable mention @whatamidoing :) totally unnecessary but still a very nice gesture. Maybe it will wake up some of the higher valued accounts to see they can easily give a little too.

The idea is that we'll actually copy and paste our old posts and make new ones so we will recieve payout. We will keep doing the deadpost initiative as long as people are interested though because its a good way to meet and get to know each other and why not?

The idea is that people don't feel guilty about posting memes or crap or paying upvote bots, so why should we feel guilty about posting the same stuff 2 or 3 times until it recieves the attention we want it to recieve? I think it's gaming the system in a way that's decent and non abusive, just to counteract all the other gaming going on.

ahhh I see, wow I should have been a blonde.. that part totally went over my head! I like that idea even more LOL

Very well said. And you are one of the few people already using Steemit for a long time and all think some things need to change. Cause when I asked a few questions as newbie I mostly received the answer that I should not complain for getting almost no rewards. I should work harder. And they say it's fair that some Steemonians of the first hour have earned big time. I still think that having a few ten thousands as reward is already quite insane, but whales with millions....

Anyways by giving these kind of reactions they seem to say, that greed is good and one can do anything to reach. That sounds much better than bankers 😬😜

I still think Steemit is awesome. In essence it could work for 98%. But at this moment I doubt it will. Neither that any initiative will make it work.

So if you can't beat them.....

The idea that working hard pays off is a half truth. Working hard always pays off more than not working hard, as long as you aren’t working stupid. BUT the reason why I don’t buy into that train of thought is that in our society money attracts money and power attracts power, growth and success are always exponential rate which encourages a wacky distribution of wealth. If you can make more money the more money you have and there is a limited amount of money, that means it become harder and harder to succeed when putting in the same amount of work. It’s great if you believe religiously in competition but if you believe competition is only natural in a state of lack...well then, you have a big problem with your system.

I don’t suppose we will be able to reform the system in a way that makes it sustainable indefinitely, but I do hope we can slow down this trend long enough for the greatest possible amount of people to significantly improve their circumstances without creating too many ultra power players who believe such extreme dominance over everyone else is justified and willing to protect it at all costs, that’s exactly why so many people criticize the state.

If you do not agree with the vote of your politician been bought by the biggest bidder, Why would the buying of votes be acceptable here?
The use of bots reduces the rewards. How many of these bots are created by the same person? The platform is doomed to failure as the use of buying votes is increasing at a phenomenal pace.
When you take to account what is paid for the vote and what the reward gained from the vote. the person who wins is the bot creator. The FAQ listed in the platform states under the plagiarism and abuse section that the selling of votes is abuse. Unless there is some form of monitorization of the platform, other then self-monitoring abuse will occur. This same issue of value has been ongoing since I began on the platform.
While I agree with you about users like Haejin, I believe he could do the same thing with half the post by doubling up on each post the currencies he talks of. there is always a but! why should Haejin reduce his own income? The abuse which goes on is permitted by those who have the power to change things. It is not new, and if those who have the power to alter the platform has not seen it by now. They have very little interest in changing these things.
How many Blogs of valuable content can one person produce in a 24 hour period? Should a limitation on Blogs be put in place, on a sliding scale of each consecutive vote? 100% for the first, 75% for the second, 60% the 3rd, 50% the 4th 40% the 5th. A system like this would promote the production of valuable content and reduce the amount of spam produced.
With the removal of vote bots and a change in blog rewards would both increase the quality of blogs and increase the rewards for newcomers to Steemit and encourage people to try and put an effort into the platform and have the platfom progress and succeed,

You make a few very good point against the buying of votes. If we did not have self votes enabled, or the ability to make multiple accounts, I’d say there do be no need for further regulation, but since gaming the system is so easy and the wealth is not well distributed, I think that kind of system would help. I don’t agree with Haejins activity on the platform, but the same people demonizing him the most violently have enabled him through their own abuse of power, even if it is sometimes done with good intentions.

I’m not sure if removing bots would be possible without the company exerting a huge amount of control over the ecosystem, which I’m not sure I want. You are right though, the answer doesn’t lie in targeting individuals, it lies in a change in the culture and algorithms and a fairer distribution of wealth. But first these people need to see that there’s is a problem with the distribution.

Alot to take in here, I want to support you in this undertaking. I enjoy that this is out of the box kind of a protest, that might even get noticed. That it is not picking on how anyone is currently using the system. Upvote and resteemed.

Thanks. We have a chat now. Check out my recent post.

Mhhm, excellent initiative. Though I have to admit I have not supported your deadpost initiatives so far I can testify to the positive effect curation-focussed groups have on the outlook of minnows who are working their ass of.

