I am a lawyer not a scientist. Please tell me if I'm wrong.

in #steemit8 years ago

Yesterday I went out to have my morning smoke and I took this picture:

This morning I went out to have my morning smoke and took this picture:

My post from yesterday got a lot of feed back and a lot of support and opposition. I can definitely say that I learned a lot yesterday :-). Like I said in the title of this post, I'm an attorney not a scientist and I know little about science.

What I realized this morning is that there are tons of planes flying around up there. I counted about twenty this morning in about 30 minutes. Yesterday I saw about the same amount, only yesterday, most of them were leaving these big trails that lasted forever. Today the trails seemed almost nonexistent. Very hard to spot.

My conclusion is that yesterday I saw chemtrails and today I saw contrails....
Am I way off? To me it seems like common sense, but again, I know little about science:-).



If you have the mind and the schooling to pass the Bar, you should find scarce difficulty at comprehending the forces at work in the wind and the sun, and the spetcra that betray the contents of the atmosphere. There is no substitute for personal observation, and comprehension of instrumentation. "I know, because I saw it", is infinitely superior to any secondhand witness in voice or in print.

Please, pay no attention to the white knuckling denialists, who, being certain of that which they know not, are to be observably engaging in faith, not reason, let alone scientific investigation.

Youtube itself, is a nearly endless resource, should you like to understand the physics of the atmosphere, and it's intercourse with external energies, the sun and cosmic rays among them. Five minutes a day, for the first month, should inform you of your strength of interest, without overdoing the investment.

I had many false starts, this world being so full of ignorance and disinformation. If you are an attorney, you may already have an understanding of the Trivium and Quadrivium, if not, these are indispensable to a functional understanding of the products of the scientific method. Beware the corruption of the Trivium by the neo-platonists, theirs is an authoritarian sophistry.

Please do investigate the matter thoroughly. This is not where I started, but turned out to be a resource easily expanded upon, as well as a tolerable five minute per day constant, on the days that I did not have the mind for research. Be sure to look at the links beneath the videos, for further investigation.



If you have further interest, on which I can shed light, feel free to contact me, through comments, at any point.

Thank you so much for the information. Yes I definitely have a keen interest. I'll be contacting you ;-)

I will be glad of inquisitive company.

that was a pretty rad intro video the first link. space rules!

I hope you get as much out of it as I have.

what was the name of the sphere where that Red Bull athlete jumped out of a space ship outta... longest free fall ever?

That would be the "Stratos" sphere, get it? I thought it was funny. Fearless Felix plummeting to Earth. Bailing out, twice above the boiling point, and exceeding Mach one, in nothing but a suit.

I thot he did the hole jump? he bailed on it... then whats the footage you see?

Bailing out, used to mean "jumping out of", now it means "quitting".

So, he jumped out of the Strato.

i also like how apparently Trump said he was gonna take away NASA from so called "global warming" research to focus on space research instead! great news!

You are wrong. From what you have presented there is absolutely no evidence of chemtrails. Chemtrails would be one of the easiest things to collect evidence for and sadly for its proponent there is none.

Like I said I don't know much about science:-)

You are wrong. From what you have presented there is absolutely no evidence of chemtrails.

Can you explain what you mean here?

Well, what evidence of chemtrails has been presented? We see pictures of easily understood contrails.

Do you think that is evidence of chemtrails today? They also do cloud seeding in Asia.

not necessarily, but it does show what our governments are prepared to do without our knowledge, even if that risks their own citizens.
If they did it then, then they are probably still doing it now in some form, only more advanced.
Theres also plenty of evidence about cloud seeding with silver iodide or dry ice.
It may or may not be as sinister as conspiracists claim (although it may be)
but im pretty sure our governments would want to continue experimenting on seeding or on simulated biological, chemical or nuclear attacks. Even if they are using particles they deem safe NOW they may be discovered to be unsafe in the future as in the M.O.D. report.
Theres plenty of evidence through history of our governments using humans as test subjects though.

Fair enough, your opinions are very reasonable. We don't all share the same governments so I'm sure it varies wildly around the globe as to what is being dumped into the sky and where.

I could believe that some tests are taking place in a few places both openly and covertly. It is the stance that there is a massive systemic bombardment happening everywhere, all the time and that every line in the sky as a chemtrail that I take issue with.

Hah! How about this then? Not so sure anymore now, are you? ;-).

You're kidding right?

You might very well think that; I couldn't possibly comment.
Of course I'm kidding. Taking the piss out of it, even.

Jenn Stroud Rossmann, an assistant professor of engineering at Harvey Mudd College, provides this explanation:
Jets leave white trails, or contrails, in their wakes for the same reason you can sometimes see your breath. The hot, humid exhaust from jet engines mixes with the atmosphere, which at high altitude is of much lower vapor pressure and temperature than the exhaust gas. The water vapor contained in the jet exhaust condenses and may freeze, and this mixing process forms a cloud very similar to the one your hot breath makes on a cold day.

