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RE: Day 134 Why This Format Works

in #steemit7 years ago

The way I understand how it works is that there are neural pathways in the brain to the reward center. Those that get used grow stronger and the ones that don't get used grow smaller. The bigger a neural pathway the stronger the urge you have to do something. Using some discipline you can stop doing one thing and start doing another thing more. (this is the easy way to explain, ther are plenty of techniques like channeling or making emotional links that highly help in this proces) Over time this will adjust your brain what makes it all quite automatic.

So no, reminding myself of not doing things doesn't really reminds me that I could. A blog like this is really a great tool to get the moivation and discipline to do (or not do) certain things for a long enough time to reconfigure your brain.

Understanding also plays a big part and I do plan to write more about it one day here.

I hope it makes sense.


That's an excellent explanation thanks!