I always try to keep resteems to a minimum unless the ideas discussed are further-reaching in scope than an isolated idea. Hmm how do I put this? Posts that highlight censorship in an evidence-based way are one of my resteem priorities.

That said, I have been a huge fan of @dailysneak and their approach to curation. They have largely automated the curation process, meaning there is a document prepared where curators can go and fill out all the relevant fields for application - already written in markdown. And @dailysneak "just" have to check the application for formatting, dead links and the content - vs sitting there and writing it all from scratch with markdown.

Dailysneak also offers incentives for curators, which has worked out really nicely because they project is growing organically, instead of being overly hyped through bid-bots. This may come in tandem with less steep growth, but the growth is genuine and solid, because the project is about genuine steemians doing hard work, vs some upvoting-for-SBD scheme.

I do not shy away from the work - making a new post highlighting older underappreciated ones is the way to go I think. Often times I would even love to resteem something where the payout is long done, if I could only add a comment on top to it - like on facebook for examle. This I think is ample reason enough to make a new post with the old content, pointing to it with an easily digestible introduction for readers browsing that curation edition who may want a taste of the article before they commit to reading.

Lastly, having several returning guest curators will eventually get the usual readers of the initiative a feel for emphasis - some focus on undervalued art orlifehacks, while I tend to focus more on paradigm-shattering ideas, forbidden concepts, or excellently sourced articles tackling a common misconception of the public.

Clustering linked articles in this way can help bring likeminded people together, as several "similar" content posts show up in the same curation round.

Will fully support this initiative here as you have repeatedly proven that you mean what you say when you talk about the importance of spreading the wealth and supporting those who have less stake than ourselves. I think I have some reading-up to do. <3

I don’t fully understand the curation with daily sneak the curators take turns and have their post of the week? How many curators are there? Are you involved in it? Who runs it?How much upvote do the curated posts get? I should learn more, I was nominated before but I get so busy and lose track of things.

Feel free to link me to a good description,

It sounds like your idea of curation is what I think most of us believe curation SHOULD be. I wish there were many initiatives like OCD that spread the work of curation through delegation but also focused on certain niches so we could all have our favorite curation group based on the kind of content we like.

I personally feel that having curation directly monetized deincentivizes good curation as many people who would seek out and upvote what they like instead try to upvote what will earn them money, even when it’s pennies. Instead curation posts should get support from users the same way other posts do. It’s important work but it only deserves payment when it’s done intentionally for the benefit of the community. That’s my unpopular opinion though :-D

Thanks for the support,come find us in the new chat. I just posted a link today.

Let me make that simple for ya, I know you are a busy man.

Anyone can curate the daily sneak, there are no regular curators, just people who come time and time again to curate. You could easily curate as guest curator yourself, and earn SBD rewards for doing so. It's a win win to all involved and the crew behind dailysneak is amazing.

I have curated like 4 times or so, been doing it once a week lately, highlighting many things that interest me of Steemians who need more reach and have gone too unnoticed for their amazing level of craft.

It is run by Joseph Savage, the guy behind Steem Basic Income. Any author who gets mentioned in the daily sneak gets one share in Steem Basic Income sponsored by sneakyninja, like you have when I mentioned you in my first or second edition.

The upvotes are still somewhat small, however the project is still in its infancy. But seeing what I have seen from Joseph, he is definitely one of the guys with the heart in the right place. And I want to support the project wherever I can. It facilitates great networks and oddly feels like a counter movement to the Spam and bitbot mania going on at Steemit promoting shitposts.

While I completely agree that monetary incentives do not always come in tandem with quality submissions, the vibe of the project motivates me to give it my best. Partly because those guest curators before me have raised the bar so high. I am part of a few regular upvote schemes, like qurator and so on. And so far the work of dailysneak and steembasicincome is my favorite. They have managed to walk the line between rewarding contributions and keeping the submissions top notch.

This, as I said, is largely due to the smart approach. A google doc has been prepared, dailysneak asks its guest curators to submit in markdown format, saving them a lot of time to polish submissions. Instead they go through your submission, throw out what posts they deem unworthy of featuring and publish the rest. I have sometimes submitted 5 posts only to see 3 of them make the cut. In this way the balance tilts towards quality, and the curation goes through another quality filter.

