Sarcasm is not cyberbullying. Satire is not trolling. I was censored for having an opinion on the severity of the issue.
The ironic thing is I'm the one here sticking up for the devs who have to work on BIG ISSUES while you are minimizing their work. Have some respect for the devs yourself.
i think we have a different opinion on "satire"'s definition. I dont understand where you see my disrespect to devs. In contrary, you are the one belittling their job. But that's ok. You know you are wrong and don't misuse my words against me.
How is saying that the issue they had to fix is a "big deal" belittling their job? You aren't making sense. You are the one belittling them by minimizing the hurdles they have had to overcome.
They addressed a big issue in a small amount of time. Give them some credit.