And when I say 9 to 5 that can either be full or part time. I really think this is it people. Who would've ever thought. I've spent years scouring the Internet in my teens and twenties looking for a real work from home opportunity. I realized then, there really was no such thing or at least I couldn't find one that was legit enough and believe me I tried, along with countless other friends and family. I remember coming across those ads where you can make “up to $1,000 a week stuffing envelopes!” How about the ones where they claim to pay you for writing reviews or assembling toys. Yeah right, let's just say I wasn't one of the lucky ones to get blessed with one of those gigs and I'm pretty sure some people have, so I'm not denying it completely. All I'm saying is this is the only thing I can think of where we finally have a real opportunity for everyone to make some serious cash simply by just being creative while sitting at home on your computer. The only investment is a little bit of time and creativity, literally.
For years I've worked decent paying jobs and menial paying jobs, your typical 40 hour work week in corporate America and you know what, it's sickening. Job security is totally non existent no matter how much of a good employee you are, how many years of your life you've devoted or how much of your bosses ass cheeks you have to kiss. Good luck trying to get a raise for all of your hard work. As far as I know, there's a higher chance of you getting pushed out and replaced by someone willing to work for significantly less until they try to get a raise to keep up with the ever increasing expenses of a normal life. Oh the vicious cycle. Government jobs seem to be the safest bet but you better make sure you have your degrees in order and be ready to duke it out with the other thousands of applicants. Also be ready to invest plenty of time, travel and of course, money, that is, if you have enough to spare. Trust me I speak from experience.
Imagine a world where you can make your own money and wake up, brew some coffee, play some music, turn on your computer, sit down, get to thinking and get to work. All on your own time, on your own terms. This is what Bitcoin, the blockchain and more specifically STEEMIT is doing for us right now at this very moment. No more waking up running around, rushing to work, frustrated in traffic, answering to a bunch of imbeciles who know nothing and could care less about you or your family's well being, fighting tooth and nail for more rightfully earned money that you will never get only to spend 40 hours a week at that job, 10 hours a week traveling there and 30-40 hours a week sleeping in between. And I think I'm being generous here. So, what does that equate to my friends? Let's do the math. If there is 168 hours in one week, that means 120 of those hours do not belong to you.
The power is slowly being shifted back into our hands. Could you imagine Facebook or one of these behemoths implementing such an idea, oh the commission fee would be so fair. Yeah.
Well friends, call this a rant or whatever you'd like but I just feel the need to get this off my chest. I'm surrounded by lots of people my age, 30, some older and some younger that are not in the best positions in life almost all by no fault of their own whatsoever. This could finally be the freedom we've all been searching for.
“In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices.”
-Elizabeth Gilbert
I love this! I feel like this is the opportunity of a life time! I just hope people dont run to quit their jobs too quickly. Hehe. I feel like we need to wait a bit and get a rhythm financially on steemit first, Before it can replace our jobs!
I love/hate that you mentioned the 168 hours thing, I hate doing the math on that because it makes me absolutely sick, It'S YOUR LIFE yet we are slaves to our employers and it's really sad.
Hey! Thank you for the comment! So funny how when you put the actual numbers up on the screen it kind of puts things into perspective. And, I wholeheartedly agree, please don't go quitting any jobs just yet! Haha, hopefully soon ;) Steem on and good luck with your blog!! @kaylinart
I completely agree. I've been riding this decentralized self empowering wave by quitting my corporate job to drive for Uber and Lyft...and now I'm leaving that to write for Steemit. I wrote this post a few months ago and I think it expands on your thoughts:
This is an interesting read
We can now (maybe for a while) clearly see how the world in changing in how work mode strive.
9-5 can almost mean anytime of day/night now.
Thank you. Yup this is definitely a game changer for the early birds or nocturnals!
Amen to that. Now I just gotta start ACTUALLY writing stuff people would care about..
Fantastic post! My livelihood is working for not-for-profits that keep my heart buoyant but my bank account bobbing just above the water. I joined Steemit seeking a community for dialogue and feedback. After the hack, the trends have become more aligned with popular culture. As a member that just wanted writing critiques and is now seeking to participate in this grand social experiment, I look forward to reading and observing progress. Here is a link to my most recent post about how to remain kind on a site with financial motivation and folks pretending to be recovering heroin addicts.
Haha, Thank you for the kind comment!! Checking out your post soon as I finish up replying to all of these wonderful comments. I wish nothing but the best for you here on Steemit. Lets's get that bank account up to the clouds!! Thank you again, good luck , all the best!