The details are written in every dailysneak post. But since you mentioned it kinda fell under your radar, here is the one that mentioned ya.

cya in 5 ;)

holy crap, thats brilliant and i know the guy, hes in our chat!

i feel like an ass for not learning more before hand hahahah

Why don't you use that energy for something constructive instead and find a working method of cloning us. That way we could get it all done way more efficiently ;)

I agree with most of what you (and others) have said. I've felt the frustration of taking time to create a quality post, not just what photos to use, but how to have the story flow correctly as you read it. Then it's met with tumble weeds! But I can see countless posts that get over $100 -1000 for a crappy picture of nothing artistic at all, or a post with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Once I opened a travel post that had $110 and instantly asked "but where did you get that information from? You have not sourced it at all!" but that got over $100. How I ask, when its not formatted correctly? No reference or source stated, ergo stealing from another website and they are rewarded for this!?!
When I joined I was warned not to use any other information without stating exactly where it was taken from, and have been learning the different ways to reference information on my posts. But I'm getting less than a dollar for a post, and its mostly votes from people I've met. I still get new followers each week, but they don't vote on my posts, so I don't know why they follow me. I've even had someone comment on my photograph post "nice picture" and a wale up voted that comment, but not my post!
I guess mainly, it truly is a "who you know" NOT "what you post" that gets votes here. Really is sad, as I've been told by a few people now that I post quality content and to keep it up, but I am losing motivation as a post that take me 3hrs gets the same as a post that took me 10 mins.
I had 1 post earn a lot of votes, but I've used the same format since and only get a few cent for my effort.
I feel I was disillusioned by Steem at first, but I am grateful to be on here!

I personally don’t mind things being more casual as long as no one steals information and artwork from others, but yes, there aren’t plenty of garbage posts that do much better than quality posts.

It sounds like you need a better understanding of the ecosystem. I’m not sure if it’ll give you peace of mind or make you feel worse :-P I think one attitude people take, which is fine by me, is that people choose users they like and support them as individuals rather than just based on each post. The problem I see is that a lot of that is done with hopes of gaining on curation rewards, not based on quality, therefore, that method seems to disproportionately benefit larger users, hence we sometimes talk about “circle jerks”. I don’t think autovoting is ideal for this platform, but it’s not the worst thing either, it’s kind of like a monthly payment subscription to your friends work, which I think is fine as long as you don’t use your whole salary on it, or if you do it just for curation rewards.

The comment was probably Auto-upvoted which is why the whale didn’t vote for your post, they didn’t see it.

One more problem with steemit is that many people go to trending or hot to finding content. I think you are better off building a feed full of people you like, frequenting chats to find good users and using tags. In general, No one is going to see your stuff if you don’t have a bunch of followers and you get those by going out and making friends. Also, it says I have 1680 followers, but according to a bunch of them are inactive and for all I know half of them follow everyone. I assume 400-600 would be a more accurate number.

very awesome and interesting article. thanks! I am personally still try to figure this whole seemit thing out.

Great post, count me in. I will catch you on discord over the weekend.

Agreed. I feel some of my posts (all original content) should be getting more than most of the shitty memes I see around. LOL! But I just keep posting in hopes that it will catch the eye of a big fat whale, get a sweet upvote and new follower. I will catch ya later on your discord channel! 😊

That’s a great attitude to have. The reason I make a big deal out of all this is because I see many great people leaving the platform and letting the quality of their content slip and this place will be extactly what we make it, so it needs positive people who don’t turn a blind eye to problems just because things have worked out for them.

Hey there, I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold, and I love zombies and the Walking Dead and I love money and capitalism and hope you are not promoting socialism or communism or redistribution of wealth as promoted by Karl Marx and Stalin and Hitler and Lenin and that leader in Cuba and that king in China even and so on and so forth. Some people will make a lot of money and some will not regardless of the quality of the content. There is no guarantee in all of this. Look at history to see people possibly more talented than some of best musicians, inventors, athletes, doctors, leaders, scientists, and so on and so forth. Is life fair? Good question. Can we stick together and try our best to help each other out? Yes.

I should give you fair warning that I don’t see myself as much of a capitalist. But I’m certainly not a communist and probably not a socialist. All systems use a combination of political philosophies to fit their needs. What I am for is cooperation and decentralized power where even if there is some variance in the level of wealth people have, it is not allowed to reach such an extreme degree where no one can speak out against or act on indirect opposition to an individual or group without severe danger to their own well being. So what that means is, I’m ok with some people being rich, but not being so rich that they can dominate the ecosystem and I’d prefer it if we found a way to keep resources more balanced and distributed, not by means of forcing anyone but by means of changing the culture and what we sit back and allow.

