You are wrong. From what you have presented there is absolutely no evidence of chemtrails. Chemtrails would be one of the easiest things to collect evidence for and sadly for its proponent there is none.
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Like I said I don't know much about science:-)
Can you explain what you mean here?
Well, what evidence of chemtrails has been presented? We see pictures of easily understood contrails.
The M.O.D. admitted to spraying the U.K. in biological weapons trials between 1940 and 1979.
Do you think that is evidence of chemtrails today? They also do cloud seeding in Asia.
not necessarily, but it does show what our governments are prepared to do without our knowledge, even if that risks their own citizens.
If they did it then, then they are probably still doing it now in some form, only more advanced.
Theres also plenty of evidence about cloud seeding with silver iodide or dry ice.
It may or may not be as sinister as conspiracists claim (although it may be)
but im pretty sure our governments would want to continue experimenting on seeding or on simulated biological, chemical or nuclear attacks. Even if they are using particles they deem safe NOW they may be discovered to be unsafe in the future as in the M.O.D. report.
Theres plenty of evidence through history of our governments using humans as test subjects though.
Fair enough, your opinions are very reasonable. We don't all share the same governments so I'm sure it varies wildly around the globe as to what is being dumped into the sky and where.
I could believe that some tests are taking place in a few places both openly and covertly. It is the stance that there is a massive systemic bombardment happening everywhere, all the time and that every line in the sky as a chemtrail that I take issue with.
Hah! How about this then? Not so sure anymore now, are you? ;-).
You're kidding right?
You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment.
Of course I'm kidding. Taking the piss out of it, even.