Video below!
When someone has spent a lot of hours into something, slowly and patiently developing their skill, they can make it appear so easy and so simple that you might call it magic - or you might call it luck. If you've never taken the time to analyse your own success, or the success of others, then you won't see the principles, and when others succeed, it will bamboozle you.
Being constructive with unconstructive criticism
The other day I had a post on Steemit which did quite well - some pictures of my travels around Mexico, a kind of photo essay giving a little bit of insight into what my life is like. Many people liked it, though one fellow wasn't so pleased. He flagged the article, as if it were spam, and left a comment saying that he didn't understand the piece.
I was puzzled, and a little angry, though I couldn't escape the irony of worrying so much about one negative comment, when so many people enjoyed the piece. I thought about it for a day or a little less, and eventually responded:
Many years ago, when I was working very hard on my music, I remember I was at a party and my friend put on the Wu-Tang Clan's album Enter the Wu-Tang: 36 Chambers. He rapped along with Gza's verse and said "They're the best rappers. They've gotta be."
I was very angry, jealous and confused as to why my friend would be so enamoured with the Wu-Tang Clan, and then be unimpressed by my music. My response was to listen to 36 Chambers non-stop, for days or weeks on end. I listened with jealousy, hate and confusion. What's so hot about them? I thought.
It wasn't until years later when I listened to 36 Chambers with fresh ears, and without preconceptions, that I started to understand the grittiness and spontaneity that they had laid down. Now, it's one of my all-time favourite albums, and I realised I had so much to learn about hip hop, music and art in general.
I wasted years of my life with that attitude, and squandered many valuable opportunities because of it. My life would have been much more fulfilling if I had dropped my preconceptions within hours, rather than years - don't you think?
A few tips
On another post, I saw a fellow talking humbly and openly about his frustration on Steemit, and I took the time to respond with a few tips that I had learnt on Steemit, and a few tips I gained from my friends at Autonomite
In my experience, making good content is only half the victory. On our podcast @paradise-paradox, we've been publishing videos and audios for about 20 months, and from the beginning I thought that, if we make good content, sooner or later someone is going to notice it. That's true to an extent, but the fact is, normally if you publish something on the Internet and don't tell anybody about it, nobody is going to know about it. People will share good content if they get a chance, but you need to get the ball rolling. If you can put your headline and title image before 3000 sets of eyeballs, that's when things start to get interesting.
The other day, I heard @andrarchy say something like: Whenever I publish something, I want to show it to whomever might possibly be interested in it. Now, that's the attitude of a true hustler, and you can see that his results reflect that. Of course, he's not sharing trash either; he's sharing well-thought-out content which people want to see.
Get on the #postpromotion channel if you're not already. Join the 5 or 6 Facebook groups that exist for sharing Steemit content. Join writing groups on Facebook, or any other groups related to your niche. Submit your content to Reddit, Digg, Google, Bing. Most importantly, engage with people on those media where you can. From your perspective, it seems like a popularity contest. From others' perspective, they have asked for the support of their friends. People are rarely popular by accident; normally, it's because they've put in the effort to make connections with people.
The other tip I can give you is, you already have some content on here which is quite successful. I can see you've earned a few hundred dollars between two specific posts. So don't be so quick to say that the dream is short-lived when you've already achieved so much on here. Making $500 as a writer is nothing to sneeze at. By many measures, that's a lot of money. I wrote a blog for years and didn't make that much; I'm sure you've had similar experiences. Celebrate your victories, and analyse your victories.
I hope that gives you a few things to think about, and a few action points. Good luck my friend!
Case studies
Considering how easy it is to believe that success on Steemit can be a question of luck, I decided to take the liberty of analysing a few cases, to get an idea of what really drives success on this platform.
1. @andrarchy
You can see the passion that this man puts into his videos, and you can hear him talk about the standards he sets for himself. The man has a commitment to excellence, and, as mentioned above, when he makes something good, he does everything he can to show it to people.