That’s me though, I won’t tell people they are wrong for disagreeing ;-P

What do you think about the balance of powers as seen in the United States, originally in the intent that the people are to bear arms and to me a militia as a last result against their own government if the government were to ever become too big like a tyranny? How else do we balance out powers? Can cryptocurrencies and blockchain systems also help or maybe help in better ways in some countries or in many countries?

That’s a huge topic of conversation. I’m not a big fan of guns, but if those with power don’t disarm themselves I don’t see how they can fairly ask the population to do the same.

A book related to this topic of guns & government is that George Orwell book, "Nineteen Eighty Four." And the other book that helps people see things is Animal Farm.

I just became a zombie,
O no i already was one... thanks for making me realise
joined and resteemed

iiiiiii waaaant yur blooooood

Bifilar Coil? Bonus Points if you can tell me who patented that... lol

It definitely was not the Musk man LOL. I wonder how Nicola would look at the Musk empire

hehee Correct
IDK Tesla always ignored riches and fame in favor of the work, and died basically broke. Not that he did not see money as a tool, but he did not waste his time on these things. I am working on a device that I call my STG or Simplified Tesla Generator. I am trying to secure my early retirement with this Steemit Account and then work on it more diligently. The underlying theory is SOLID.
At some point I may have to construct a very large Multifilar Coil.

PS: Do you know anything about scalar waves? Done any work with that?

I played a lot with bifilarcoils, and trifilar coils. and bifilar pancakes with 1 and 2 airspaces and there is lots to discover. building pancaked is a bit of a nightmare with magnet wire... Has been almost 2 years since i last looked at it. I need a high frequency 10 Watt amp :-) or maybe 5W to stay within Amature radio range.
I'm not going to do large coils anymore

Scalar waves is in my opinion bad explained. Bearden did the math, end Meyl as well, but i'm not into math. There need to be rule of thumb things created so that people can get a real feel about the scalar content.

And people need to have a closer look to the earths magnetic field, and the collapsing coil.

Tesla is and for a loooooong time will be the only man who gave us REAL technology.

BTW Are you on discord somewhere?

@undeRGRound#7534 in Discord

As for "Rule of Thumb" things, I actually have some of those. I understand the Complex Number Theory and it seems to make sense. Another thing, the electrical phenomena of Power Factor and all that is related to the Scalars and it's been right there under our noses FOREVER. ;) Bearden always discusses those things in "Electrical Engineering Code" which is usually way over the heads of most (all) EE's... or more accurately, he uses the Electrodynamics Theory Code Words. Fortunately I had (barely) enough of a background that I was able to decode it after a time.

Electrical Engeneering has always been far ahead of 'bullshit physics'. Yet the average electrician doesn't look much further then Ohms law. Teslas stuff always takes everything into account. Not just the basics. People who are only aware of the simplified basics will never see the bigger picture. Unfotunately the math stuff is way over my head. Yet when playing with coils and air capacitors then i start to get a feel of what's going on.
The balance in material. The amount of copper, the surface area of the capacitor, the distance between them. And... the resonant sweet spot... That's where Tesla begins and where I get lost. :-) Telsla had a much better feel how it all hangs together, but he was doing this 24/7 so he had the hours of experience that everyone else simply fail to invest. They take a flawed simplified physics textbook and say... AAAHHH this is impossible... Here it is not in the book.. see! Impossible... :-) They all learned in school how to become stupid and how to behave stupid, and how to stay stupid. Just chew on the same bullshit over and over again, and never take a bite in the apple to taste what real food is all about.

I tried to add you in discord, but somehow it doesn't recognise your tag. Maybe because i'm not in the same network? I'll try to find a channel where you live. :-)

I get it what you are suggesting here and I am into the idea. The picture on here though I'm not sure I want to resteem it's a bit extreme for my small paltry followers list anyway lol

Hahha up to you buddy. I’m jus having fun making waves and speaking my mind, I’ve put so many hours and so much effort into this platform and it has paid off to a certain degree but I think it was a bit more of a counterintuitive struggle than I believe it should be. I have not been flagged once yet despite criticizing a bunch of hugeness accounts.

I've been flagged by some people, I think in 2017 during my first month back in June I think. And it was maybe only one time from maybe one guy with a reputation of like 70. He talked about maybe the pros and cons of Steemit or something. I said some things he might have taken personal. I might have said something about how flagging is sometimes a dangerous thing that can be abused. And I think that is when he started flagging my comments and my posts for the next few days. And I've been attacked in my life offline and also on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, so I'm not new to it but was a little bit scared when he went at me and I was kind of laying low right after I got attacked maybe. I kind of know what it is like to get flagged.... but beyond that, I do like Steemit still.

