If you have the mind and the schooling to pass the Bar, you should find scarce difficulty at comprehending the forces at work in the wind and the sun, and the spetcra that betray the contents of the atmosphere. There is no substitute for personal observation, and comprehension of instrumentation. "I know, because I saw it", is infinitely superior to any secondhand witness in voice or in print.
Please, pay no attention to the white knuckling denialists, who, being certain of that which they know not, are to be observably engaging in faith, not reason, let alone scientific investigation.
Youtube itself, is a nearly endless resource, should you like to understand the physics of the atmosphere, and it's intercourse with external energies, the sun and cosmic rays among them. Five minutes a day, for the first month, should inform you of your strength of interest, without overdoing the investment.
I had many false starts, this world being so full of ignorance and disinformation. If you are an attorney, you may already have an understanding of the Trivium and Quadrivium, if not, these are indispensable to a functional understanding of the products of the scientific method. Beware the corruption of the Trivium by the neo-platonists, theirs is an authoritarian sophistry.
Please do investigate the matter thoroughly. This is not where I started, but turned out to be a resource easily expanded upon, as well as a tolerable five minute per day constant, on the days that I did not have the mind for research. Be sure to look at the links beneath the videos, for further investigation.
If you have further interest, on which I can shed light, feel free to contact me, through comments, at any point.
Thank you so much for the information. Yes I definitely have a keen interest. I'll be contacting you ;-)
I will be glad of inquisitive company.
that was a pretty rad intro video the first link. space rules!
I hope you get as much out of it as I have.
what was the name of the sphere where that Red Bull athlete jumped out of a space ship outta... longest free fall ever?
That would be the "Stratos" sphere, get it? I thought it was funny. Fearless Felix plummeting to Earth. Bailing out, twice above the boiling point, and exceeding Mach one, in nothing but a suit.
I thot he did the hole jump? he bailed on it... then whats the footage you see?
Bailing out, used to mean "jumping out of", now it means "quitting".
So, he jumped out of the Strato.
i also like how apparently Trump said he was gonna take away NASA from so called "global warming" research to focus on space research instead! great news!
I agree!