2. @stellabelle
before Steemit rolled around.A lot of people have attributed @stellabelle's success to getting on the platform early. But I know that there is more to her success than that, because I joined Steemit at a similar time. The fact is, she put in the hard work, she had the discipline to post twice a day, and she was willing to drop all masks and show people exactly who she was - not to mention the thousands of hours she put into developing her work
3. @sterlinluxan
This guy consistently releases high quality content, and it's no surprise that he sees a lot of consistency with his results on here. When I saw he was posting on the site, I already knew (by reputation) the quality of his work and the content of his character, so I made a point of adding to some Facebook groups to help him promote it, and promoted some of it myself on our Facebook page. The kind of person he was, and the compassion demonstrated in his work, made me want to help him.
4. @kennyskitchen
My friend Kenny has just started on the site, and I'm glad to see that he's already seeing some success. Again, the reason I'm glad he's seeing success is because I believe he deserves it, for being a unique and inspiring character. Kenny has a personal commitment to making things around him better, and doing things for people regardless of whether they can do anything for him. So, naturally people want to see him do well.
The principles
Looking at these characters, we can see that they're all very different, but we can see some common threads throughout:
- Be passionate
- Have a commitment to excellence
- Be compassionate
- Be honest
- Make people feel good about helping you
- And most of all... put in the ever-loving work
Important links
How I made $12k in one month
The importance of riding shotgun
Chef, healer, activist anarchist living on the road
Mistakes I've made on Steemit and how I plan to fix them by @stellabelle by @kennyskitchen by @kennyskitchen by @andrarchy
Please check out my previous posts:
Steemit's new economic paradigm, or: Why Steemit might just work
Mexico Mexiquito: photos from the magical country
Chained to a desk, stories about being employed
A life-altering peyote trip: a maybe-true science fiction story
Happiness is a skill
Staking a claim on the Steemit homestead
Wow. Great post and video. Thanks for the mention\case study. I agree.
What we do as consistent content creators is not based on pure luck, and the relationships we have built are instrumental to the process. Before I even joined Steemit I had been building my networks and producing content. This was just a logical next step when the platform arrived.
And I thank you tremendously for helping "onboard" me and put me in those groups. That meant a lot.
Cheers, friend.
Thanks Sterlin, glad to be of service!
Great post and excellent counsel! I'm a big advocate of sincere, honest and well thought out commenting. If we put value into the system well add value to everyone and reap our own reward. A good comment helps, is appreciated and rewarded!
Exactly. Open dialogue bridges cultures.
Thanks for the mention and for sticking up for me! Yeah, I have my trolls here on the platform, but honestly, not too many. The thing that people do not realize is that I was a science writer for Interesting Engineering and also a ghostwriter for a CEO of a software company before I found Steemit. Here's a link to all my science/tech articles:
I was cranking out like 2 or 3 articles per day on various topics like: AI, robotics, Nikola Tesla, technology, etc. And I was writing every single day, with no days off. I was also paid very little, in fact for IE I was getting $16 per article. I'm a perfectionist, so it took me a long time to write one article. My Nikola Tesla articles took me over 5 hours to write. I also had to edit my own work, as they really didn't have a good editor. This discipline started in March. I finally took a few days off from writing in July, when I was on holiday, but by that time I had switched homes to Steemit.
My writing discipline was easier than you might imagine, however. I had quit a 9-5 job in March, got hired as a writer, and I simply never wanted to go back to working at a dumb job again. Before being a writer I was a delivery driver for local company and Uber. Writing was way more fun and educational, so I committed myself to it. In fact, I am capable of writing more than 2 per day. I had to limit myself because I did not want people on Steemit to get sick of my stuff.
I realize this is a long answer. What I really wanted to tell you is that I appreciate you mentioning me and sticking up for me. My critics who say that my success is due to me being an early adopter fail to understand the writing discipline that I have. Also, writing is a solitary endeavor. I am extremely introverted, so working alone is my ideal situation. I like nothing better than to have each day free to think and write and create. That is a dream that I finally have achieved.