Definitely write on! I truly believe once you get to work on here you will be successful. All the best to you and your future posts! Thank you!
This gunna be me soon:

I hope the internet reception is good though!! LOL
HAHA!!! Hilarious!! Me too!!
pack your bags!
A lot of people shit on "eat, pray, love" but whenever I read some of Elizabeth's books - big magic is one good example - I find a lot of insight and good to great writing. Glad to see her voice in here...
Thank you for your comment, I definitely have to check out big magic, all the best to you!
The main problem that i am seeing is the whales who have so much voting power and the new people that will join this platform. The whales can just comment once they have 100,000 steem and just upvote while getting their payout.
So many good posts that never will come to fruition ever because a whale didn't see it. I see it getting harder to the point where you need to have some outside influence like a well known youtuber or blogger in order to get traffic to a story.
I agree. You make some very valid points here. In the meanwhile I will just have fun with this and hope for the best. It seems as if the more you give back to the community the better chance you have to succeed here. Call me lucky with this one or not, I was just speaking from the heart. Thanks for your comment and keep giving back my friend. I'm more than positive you will be successful here. Thanks again! Peace!
only completly fucking retarded posts get paid on here, i would be carefull going all in on this steemit, firstly because the website is nt decentralizeda nd its easy fr anyone to clone this crap and run this on his own blockchain and if you not a fag making a makeup tutorial i dont see you making anything.
I wonder why you earned so much on that post, thats irritatig aswell so im not trusting this system how posts are rewarded at all
hopefully all the crapness will get sorted out....
I wonder why as well but all I tried to do was just vent the issues I and so many others face all the time. This is a pretty cool platform if you ask me. Keep it up my friend, there is no doubt in my mind you will have that one post and many more that will knock you out of your seat and make you wish you can do it all the time, ha. Best of luck to you and Peace!
Ahoy matee, I daresay you snatched yerself some upvoting whales, seeing as how in 3 short hours & a tiny sputtering of replies, your post nonetheless garnered itself $2.8k, hehe..
So, indeed Steem might seem a bit miraculous at times - great innovation that was long-coming, undoubtedly.
The wee bit of caveat one should keep in mind however, [outside of the two elephants in the room - 1) The altcoin token's ever-dizzying price gyrations and massive crash risk ; 2) The fact that no one except the most massive SteemPower whales have practically exclusive access to the vertiginous big bucks upvotes that we see on the front page lol] - is the fact that, well..
..Blogging, let alone quality article writing, isn't for everyone.
Of course, not every human is a capable author. But, the skill barrier of entry, when it comes not to writing prose, but to simply posting make-up video tutorials, or thinly veiled promotion of one's NSFW camgirl channels, well.. that would be much more plausible to realize on a mass userbase scale, in that case.
After all, one merely has to follow Facebook, Twitter, & YouTube's examples, to see this model at work.. and their lower common denominator masses ;)))
Thank you so much. I agree with you on many points. I'm crossing fingers and hoping this all works out well for everyone. Definitely not your writer's writer here but just having fun and speaking from the heart. It's crazy seeing some of these posts and the amounts of cash they are bringing in, I won't mention which ones ha! All the best to you my friend and thank you for the comment on my post, very much appreciated.
I totally agree with you. I think the economy, by design, binds you into a tight wheel, like a hamster wheel. It is designed in such a way that 5 days of the week you create wealth for the corporate world and the rest of the 2 days you spend your wealth, again on corporate world. Think about it!
Lets just say that this whole thing will change the system, the vicious cycle you talked about. In the words of Daenerys Targaryen, "I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break the wheel."
Happy breaking :)
I never looked at it that way, so true, the little time we have to ourselves is spent again on the very things that keep us in that wheel! I think I will need a sledgehammer, pass one here please!, haha, Thank you for the comment!
hehe sure man! we all need a lot of sledgehammers!!
I totally keep pinching myself to make sure I am awake. I have been searching as well. I have given Steemit it a little test and now I am ready to really try to provide some value and earn some money. I like what I do at my regular job, but there are definitely days where I wish I could have the flexibility of blogging about my interests and still be able to pay all my bills. I really think this could be that opportunity for a lot of us!
Thanks for the comment and I agree! This definitely is a great opportunity for many of us. It seems like the majority of the community is providing excellent top notch content and I honestly couldn't be any happier. I feel some good times are ahead of us. All the best!
they do not think about you
Good post @chriscrypto
Thank you! @memes
I agree Chris and I think Steemit really is just the beginning. I wrote my first article today about how this shift in thinking will make shockwaves throughout the social media industry and change economics of the internet. Please check it out and help a brada out with an upvote if you like it. "How will social media and the internet change as Steemit enters the game?"
