Politics on Steemit - Part Two: Followerships - Birds of Feather Flock Together & What Makes YOU Unfollow Someone

in #steemit7 years ago

Greetings! I recently started a new series on steemit called "politics on steemit." We just can't deny it, the politics are here. This is my second segment.

My first segment dealt with the club mentality that exists in certain sectors of steemit. As a brief recap, it's completely okay to be in clubs, alliances, groups, etc. So long as you can separate yourself from it enough to recognize that Steemians not involved in your group have good content to offer as well. Here's segment 1:

Segment two will deal with followerships. Truth is, birds of a feather flock together. That's how it will always be in large part. Common interests cause friendships to form and certain people will NATURALLY gravitate towards following those in their categories of interest.

My main categories are art, fitness, photography, cats, conspiracies, psychology, & probably a few other things. Does that mean that's all I will comment on? No, of course not. All I'm saying is we stick to what we know & enjoy. So therefore, it'd be a little strange to find me over discussing the mechanics of model airplanes with someone especially when I clearly have no interest in it or know what I'm even talking about.

I don't keep an EXACT count on my followers. I know I have 1550ish currently because it's an even number. But, I don't monitor is religiously. If I do happen to notice my count drop by one or two, I do NOT take it personally. While, I greatly appreciate all my followers, I certainly understand that what I post may not interest them.

Sometimes, I do go through my list and unfollow people. Usually, they are folks I have no memory of even following (which indicates we CLEARLY do not interact). Sometimes, it is because the person is no longer on steemit...it happens. We all know people who've given up on the platform. Sometimes, it's because that despite how much I have tried to formulate a relationship, the person simply doesn't interact with we which is inconsiderate. Usually, if I'm an avid follower of someone that also interacts with me the only way at that point I would unfollow them is in circumstances involving steemit abuse or gross misconduct.

I noticed a lot of new users get pissed off when I unfollow them. Then I get angry messages on discord as to how dare I? This has happened to me several times actually. Sometimes I didn't even know the person!

Other times I had legit reasons for unfollowing to include lack of interaction from them or being caught plagiarizing.

My message today is, if you get unfollowed by one or two people STAY CALM. I would only be concerned if it a mass exodus of unfollowings. Stop taking yourself so serious. Unfollowings are NOT always personal. And, one more thing there have been a couple times I accidentally unfollowed someone! In that case I'm right back to following as soon as I see my silly mistake.

Alright, thanks for tuning in. Please feel free to drop a comment on your habits involving what leads you to follow or unfollow someone?
Header graphic my own creation


Good points here! I follow people for a variety of reasons, but I almost always follow someone who makes interesting comments on my posts, and actually desires to have interaction. I follow all the good photographers on here, because I want to give them support. I don't always get the same back, so I may change that!

There is one account I have commented on, encouraged and upvoted for months, but all I get back (if I'm lucky) is "Thanks." There is never a comment on any of my posts, and probably not an Upvote either. I just checked and he's not following - not that he has to. But even on Steemit, relationships need to be both ways!

At the very beginning, I got a bit sucked into the follow for follow when someone commented on my post. I probably need to do a bunch of Unfollowing of those! Thanks for bringing this up!

Glad to hear your insight on this. Yeah relatioships of any kind is a two way street. That is why I have also been known to harp on engaging with the people genuinely interacting with you on your blogs

Exactly! It's all about engagement!

As a new member of Steemit, these kind of posts are very helpful. It's like walking into a room Full of people who have known each other for years and have their own identity, ethics, inside jokes, truths, etc. It's quite overwhelming sometimes to be honest. These kind of posts help me get it into glance on what I've already done wrong and what I should work on getting better at on this platform. Thanks for that...


I'm glad you could find it helpful! That's why I'm doing them =) it is hard at first, but you'll get there=)

He's good people. Solid honest and talented. That's why I wanted him to know you. Birds of a feather you know. :)

I like good people =)

I'm right there with you! I spend time reading a lot of the groups that I am in, but I love to vary out and meet new people and exposed to new content helps me to grow as a writer and as a person as a whole.

I do unfollow from time to time although I'm far from religious with checking. Life is too busy for me to keep going through my list.

I trust that those who interact with me follow me because they appreciate my content. I know that I gravitate towards the posters that I know very well, but I like to keep moving and adding new people who I can interact with as long as I see that they are not spammers.

I do not follow back just because somebody leaves a nice comment, but I do go and check out their profile to see what kind of content they are producing.

I will be reading with interest to your politics of Steemit posts. There is a lot of politics whenever people get together, it's just that way.

Yeah I'm not religious combing through mine either and follow more or less your version. Thanks for the comment

I'm genuinely confused as to why anyone would want a high number of followers just for the number.

I would much rather have people follow me who are interested in what I'm doing and who I have some kind of relationship with.

