
Bifilar Coil? Bonus Points if you can tell me who patented that... lol

It definitely was not the Musk man LOL. I wonder how Nicola would look at the Musk empire

hehee Correct
IDK Tesla always ignored riches and fame in favor of the work, and died basically broke. Not that he did not see money as a tool, but he did not waste his time on these things. I am working on a device that I call my STG or Simplified Tesla Generator. I am trying to secure my early retirement with this Steemit Account and then work on it more diligently. The underlying theory is SOLID.
At some point I may have to construct a very large Multifilar Coil.

PS: Do you know anything about scalar waves? Done any work with that?

I played a lot with bifilarcoils, and trifilar coils. and bifilar pancakes with 1 and 2 airspaces and there is lots to discover. building pancaked is a bit of a nightmare with magnet wire... Has been almost 2 years since i last looked at it. I need a high frequency 10 Watt amp :-) or maybe 5W to stay within Amature radio range.
I'm not going to do large coils anymore

Scalar waves is in my opinion bad explained. Bearden did the math, end Meyl as well, but i'm not into math. There need to be rule of thumb things created so that people can get a real feel about the scalar content.

And people need to have a closer look to the earths magnetic field, and the collapsing coil.

Tesla is and for a loooooong time will be the only man who gave us REAL technology.

BTW Are you on discord somewhere?

@undeRGRound#7534 in Discord

As for "Rule of Thumb" things, I actually have some of those. I understand the Complex Number Theory and it seems to make sense. Another thing, the electrical phenomena of Power Factor and all that is related to the Scalars and it's been right there under our noses FOREVER. ;) Bearden always discusses those things in "Electrical Engineering Code" which is usually way over the heads of most (all) EE's... or more accurately, he uses the Electrodynamics Theory Code Words. Fortunately I had (barely) enough of a background that I was able to decode it after a time.

Electrical Engeneering has always been far ahead of 'bullshit physics'. Yet the average electrician doesn't look much further then Ohms law. Teslas stuff always takes everything into account. Not just the basics. People who are only aware of the simplified basics will never see the bigger picture. Unfotunately the math stuff is way over my head. Yet when playing with coils and air capacitors then i start to get a feel of what's going on.
The balance in material. The amount of copper, the surface area of the capacitor, the distance between them. And... the resonant sweet spot... That's where Tesla begins and where I get lost. :-) Telsla had a much better feel how it all hangs together, but he was doing this 24/7 so he had the hours of experience that everyone else simply fail to invest. They take a flawed simplified physics textbook and say... AAAHHH this is impossible... Here it is not in the book.. see! Impossible... :-) They all learned in school how to become stupid and how to behave stupid, and how to stay stupid. Just chew on the same bullshit over and over again, and never take a bite in the apple to taste what real food is all about.

I tried to add you in discord, but somehow it doesn't recognise your tag. Maybe because i'm not in the same network? I'll try to find a channel where you live. :-)

That is my own discord, you will find me there...
Me or one of my bots LOL
are U gonna be bifilar there too?

I like bifilar and multifilar coils, but getting over to another method of winding, have you ever heard of a Kone-Head Coil? :D
I call it a UVG Coil. Betcha won't find THAT with Goog-iots :P