Outside of steemit 99% of the wealth is controlled by 1-2% of the people (or so we are told)
The rest of us fight over what is left. And Steemit is really no different and this could certainly be improved by limiting paid voting bots and programmatic manipulation.
The problem that I am most concerned about is how long can it last if the 1% cannot keep bringing in enough to pay the 99%?
Perhaps advertisements or smart media tokens will be required.
My proposal: Abonnements for external readers at a cheap price, like 1 Euro or Dollar monthly. Why I came upon this idea? I am writing on a narration series and more people from outside (like my relatives and fb-friends) read my posts and even share and forward them) but this is worthless for me and worthless for the community! Some of them are not willing, most of them not able to open a Steemit account. But even then. If they remain inactive their VP would be zero. No idea, however, how to handle this because Steemit as a social media should remain open to the world.
Perhaps a voluntary supporting fee or a fee for special services (which have to be created).
It‘s a pity that there is no developer pool for such ideas. I have other proposals but I do not know how to reach those who created the user surface....
Keep on thinking!
There is a new proposal by the founders called SMT. I don't yet know enough about it, but it looks like they are trying to solve this problem -- but Steemit would change!
Yes, a developers tag or space is a must (perhaps it is already here somewhere -- I'm too new to know).
And I am rather new, too. As far as I understand the Utopia-io is the spot for developers. But I am no computer specialist. I am looking for a place where user and progammers meet. The best pracitice is by fixing problems... So there should be or might be a place for us to report bugs and other issues. Will I have the courage to ask my more experienced felllows in the Austrian and German Discord channels? There's always so much shame... The expectation to receive a: "You don't know, you should now, haven't you read...?".... But I will ask now. There's a subchannel "questions of newbies"...
Yes, I really believe users should be able to and feel encourage to submit feedback and requests -- no mater what level of understanding they have.
My guess is that there probably is a Discord channel(s), but I really am too new to know.
Thanks for the repy.