Oh I hadn't even thought of getting flagged my worry was more of losing followers. But both prospects are difficult to entertain as a minnow (which is another discussion in itself probably).

I can think of anything else to say than that I’m completely prepared to support this initiative. I think it’s a great idea, and I feel like it’s a shame I hadn’t heard of the Deadpost Initiative before. I will be informing myself a little more first thing tomorrow.

We will have a chat soon, I’ll announce it in a day or two.

This is a fantastic idea and you have my vote and resteem. A question though
If you are wanting to revive old posts to give them a chance then awesome, but have you considered steemcleaners flagging the posts as spam? Apparently they and cheetahbot are doing this at the moment to reblogged posts. Perhaps think of a way around this? Maybe encourage a restructuring of the wording of old posts main topics? Just chucking it out there. However, you have a great idea. I look forward to watching it grow.

I do not think they will flag it as spam if it’s your own post from a few weeks or months ago. By adding an intro with a description of the post and it’s first time around I think there will be n problems.

I have had mixed results with that approach about four months ago. I reblogged a couple different posts and tried that exact approach and cheetahbot flagged them. But on the other hand I did get away with a couple. It's a possibility though. I do like your idea though and it's a great proposal.

awesome concept @whatamidoing... I love the thinking and agree with many of your points... We all see it, but until we get the whales to see it, then the only thing we can use is our mouth (since we have no power).

But a big mouth can be a good thing ;)

A big mouth usually makes the whales want to ignore you, but it certainly attracts minnows as I can attest to. Also remember all your friends who stick around will grow so having minnow friends isn’t a bad thing if they have a good attitude and produce good content.

Although I'm a newbie...
I try to upgrade everyday, sometimes i feel demoralized when the post i spend more than four hours to create attracts no attention.
But i just decide to keep improving....
One post can be a way opener and Boom!!!!
I love your courage for posting this @whatamidoing

Tell me about it, I’ve gotten a fair amount of attention fro whales and dolphins, but aside from OCD curation more than half of it hasn’t been on the posts which I put the least effort and passion into. I’m just want quality and community to rule supreme here. And if it’s doesn’t, I’m going to poop where no one else dare poop cause why not!

I’m not that brave though, I just like to experiment.

Greetings: I'm one of the newer kids on the block(chain) and like you I already love Steemit, however last week I buckled under the realization that there are some serious challenges here. So, I don't know exactly what you mean by spam (I do know the regular definition: brain dead comments). I'm going to copy a blog piece (maybe this is what you mean by "spam") I wrote last week that ties in directly to your post today, but from the perspective of a less-than minnow, but one who is really trying. Here tis: I had a follow up post the next day repenting from my frustration, and then the next day posted . Anyway, I'd like to help. I think a healthy Steemit is worth the trouble, and this has to include an opportunity for others to succeed. I've put in about 6 weeks of pretty constant effort and feel like I'm making headway, but at this pace I'll be worn out, burnt out and bummed out before too long. What I see happening, and I'm sure I'm not the first to mention it, is this: when the first good new alternative platform comes along there will be a mad rush to exit doors. And that will suck. Heading over to Discord. See you there. resteemed

Spam has different meanings to different people I guess. I don’t hate memes, but when you create a large monetary incentive and people opt to post 50% plus memes, that’s spam in my eyes. When larger users who attract upvotes because people want curation rewards post “how are you guys tonight?” Or throw together a post just because they want a payout, that’s spam in my eyes, I do it too sometimes when I haven’t posted in two or three days.

I wouldn’t blame individuals for this though, Hell this is an opportunity for many of us to live the life of our dreams so I can empathize with people doing all kinds of questionable stuff, but that the ecosystem encourages that is just not ok. I don’t think anymore wants it too but lots of different opinions clash and some people profit from really questionable activities as a result which takes a lot of focus away from regularnusers who are trying hard.

Glad to see you in our chat!

You've had tremendous response to your post. You've struck a chord. Fantastic. Thanks for the info on Spam. Blessings.

I don't think there is anything wrong with recycling some old material, you can only get paid on it for 7 days, why not?

The 7 day limit makes sense for the whole system to work but the wealth isn’t distributed enough for most good posts to get the notice the deserve, so yes, why not?

a repost is the best repast

I don't see anything wrong with this - would cheetah pick up on you 'plagiarizing' yourself?

I don’t think so but a lot of people are worried about this and I would feel bad if I led everyone to the slaughter haha.


I guess ime a zombie -_-

Stand on ceremony or send the boys round for a word?
If you ask me we should dive at 5, he who dares & all that.:)

Haha good to have you onboard!