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RE: My son wants to join Steemit!!!! Is 13 years old too young or am I being old-fashioned???

in #steemit8 years ago

There are boobs on Steemit. Is he ready for that? What about the conspiracy stuff. Illuminati. Is he going to be able to take stuff with a grain of salt? You don't want him convinced that the lizard people of Planet X are coming for him.


I see your point. This is what scares me but he can see all that and worse on youtube....Did you know that you can watch full out porn on YouTube... I didn't believe it at first but my boy showed me and I was shocked

Use the filter in settings....go to settings, then switch it to "hide all NSFW" posts. At least you can try.

thanks so much @stellabelle It's a pleasure to have you grace my page with a comment... Have heard of your legendary status on here!!!! STEEM ON!!!!! Yes i will put that setting on for him...I am almost 100% convinced that I will let him join.

I've seen random boobs in old BMovies on You Tube, but never Porn. That's crazy.

As parents we have to teach our kids how to think not what to think. If he comes at you with "Dad, Nibiru is going to collide with Earth" take it seriously and see if you can get him to think it through. Just like you would as an adult. As for the porn, kids who are curious are going to get and find porn. Better to talk with them about the dangers of porn and its psychological and emotional repercussions. My son is 4 and I know that the day is fast approaching where I will have to deal with the same question that you are working with now. Good luck and keep us posted!

I disagree. There a boobs and illuminati all over the internet lol! At least on Steemit it's hidden by the nude filter.

I think this is the best opportunity for anyone at any age. Age does not play a factor. In my opinion, the question should rather be, how hard-working is he? That's what he will need. The grit. The determination to stay consistent at such a young age.

I say you should put him to the test.

there's a setting in each account, and you can hide all NSFW posts. Parents need to set it