Absolutely! You just said it, the shockwaves are inevitable and will be detrimental to many platforms. Best of luck to you and I for sure will check out your post, Thank you very much!!
Let's hope this is the bloggers Utopia we have been searching for! I too am searching for part time homeworking, as I'm struggling to manage a teaching job and being a mother. As you say though, unless you want to work for less than minimum wage well paid homeworking doesn't exist, just a different set of Whales looking to get rich off you.
Very true. I really think this is that opportunity. In fact, now, I know it is. I'm just hitting that "submit a story" button and letting it all go. We should just have fun with this and bring positive vibes here. Thank you very much for your comment. Best of luck to you on this platform and as a mother, that is no easy feat!! And I do hope one day you won't have to struggle to manage a teaching job, all thanks to cryptocurrencies and steemit! Thanks again, Cheers!
You said it! This is EXACTLY what I have wanted to do all along, just never expected to make money doing it!!! This is beyond Awesome!!!!!!!!
Same here, Wow! I honestly never expected anything huge to come out of this. I'm definitely a huge believer in the platform and excited to see what the future holds. I will just have fun and shoot for the stars every time! Thank you!!
Amen my friend! Love the Pat Bateman header btw. Way to lead out strong.
Ha! Thanks bud, I gotta say one of my favorite books and films! Thank you!
For me the key is : Will be capable steem of be sustainable? if we get it, the way will be done
True indeed. I guess only time will tell. Best of luck to you and all of us. Peace!
Interesting read. I would add that Steemit is not a 9 to 5 but a 24 hour a day, 365 days in the year pay. It accrues every single minute, so it will be much better than a 9 to 5 pay and even better schedule!
Well said my friend you are 1000% correct! It truly is amazing the more I think about it. 24/7-365 yup, WOW! Thank you for the comment and all the best to you! Peace!
It is amazing. Thanks all the best to you as well!
This is the future. They tried to make us slaves, but we will not have it!
The Revolution shall be Steemivised!!
Thank God we can now stop being restless knowing our lives are trickling away like sand in an hourglass while knowing we were meant for greater things. Not arrogance - just that we all have gifts that are worth sharing with the world. Creativity is an art and it's about time it gets appreciated and seen. I can only see a better future for us all!
Not arrogance at all you are so right! Each one of us has a unique voice that I truly believe Steemit is just playing a small part in letting be heard. Thank you for the wonderful comment @jlwkolb good luck and positive vibes as always!! Peace!!
Good read. Thanks for posting
Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment, very much appreciated , all the best to you!!
You're very welcome! Good luck to you as well!
Thanks Chris!
Now do you believe that for the beginner, attaining enough income is possible at this point in the game?
No , Thank you for reading and commenting. No doubt about it I am a believer to the bone!! Good luck to you!!
Now you can tell your buddies about this opportunity and that you got over $1000 from a post.
Ahead of you on that one ;) Thank you !
I worked in the corporate world for more than a decade. Your story gives me hope earning a living on my own terms. Thanks you!
Indeed my friend, it's only a matter of time before you have equal success! I wish you the best, good luck and thank you!
I've also been interested in doing something else on the side for as long as I can remember. You hit the nail on the head on this one, it's great to be able to do something on your own terms.
Thank you very much, I feel success is right around the corner for many, this platform will make things possible, take care and good luck!
As Robert Kiyosaki puts it and not only him everybody, "The Rat Race" . I feel you buddy, there is no point in doing the same thing day in and day out when we have just one life and it is short as older people say too. Bitcoin created a lot of wealthy people. But the point with Bitcoin here is more freedom and disrupting the banking and financial industries and federal reserves stealing the people money. They manipulate the markets and start wars with their greed. Bitcoin is money without borders and very cost efficient. It gives the power back to the people and lets them decide. Out of Bitcoin came hundreds of other cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin and the Blockchain are going to DISRUPT and start a evolution. Thanks for your great post friend.
Well put! I couldn't have said it any better, the disruption has been brewing for a while now and I'm so happy to be apart of it all. Funny how you say Bitcoin created alot of wealthy people, when I first heard about it was so cheap I think pennies on the dollar. I dismissed it at the time and for many years after. Ha. Only wish I knew then what we all know now. Thank you for the comment and all the best to you! Positive vibes! Peace
Steemit really has hit the scene with a bang, the growth will continue to be awesome. Extraordinary is the only way to describe the potential!!

Long live the "revolution"!!
Truly amazing!