And yes! When I breathe in the cold air, there is conspiracy and chemicals!https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-jets-leave-a-white/

It's funny to see how people are asking you for evidence, of what exactly?

You are pointing to different reactions from what is supposed to be the same action, why can't these people at least recognize there is a difference?

Seems like they want you to come up with the whole story, from what the planes are spraying to who is paying for it and with what purpose. They won't stop there though, they will also want you to tell them how this could have been kept secret as if you are part of it to know...

All the people who get hysterical when someone says chemtrail to differentiate the phenomenon from contrails...never once have I seen them even entertain the idea that we are looking at different types of trail. They don't care, they just want to make you feel silly for simply wondering.

Exactly what I was thinking. I am simply presenting fact and trying to understand what the difference is.:-)

You're not wrong. Yesterday, we had blue skies here and the day before it was a sky full of chemtrails

I think I'm starting to see that people from all over see the trails on the same days🤔

I saw them too so I know my dad is not crazy

I did too but dad can be a little crazy sometimes. I love you dad😊

@riosparada, Ha ha ha..... Its really very interesting post.

Thank you ! FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!

whatever it is, its messed up! Id say its pollutants from big pharma companies or crops like Monsanto, Bayer etc. But everything I read is labelled "conspiracy theory" so what do I know

What evidence of chemtrails have you reviewed? I can only find crackpot claims based on ignorance.

"crackpot claims based on ignorance."

Nuh uh. Spraying white vinegar out of a spray bottle into the air will totally dissipate those evil chemtrails 40,000 feet in the air in a matter of minutes.

Add some colloidal silver and you can dissipate chemtrails on the moon with that bottle too.

How does your chest feel when you say things like that? I bet you feel really nervous every day.

It's odd that you think the person that doesn't believe in unproven conspiracy theories would be nervous rather than those that believe chemicals are being dumped on them from above.

Yesterday we had a perfect sunny day here with a beautiful clear blue sky...Minus the chemtrails. They ran them all afternoon and now today it is a solid blanket of clouds.
Now that you have noticed them, watch them - you'll see constant obvious recurrent signs that this isn't normal.
No one can say if you are right or wrong, because no one knows. Well, except the owners and pilots of those planes...and they probably don't even know. ha

"No one can say if you are right or wrong, because no one knows"

This is much like Russel's teapot. The burden is not on anyone to prove there aren't chemtrails, the burden is on those making the claims to prove they are. Since there is no evidence for them being chemtrails it would be foolish to believe that they are.

The fact that you are getting so upset and jumping down everybody's throats shows 1 of 2, or both things:

A) you don't fully understand what you are seeing either or
B) you are emotionally unstable and get angry at people on the internet

False dilemma fallacy. Or bollocks, in layman's terms.

You are passive aggressive and distracting from the subject.

Seems like it's the same days all around the U.S.

Never know, anything is possible. Especially in this day and time.
I'm not saying that my thoughts are right or wrong, I'm saying that I don't know for sure - just like no one else does. ;) Nor will we until someone flys behind one of the planes creating these lines, hangs their head out of the window and takes a sample. Haha

Upvoted, resteemed and featured on Stop Chemtrails Digest #3.

Thank you for keeping your eyes open and not ignoring it! Thank you for not being silent!

Thank you !!!!

You are welcome, sir!@riosparada

I live about 15 miles from an airport and i spend a lot of time outside at my allotment (community garden) and see the planes on the same flight paths most days. I have found it strange tho, every now and again on a sunday i see loads and loads of chemtrails all in noughts and crosses board type layout, totally different from the usual flight paths.

What area of law do you practice? I am currently a 2L attending in Saint Paul, MN. Are there a lot of lawyers on steemit?

Awesome! I do personal injury and immigration. I haven't seen any other lawyers on here.

It could just be different atmospheric conditions, different altitudes, and different engines.

The mainstream media would have you believe that the first picture is of persistent contrails but very specific air conditions are required to produce them with regards to the temperature and levels of water vapour.
Let's just say that these conditions occur far less often than, "persistent contrails".

@riosparada I'm not a lawyer but a pilot. If I get myself in hot water, I suppose you can help me lol

In all seriousness there are tons of variables that go into contrails and your pictures are that of contrails. The change in prevailing winds and atmospheric pressure can actually alter how the visible air pressure dissipates. CHEMTRAILS do exist, it's buried deep in public information. The truth is you don't see chemtrails. the USAF and NOAA routinely practices the use of using high altitude aerial applicators to alter weather and conduct tests. There is also a residual affect from crop dusting. Flint, Mi is a prime example as to why we don't trust the powers that be. Rest assure if the govt is trying to poison us, they are using technology and misinformation first.