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RE: Walk and Talk with Corsucate // Why Do Some Posts Earn More Than Others on Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

Wow, this was so perfectly put @harrisonmir. I especially liked your last comment about showing respect and commitment to a community before you can expect anything from it. You could honestly do an entire post just talking about that! I think that piece of things gets lost on a lot of people (whether it is music or Steemit) and they show up expecting to be taken care of right away.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my video and for leaving such a thoughtful response!! <3


a slightly different angle. Kind of still applies though in a lot of ways!Aw thanks @coruscate! Funny you should say that, I kinda just did do a post about it but from

And of course, my pleasure. I always enjoy your stuff!