This follow for follow bs gets old quick. If you want success here go build relationships and contribute to the community. Numbers on a screen are not relationships.

Also, get over the idea that anyone owes you anything. What have you done for the community. What service do you offer?

When people tell you these things they are trying to help. They are not trying to be rude. Nobody here who is successful utilizes follow for follow. The only path to success is community building. This is how it is supposed to work, it is not broken. Go find your tribe and contribute to it.

Thanks for the post @chelsea88.

Keep Steeming!

You got the RIGHT idea here. No one owes you anything here honestly. Steemit also doesn't owe you anything. The entitlement issue IS a real issue here

majorly, I get nasty messages from new users demanding money, wtf? I worked for months on a VERY long and varied blog and did podcasts, curation to get even what most consider at my rep , not all that much in payouts , fastest way to fail is to yell and be mean to people who you don't know and demand things, wtf !!!!! lol

True dat @battleaxe
Some people are really out of line.

Great post! All good things happen in their own time. I rarely pay attention to the actual number of followers, and if someone has unfollowed, that is okay, there will be more that do. And begging for upvotes is a major drag, and most people really dislike the idea, me included. I had one person today, upvote his own comments with 4 other accounts of his... go figure.

The best way to go, be true to yourself. And you will meet up with some incredible folks, like my friend here @chelsea88 :-)

Have a great night.

Yeah you're right it is a real drag. It makes Steemit look bad too. Thanks for the comment & I am happy for your friendship too @inthenow =)

I think this is a very informative and insightful post! There are a lot of members who ask for follows from pretty much everyone, but I don't agree with that either and think it is better to have a few followers who share interests than a lot of followers. Begging in any way for followers or votes is not going to get the kind of followers you can build relationships and a community with. I agree with you that it's more beneficial to have shared interests! :)

Birds of a feather! I'm happy to hear this post resonated with you. Keep steeming

Thanks! I'll keep on steeming along :)

I cull my list all the time. If I cannot remember interacting with them, its good bye. I would rather have a small close knit group, than a large group that never communicate. I guess there are no wrongs or rights.

Can you please upvote all my comment & posts then follow and resteem me my friend dear @old-guy-photos?
^^^ that's an example of a wrong since u said there are no wrongs or rights

Noo, they would have never made it on the list in the first place! Im saying there is no right or wrong morals for culling for not interacting. See what I mean?? :)

I recently culled my list. If I could not remember them or interacting with them, I deleted them. I'd like my list to be people I like and or interact with. I like my feed a lot better now because I know everyone I see on it. :D

Ha! That is so weird....you said just about what I said! Too cool.

Well, I am one of your 'steemit kids'. lol

True and a good one at that :)

the Rogue types who don't get toooo nailed down to any one "clique" make it on here, I've seen tons come and go and egos on making tons then the group fights, dissolves, they poof

That's why rogues are always my fave on video games lol

I see it stupid to unfollow someone or been unfollowed by someone....don't have that mindset....the only i do is to check how many followers....i wonder why people unfollow and make steemit so hard for newbies.....

Sounds like you aren't getting the point Of this post. It's not to make it "hard on newbies." I was a newbie once. Sometimes my posts got no votes or made 2 cents or got 3 views and no comments. Just because you have a lot of people following you doesn't mean they are ACTIVE followers. That's why asking for follows or upvotes is a WASTE OF TIME. If someone wants to follow or upvote you they will. Rome wasn't built in a day. I been on stenit almost 8 months and I'm still not rep 60. You have to work hard and be genuine

Thanks chealsea......now i'm getting it

Cool good luck to you

I've generally defaulted into following the troublemakers on this site:D

Yeah I'm a true trouble maker

I am a newbie myself and i make sure i followed and support my followers as well. Never unfollowed anyone. I am always happy when i meet new friends through steemit. We should support each other. We are one steemit community so everybody happy. Thank you fot sharing my new friend. Followed you already few days ago. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the comment. Yes we should support good Steemians who are posting quality, orginal content. Sounds like you may be stuck on following everyone that doesn't mean you'll get more votes. Good luck!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I've recently thought about cleaning up my list of who I follow. When I first started on here I think I just started following anyone. I would rather unfollow a few folks that I never interact with to make sure my feed isn't so muddied that I miss posts from the people whose work I really enjoy!

That's a great way of looking at it - So you don't have to "wade through" it

When I first came here, I thought the first step to success was to have followers. I thought having many followers would automatically get me more upvotes. But now I know, from my own experiance, there's no link between them. I'm following about 600 something people but I never check my feed. I only check what's hot (very rarely), some random commenters-> their posts-> commenters to their posts and so on but mostly I chek my "favourite blogs" everyday. These are the blogs I have in my memory. People I interacted with them let's say more than 3 time.
So, for me, following and unfollowing is just formality. What really matters is having some space in ones memory 😉