@pfunk Cenorsing Steemit.Chat To Minimize Criticism Of Steemit's Downtime

in #steemit9 years ago

The steem blockchain came to a grinding halt in early morning hours today. So what was I to do? I know let's go hang out on Steemit.chat and wait around for updates and news. That's what I did and while doing it I also joked around with fellow users. We mused that this would be the end of Steemit, all tongue in cheek of course. Everything was fine for a few hours in the room while Steemit remained down. We scared a few new users to the room, coming in to check out what was wrong with the site. Telling them the world was ending with fantastical imaginative stories before letting them know there is a bug that it is being worked on and we just had to wait.

Then @pfunk decided to join the room coming late to the party. He didn't get the jokes he didnt' laugh and most of all he didn't like that others were laughing and having fun while he wasn't. Unable to comprehend the obvious satire he went into PR damage control mode like Steemit's future depended on him minimizing this downtime as nothing more than a packet being dropped.

This isn't a big deal he said. Just a bug, not a big deal at all.

All jokes aside now I feel he was wrong in that assessment and told him so. A production system coming to a complete halt for hours is always a big deal. The developers didn't get out of bed and rush into the office because the blockchain stopping isn't a big deal. If it wasn't a big deal they wouldn't have been rushing to fix it. They did rush into fix because it was a big fucking deal.

And for bringing up this very valid and serious point I was muted.

The reason stated was that I was trolling and it was just too much.

That is untrue and you know it @pfunk. You muted me because I brought up a very valid point and that ran counter to your goal of minimizing the issue. You censoring the subjective yet reasoned opinion that it was a big deal, was a disservice to the community and an abuse of your powers as a moderator.

I mocked your attempts to minimize and distract with these gifs

That isn't trolling, that is using satire to help make a point. A point that you disagreed with and decided to sweep under the rug. Hanging out with other users and laughing about imaginative stories about the IRS seizing steem to pass the time isn't trolling.

Disagreeing with you that a major system outage is a big deal isn't trolling.


just upvoted welcome to steemit

@contentjunkie welcome to my world man, I had one little fight with a user on steemit chat and now everyone of my accounts is permanently banned and everytime I make a new one it gets banned rather quickly.

Hello, and i'm back from dinner seeing you submitted this post before mine. :-)

Hi @ace108, yeah alot has happened since we were hanging out in the chat room and figuring out together that the site was broken. I'm such an evil guy for chatting with you about it.

all in the name of fun, I hope. :-)

Not that I ever had big voting power, but it wouldn't let me vote on your article.

I think that you don't get it . . . .

"We scared a few new users"

@pfunk "didn't get the jokes" and was "Unable to comprehend the obvious satire"

did understand the satire but realized that many (particularly non-native speakers) might not -- particularly if they were new or reading fast.I think that @pfunk likely

You clearly have a lot of ego involved here (you wrote a freakin' post about this).

Whether this is or is not a big deal depends upon your perspective. Steemit is in beta! If it is fixed rapidly it is not a big deal (or, actually, a big deal in the positive sense).

Why do YOU feel the need to keep bringing this up? Why can't you just let it drop and go do something pro-social and positive for Steem?

"You clearly have a lot of ego involved here (you wrote a freakin' post about this)."

I was muted in the channel and have no other real form of appeal. So I wrote a post about it. It's a social network. Your not making much of a point here. I have an ego because I write on my blog? Okay so everyone here has an ego.

I was in there laughing with other users for hours waiting for it to come back up. That wasn't trolling, many laughs were had with those in the chat got real help and info that was being dispensed.

If you ask why is the site broken?

And I say the IRS seized steem and @ned and @dan have fled the country

Quickly followed up with info that there is a blockchain issue and you should wait am I doing a disservice no.

Whether or not it's a big deal is a matter of perspective like I wrote in the post it's subjective. I gave a reasoned opinion as to why my perspective made more sense. He didn't, he just muted me instead of entertaining any form of debate on the subject.

Why do I feel the need to bring it up? Because I'm still muted on the channel. Duh! Why wouldn't I bring it up and try and rally some support from my limited following? I made jokes and people laughed, I gave information and helped people, I had a difference of opinion with a mod. None of that merited a mute.

If you read my posts you'll see that I obviously care about the community and am contributing. Muting users like me isnt' a good way to continue growing the site.

Strongly agree that he should remove the mute. Have you asked him to? I am willing to add my voice to yours.

Still think that you aren't helping Steem by what you were doing though . . . .

Of course I have requested being unmuted. If he had unmuted me in a timely fashion then I wouldn't have written a post about it.

He didn't mute me for "trolling" he muted me for saying it was a "big deal". As pointed out in the chat room by others it was rather weak for a troll if that was my goal. Was it trolling when I was informing people that the blockchain was down and devs had been notified?

I only got muted for "trolling" after becoming serious and arguing that it was a big deal. I got banned for a valid opinion.

they are dickheads brother :) i was myself on my posts i get attacked, i joke around in chat i get attacked. Do what i do. I call them cunts. Really get under their skin. I didnt know the nazi party owned steemit.chat??