Well said. Unless you are an artist/writer I don't think you fully appreciate the work that goes into it to get to that point. Many people just see the finished piece as a single entity and as artists we know that is not the case.
Also, there are too many people willing to copy or rip off an artists work because they like their image, without recognising that if you want good, original work then you need to pay the artist to produce it. I don't know if that makes sense?
Thanks Leah, I'm sure many people here appreciate getting some insight into what you do.
It's wonderful that you've achieved your dream, and it looks like many others will be able to do the same.
about FiletofFish.......this was how I discovered Steemit! I ran into Steemit, and I thought, "what the fuck is this website?"
I wrote the story about the programmer who automated his job, and my article on IE went viral. Half a million views, I think. Suddenly, my boss at IE is sending me congratulations, alll the other writers are congratulating me too. I wrote one of the most viral articles ever on the Interesting Engineering website.
Well, at that very moment of discovering Steemit, I was suddenly thrust into a rabbit hole. It was early in the morning, and while my article about the programmer was circulating around the globe, I was deep into reading all about steemit. Within a few days, it all was crystal clear how the blockchain technology worked and how Steem could take over the way society is run. Decentralization is a big deal to me, and I had been struggling with trying to come up with ways to redistrubute wealth. I was not financially savvy, and I realized I would need to undergo intense education in finance if I was ever to make a difference in the world and society. Anyway, finding Steemit was an answer to my prayers and shitty pay as a writer. So that is the real reason, I literally worked my tail off both creating and welcoming people, also, I spent huge chunks of time commenting on people's posts.
While all the mostly boys were bickering about rules/ trying to game the system, I was building my empire through connecting to others. I could see that the real power of this system lies not with wealth accumulation alone, but in forming bonds with trusted members who will support you if you are attacked.
I had already established a well-oiled machine on all the other mainstream social media channels, like Facebook, Linkedin, etc, so I still use those platforms for help when I get verbally attacked/trolled on Steemit.Sorry to post so much. I did have one other weird, synergistic moment when I first found Steemit. As I mentioned I worked for Interesting Engineering. I was doing research on a guy named FiletofFish1066 who had fully automated his job for 6 years. I found the story by accident, I have no idea how I first found it. I was digging around for a story, so on Reddit I discovered this guy. I started digging some more, found one article on Payscale, then I tried to find his story on other news sites. I ran into a Steemit article:
We are a community and part of growing a strong community is positive and constructive feedback, don't dwell too much on the negative. Negative people haven't worked out how to interact in a community like Steemit, continue to be positive and set the example and hopefully these people will follow.Thank you @churdtzu for taking the time to write this and providing some great links, I'm looking forward to checking some of these out.
Thanks for the mention brother! And thanks again for getting me onto Steemit to begin with. I'm so excited to bring more and more of the content creators that I love over to the platform. Much love @churdtzu!
Thanks for your delicious recipes you post @kennyskitchen ! you rock
Great post, VERY true! :)
Good article!
Excellent choices to showcase different approaches and people while highlighting the one common denominator - putting in the work.
I agree completely. I think original content is the key to Steemit's success. While reddit is mostly a place to share other peoples content. Steemit will be the primary way for content creators to share their own creations with the world and get instant reward for their hard work. It's like an instant decentralized kickstarter on steroids.
Great post and vid! Looks like I'm late to the party but glad I found it. Here's my take on things..
If zero is a crapshoot and 100 is a meritocracy, I think we're around 75 and heading in the right direction. Good work is being rewarded and bullshit is falling to the wayside.
However I think there is still work to be done, especially to improve the curation system to incentivise curators to dig out more nuggets. FWIW, I wrote about it here.
Is is not so easy to make really good content.
sometimes it is just luck and "good place, good time"
I love to read good post. Upvote
Nice post! Solid tips! :)
Great video @churdtzu! I love this post! I upvoted you!