Ahoy matee, I daresay you snatched yerself some upvoting whales, seeing as how in 3 short hours & a tiny sputtering of replies, your post nonetheless garnered itself $2.8k, hehe..
So, indeed Steem might seem a bit miraculous at times - great innovation that was long-coming, undoubtedly.
The wee bit of caveat one should keep in mind however, [outside of the two elephants in the room - 1) The altcoin token's ever-dizzying price gyrations and massive crash risk ; 2) The fact that no one except the most massive SteemPower whales have practically exclusive access to the vertiginous big bucks upvotes that we see on the front page lol] - is the fact that, well..
..Blogging, let alone quality article writing, isn't for everyone.
Of course, not every human is a capable author. But, the skill barrier of entry, when it comes not to writing prose, but to simply posting make-up video tutorials, or thinly veiled promotion of one's NSFW camgirl channels, well.. that would be much more plausible to realize on a mass userbase scale, in that case.
After all, one merely has to follow Facebook, Twitter, & YouTube's examples, to see this model at work.. and their lower common denominator masses ;)))
Thank you so much. I agree with you on many points. I'm crossing fingers and hoping this all works out well for everyone. Definitely not your writer's writer here but just having fun and speaking from the heart. It's crazy seeing some of these posts and the amounts of cash they are bringing in, I won't mention which ones ha! All the best to you my friend and thank you for the comment on my post, very much appreciated.