Thanks for the mention and for sticking up for me! Yeah, I have my trolls here on the platform, but honestly, not too many. The thing that people do not realize is that I was a science writer for Interesting Engineering and also a ghostwriter for a CEO of a software company before I found Steemit. Here's a link to all my science/tech articles:
I was cranking out like 2 or 3 articles per day on various topics like: AI, robotics, Nikola Tesla, technology, etc. And I was writing every single day, with no days off. I was also paid very little, in fact for IE I was getting $16 per article. I'm a perfectionist, so it took me a long time to write one article. My Nikola Tesla articles took me over 5 hours to write. I also had to edit my own work, as they really didn't have a good editor. This discipline started in March. I finally took a few days off from writing in July, when I was on holiday, but by that time I had switched homes to Steemit.
My writing discipline was easier than you might imagine, however. I had quit a 9-5 job in March, got hired as a writer, and I simply never wanted to go back to working at a dumb job again. Before being a writer I was a delivery driver for local company and Uber. Writing was way more fun and educational, so I committed myself to it. In fact, I am capable of writing more than 2 per day. I had to limit myself because I did not want people on Steemit to get sick of my stuff.
I realize this is a long answer. What I really wanted to tell you is that I appreciate you mentioning me and sticking up for me. My critics who say that my success is due to me being an early adopter fail to understand the writing discipline that I have. Also, writing is a solitary endeavor. I am extremely introverted, so working alone is my ideal situation. I like nothing better than to have each day free to think and write and create. That is a dream that I finally have achieved.
Well said. Unless you are an artist/writer I don't think you fully appreciate the work that goes into it to get to that point. Many people just see the finished piece as a single entity and as artists we know that is not the case.
Also, there are too many people willing to copy or rip off an artists work because they like their image, without recognising that if you want good, original work then you need to pay the artist to produce it. I don't know if that makes sense?
Thanks Leah, I'm sure many people here appreciate getting some insight into what you do.
It's wonderful that you've achieved your dream, and it looks like many others will be able to do the same.