SteemPower Literally Pays One To Invest... | Know The Importance of Powering Posts Up 100%

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

In saving SP, one can invest in their future posts and expand their notoriety on the steemit platform. When you think about it, steempower allows you to not only save, but boost your posts over time to be seen and upvoted by others. This can also bring the traction of downvotes, but to be frank that is the least of a minnow's worries.

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Powering up posts 100% also shows an interest in the platform, and if you can hold out from powering down for 6 months at a time, you will not only see your savings and reputation built up considerably, you will also see that the effect of your power down is much greater. The push and pull of powering up and down is completely balanced, and the more SP one has the more options they have in withdrawing liquid steem.


This simplistic beauty in powering up comes with its lack of detriment, one can literally only succeed powering up 100%. The only thing that can stray users from powering up 100% is the worth of SBD, but steem will always be consistently worth more in terms of exchanging to fiat...and in terms of being able to instantly power up and withdraw. SBD is so volatile that it becomes tempting to make all posts 50/50, but refraining from that for solid periods of times (such as 3 months) or even making every other post 100% powered up insead of all 50/50, that will help the ecosystem this platform has created.


I am personally doing my best to put back in to what I have taken so much from... I am not going to power down for at least 6 months, and all of my posts will be powered up 100%. I want to save legitimate crypto earnings for myself, and that comes with consistency over time (as does anything that leads to success). I won't be powering down until at least my birthday on May 4th, and hopefully by that time I will have reached a few more reputation levels and acclaim on this platform in the way I'd like.


Who doesn't want to eventually be a whale? I see mountains of steem and I can climb those mountains, nothing is just takes time. See you at the top!

Source Image Credit: 1 2 3 4


I wish I understood how all the power up power down stuff worked. As of right now I am just treating this site as nothing more than a blogging platform. Liking the posts I like and commenting where it seems appropriate. Be that to add value to a post or to maybe gain insight so that I can can help the community.

And that is exactly what you should be doing, just adjust the self upvote to 100% so you can build SteemPower which adds more value to your upvote and propels your posts higher...along with the ability to power down that steem and trade it when you find it worthy... good luck and steem on!

I totally get what you're saying about "powering up". Investing steem into steem power and holding it for a while makes perfect sense. But with Steem Dollars consistently worth more than Steem (and even when not, since you get more value in the 50/50 reward from the Steem Dollars), I've found it's much more advantageous to keep the posts at 50/50, and then sell the Steem Dollars on the internal market for Steem. And use those to power up.

See what I'm saying?

Yeah, I don't think I'll ever power down unless I really need the Steem for whatever reason.

Good thinking.

Your birthday is May the fourth? Awesome!

Great post,dude. Trying to make as much SP as possible

That's some commitment brother. Being new here and to crypto has got me wanting to rack up my SBD but I may join you in the 100% steem power quest one of these days

Do it bro!

100% SP makes sense sometimes. It doesn't when the exchange rate for SBD is high. You can put way more SP back in if you know when to power up 100% and when to go 50/50. Have you seen the payout rate lately? It's been close to 80% sbd and 20% steem. So how much steem power do you get right now at 100% ?
Better to hodl sbd, then change it to SP when there is a good exchange. You'll build faster that way.

See what I mean? I have a $10.00 post hypothetically. I set it at 100% payout. I get 75% of the payout. That's $7.50 or roughly 1.8 steem right now.

Say I do 50/50. I still get 75% payout. Now I get 3.75 sbd (which is supposed to be worth a dollar) and less than 1 steem power. I trade the 3.75 sbd on the exchange and get 5 steem or so. Then I power up that steem. See what I mean?