Someone told my CCN post and published it on Steemit. They earned $400 [Editor’s note: The payout did not occur after the article was found to be plagiarized]. I earned substantially less. Why don’t I care? Because I am realistic about the nature of the Internet, the economy – and most importantly, Bitcoiners.
I often hear people say that hard work pays off. This isn’t always the case. Many times, taking the easy route is the quickest way to make money. Dishonesty, theft and tearing others down. And isn’t that what the global economy has proved itself to be all about?
Bitcoiners love to tout “free markets.” Isn’t someone stealing another’s post and profiting to the tune of $400 the perfect example of “free market.”
Many people discuss the Bitcoin “Community.” But, the Bitcoin Community is a marketing angle in order to entice newcomers to feel at home while entering into what’s determinedly nothing more than industry – with self-interest and plenty of lawyers (looking at you, Santori).
You can read the post at Steemit: Here
You can read the original: Here
What is Steemit?
"Steemit is a social media platform where everyone gets paid for creating and curating content. It leverages a robust digital points system, called Steem, that supports real value for digital rewards through market price discovery and liquidity."
Steemit claims to be a website that allows you to interact with its blockchain. The blockchain is a system where virtual currency is used to reward users who post, comment or rate posts. It’s kind of like Reddit but you are rewarded if people upvote your post with Steem, a digital token. The rewards are given out in 50% dollars and 50% steem power.
There are many things that can be done on Steem. You can write posts with photo and video links. You can upvote or downvote other’s posts. You get rewarded if your posts become popular on the website. The website claims this is all based on the blockchain, but there have been other website’s claiming to run their own blockchains without proof thereof.
Bitcoin publications – as they do with every new blockchain startup – claims it could be the “killer app” of Bitcoin. Only time can tell that.
Just four days ago, Steemit was hacked for $85,000, another high-profile hack in the wake of the $55 million hack of the DAO.
In an official statement, CEO Ned Scott said the hack had “been contained.”
User accounts and wallets are not at risk, and we hope to soon reactivate the steemit website to normal order. Any users whose accounts were compromised will be completely reimbursed.
So why don’t I care someone stole my post and profited big? Because I don’t expect the economy to work any other way, let alone the Internet. Some of the most successful individuals in history have made themselves successful on the back of others. We see that here in the Bitcoin Community. (How many people are riding the back’s of Satoshi, claiming to be doing good work for the community?) My lack of expectations results in few disappointments.
I hope that whoever stole the post and profited big on it gives some money away to charity or that they themselves needed that cash more than I did. They’re not to blame. Perhaps the naive who tipped the individual shoulder most the blame.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the article are solely that of the author and do not represent those of, nor should they be attributed to CCN.
I've seen this posted numerous times. different accounts, I took away my up vote because I can't verify this is you.
Sad to steal an article about stealing an article a bit ironic.
Upvoted to put you at the top and get this clarified or down voted away. Thanks for the catch!
Well hell, I don't know what to think now !!!! Somebody has stolen the original content and then caught by someone else. Then this guy posted a copy of what was already posted! WTF is going on.... This is crazy!!
Whenever someone submits a post, it should be checked for plagiarism. I wonder why it's not implemented yet. Maybe for the next update?
You're right bro, every where on the internet there is some people take others work and post it even without writing the source of original post, i respect your humanity but trusty me people like you who can think and write will always be proud of his work, well done bro, never give keep posting, may God bless you
This kind of crap has to stop!!!! I can't believe there is not technology out there to do a search of the web and find this kind of BS automatically. These kind of people that profit frimothers original work should be banned! This is so unbelieveable. Thanks for sharing this. I hope the founders or several of the big guys see this!
there is technology => bots that are enabled and post warning comments if the content of your post matches something on the interwebs.
This needs to be on the TRENDING page so everybody can see this!! I'm going to share this with some people.
I hate the idea of people taking other peoples content. There are so many topics to talk about it would be so easy to find your own thing to discuss
Even if they do they should at least share the wins right?
Well everyone here I am afraid is copying someone else post! At part who is introducing her/himself... accepting the idea that are really introducing themself and not someone else
you made again these money :)
and much more will be :D
more about voting
I think Steemit need to do something with copyrights problem.
Because it's at least unfair to the owners of the content that is their property. I'm an artist and frankly I would be upset to find out that someone posted my pictures. Even if with non-commercial intent.
Thanks for that very grounded perspective on the subject. As a voter and believer in Steemit, I would prefer that this not happen but I agree that the world is not what we want, it just is as it is.
I foresee a Steemit future that accounts for this type of behavior on the platform, and in a way it's better that we consider how to tackle these issues now, in beta, before we open the gates for the horde.
You can take comfort in the fact that your writing is of a quality that garners attention, albeit negative in this case. Heres my vote for a great post :)
This ashould be a way to protecting content online. Some kind of way, aleast if aomeone wants to use someone's conrent atleast pay some royalties or very small micro um of digital money before they can have access to publhish somewhere else.
In time necessary to thieve your post you will write two better ones
well congrats, your post about it has made you some money ;)
OP can you verify you aren't stealing this, per @william-noe? He makes a good point, so If I don't see some kind of verification today I'll join William-noe in removing my vote and down voting.
Any time there is money to be made the bots will follow, its like seeing a video on reddit that was popular you'll see it from large facebook pages in a few weeks when it get passed around to get monetized, good to see you actually got some money for this post.
Steemit Quotes Of The Day –

Sometimes life is tough. 諦めない
Btw i upvote your post because i just happen to like u through ur post
buen trabajo amigo! genial tu articulo.
good job! excellent. upvoted!
I think Steemit can improve it's system to counter those situations. The network exist to share information - new or already known between the users. An example how Steemit can be improved - If a user copy paste an article, their must be an added option on the site which informs that the content is not original and is taken from "the source". Then all the upvotes recieved should be splited between the user and the writer 50-50. If the author want to receive his earnings he should just contact support and claim his part. That way the user who shared and the author who created the content will be rewarded fairly.
It's an idea, but why not? Everyone will be happy with that I think. (Sorry if I made any mistakes)
here my most sincere apologies to Justin O'Connell:
You have a good point, sir