And on the free speech, immutable platform the censorship struggle is real? FYI steemit.chat and Steemit.com are 2 unrelated sites. but meh, muted for parody is still kind of ironic and funny. lol

Well steemit.chat is the official chat for steemit.com and is nested within the steemit.com menu bar so they are at least related.

i think your jokes are a bit unnecessary. Devs were working hard and your mocks and bad jokes didnt help anyhow.

My jokes were nothing more than a pretense. He didn't like that I pointed out it was a big deal.

Why were the devs working so hard if it wasn't a big deal?

Do you think I should be censored for bad jokes?

so you say they shouldnt fix the issue? and let people not post or upvote in the site? dont be contradictory. If there is a problem, small or big deal, people work to fix it.

I guess you don't understand that it wasn't steemit.com that was down it was the underlying steem blockchain. If you did understand that maybe you would also understand why it was a big deal.

If it was just steemit.com then yeah it wouldn't be as big a deal but this was a full breakdown of the steem blockchain.

are you able to comment and upvote now? time to move on.

Devs don't wake up in the middle of the night to rush into the office to fix a "small" issue. Have you ever been the on-call sysadmin or developer? I have and know plenty more that had wear the dreaded pager. They don't leave their beds at 4AM for small problems. They generally don't even leave their home a medium problem. They leave and rush into the office for big problems.

What bigger deal could the network have? It was a complete stoppage.

some of them didnt wake up at 4 am. there are a lot from Europe timezone :) lol get the facts straight. if they didnt work, i suppose you would not be able to publish this post.

Why don't you understand that the complete breakdown of a production system is a high severity issue. Have you ever done IT work? That type of service disruption is a high priority emergency class problem.

someone told you that steemit is in beta phase? anything can happen :)

Are those beta bitcoins you can buy SBD and STEEM with? Do you do that on a beta version of Bittrex? Is SBD pegged to a beta dollar? Spare me the beta nonsense this isn't closed beta testing for a video game.

the website steemit.com is beta.

Did you even read the post? When I'm unmuted from the channel I'll move on. It's like you came here just argue with me but you're not bothering to read anything I write.

what you exactly did is cyberbullying. People are busting their ass of to make the platform work and you simply spread wrong information. if anything @pfunk didnt censor you. You might want to create your channel to make your jokes.

Sarcasm is not cyberbullying. Satire is not trolling. I was censored for having an opinion on the severity of the issue.

The ironic thing is I'm the one here sticking up for the devs who have to work on BIG ISSUES while you are minimizing their work. Have some respect for the devs yourself.

i think we have a different opinion on "satire"'s definition. I dont understand where you see my disrespect to devs. In contrary, you are the one belittling their job. But that's ok. You know you are wrong and don't misuse my words against me.

How is saying that the issue they had to fix is a "big deal" belittling their job? You aren't making sense. You are the one belittling them by minimizing the hurdles they have had to overcome.

They addressed a big issue in a small amount of time. Give them some credit.

Do we need a safe place on SteemIt?

You've spent an awful lot of time on this thread talking about how you felt the blockchain being down was such a serious issue. In your own words, it was "a big deal", "a high severity issue", "a high priority emergency class problem".

If you felt so strongly about it, if you thought it was so serious, then why were you not acting like it? Why were you stirring shit up, making irresponsible claims such as "the IRS seized steem and @ned and @dan have fled the country"? Do you think it's funny to make false and defamatory/libelous statements, especially in the midst of situation that you considered so serious? What's your major malfunction?

As for you being censored, you should understand that the steem blockchain itself is censorship free. Even steemit.com is highly tolerant of diverse opinions. But there's a reputation system here for a reason. And the chat has moderators for a reason. It's to keep people like you from running amok. You don't get to cause all the trouble you like and undo the hard work of so many who invest their time into this platform. Understand?

"then why were you not acting like it? "

I messaged every account that I knew had some sort of connection to the actual devs. I learned they were notified and working on the issue. What else am I to do? I'm not a dev on the project, I'm not a witness. Just because I understand that it was a high priority doesn't enable me to fix it on my own.

"Do you think it's funny to make false and defamatory/libelous statements"

You obviously don't have a very strong grasp of the terms you are throwing around. I invite you to look into the well established case law regarding satire and comedy.

"And the chat has moderators for a reason."

@pfunk is a bad moderator, end of discussion. He was only protecting his ego because I had valid point contrary to his and that didn't look good for him. Luckily some other moderators know me and understand humor so they lifted the mute.

"there's a reputation system here for a reason"
I have a fairly good reputation under that system because I contribute and my sense of humor is enjoyed.


No, as addressed above this was a bad ban. @pfunk was completely in the wrong end of story. I love how you chose to never once address that I was also informing users for hours about the outage. So I make a joke and then 15 seconds later follow it up with the real information. The claim that I was causing panic is complete bullshit. The only thing I was causing was LOLs.

Go read the logs I, I've reread them there was no widespread panic.

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