
So when CG does it, it's considered justice and fair while protecting himself and his followers... yet when it is done to him it's unjust bullying (from personal experience, he didn't like that I was questioning his ethics and morals when posting tutorials on "Flagging is Fun" and habitual self-upvoting - and he single-handedly pounded my Rep down from 42 to 5)?
Y'all really got this all messed up, no?
I really feel strongly self-upvoting and down-voting should be abolished. If an account/user is spamming or posting inappropriately the community should (theoretically anyway) do enough damage/prevent said accounts/users from succeeding simply by paying them zero attention. And allowing accounts/users to pay themselves handsomely (even with an auto-upvote bot, smh) simply because they are already handsomely wealthy is about as ridiculously unbalanced as allowing already rich politicians to skim off the top of campaign contributions so they can eat steak and drink mojitos.

Thanks to these built-in abuses, and those who use them for either profit or petty drama, I believe many newcomers to steemit will realize investing more than time and effort (fiat currency) into this system is to high risk and won't do it.
So sad... I did not join steemit to become part of some drama club or research/investigation team, I wanted to earn for creating. And yet here we are, stuck in the drama while researching and investigating all the crap that has little to do with creating content or earning for efforts. I like that @fulltimegeek is giving CG a taste of his own medicine.... and yet I do not support the built-in ability of the system for such abuse to go on in the first place (whether it's CG flagging me as was done in the past, or FTG flagging him as is being done now).