A Literal Pile of Kittens — Some Frank Talk About Managing Expectations Tempered by All of the Cute

in #steemit8 years ago

Another week; another empty page for seven days.

I took this picture at the shelter where I volunteer once a week. At the time, I thought it was the most hilarious thing — I sent it to friends with the caption, "the last picture on my camera before they find my bones picked clean!" Tiny, cute, adorably-inept-yet-terrifyingly-possessed balls of fur and pricking claws, dangling from the crotch of my jeans and trying to chew through my shoelaces. And at the time, that's all they were.


For many of you, this may be the first post from me that you've seen go live, even though it's completely likely that you probably interact with me every day.

MSPWaves Radio, sneaking around to curate, and being what I hope is a generally community minded friend. This isn't me pumping my own tires; this is a blunt look at the amount of (amazing) things that have suddenly piled up out of nowhere, that I've been balancing with a day desk job and my side hustles. Bitches, I'm all in.I'm all over the place on Steemit and Discord. In the whirlwind few months that I have been here, I've gone from tentatively offering a minuscule audience pieces of my soul in the form of my most beautiful and cherished photos, to working day and night on a witness initiative with @FollowBTCNews, helping out full time with the Minnow Support Project as moderator, medal of honour winner, preparing a new set of late night shows for

Look at all of this time I'm using, doing all the things! So why the hell am I not posting?

Here's the reality that I've fallen into, and that I'm identifying in some of the dear people that I'm getting to know better every day through this platform. The expectation to post, to share, to succeed, to be seen, to be rewarded, is so much. Not everyone worries about it, not everyone acknowledges worrying about it, but it's real. And it's okay. It's intrinsic to the idea of a social platform. Like me. Love me.


be real share truth make friends be funny do better be serious find a niche seem exciting hone your writing popular tags be unique write to an audience stand out follow the formula comment more don't seem desperate ask for more don't beg catch a whale make a plan wing it don't bother whales post more not too much game the bots have integrity

Those dandelion puffs with pink heart noses are suddenly looking a lot more sinister.

This platform, the abilities it gives us and the opportunities it provides, are gifts. An inviting package of possibility; an invitation to let your guard down and stroke some soft downy fur. We're lucky to see this stage of Steemit's extended infancy and to experience it firsthand. Just remember that if you start feeling those diminutive daggers even while you're admiring, that's just a natural part of the animal. Managing our expectations of ourselves is key to success — perhaps even more-so than posting and curation. Many here fall into the trap of disillusionment and rejection, and they don't come back. (Here are more cats just to keep this metaphor rolling and morale up at least slightly.) For me, it has become, "can I post this? Is this up to par with what I've done before? Will people understand this look into my heart? What if I just want to post this picture of a damn bug, how do I write a hilarious and introspective thing to go with this youknowwhatfuckit."


Go ahead and feel those things; keenly, even. And then get the hell over them, hit "POST," and go on a voting spree.

Let's work together to do our best to focus on the fluffy goodness, and not those barely retracted claws that may or may not ever offer threat. I'm going to start posting more, and to hell with it. Support those around you when they put something out there, because you know what it's like to stare at a kitten until your mind perceives it to be a tiger. The more you spread those love waves (and we all do it) the more the rewards stack up, and the less intimidating it all becomes. We all know that most of us came here from the place which shall not be named, and how the effects it had on us spurred us to look for more.

Don't be ashamed if that worry creeps up on you — everyone's bound to meet an asshole cat with a thirst for blood at some point. But when you start feeling that way: take a deep breath, a day or two if needed, think of this actual pile of kittens, and all the good in the world and here on Steemit. Don't push yourself to post every day. Don't succumb to the nebulous anxiety and belief that this is a thing you have to do. Focus on uplifting others, and you'll find it easier and more natural to start opening yourself to them. Soon enough, you'll hit your groove and master your expectations; until then, practice breathing — the blockchain was made for cats.


All of these photos are my own, taken on my travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours.
I hope you like them.


Hi @crimsonclad, you maybe don't post often, but when you do... It's so amazingly to the point on how many of us experience Steemit, just mind-blowing.

The effort that you put into building this platform and community is so incredible, I'm lost for words. People like you are making the difference for Steemit, you are truly making it a great place to be.

I might not be at discord for a while, (I find myself simply draining away the hours just looking at you bunch of cool people interact with each other), but I'm here. And I will always have a nice cat meme for you :)

thank you for the memes and the dreams and the boost to the self esteem. I'm proud to put work into the community, and I just wish that we could all be a little less hard on ourselves~ I appreciate you!

Cats, so many adorable cats! :-) With all you said, still glad to see you put a post up, had been a minute.

My first few months on steemit I lived ate and breathed it, my motivation was high but at the same time it was to an unhealthy level.

Keep up all the good work, but be sure you don't get sucked too deep into the vortex. Well, needed vacation coming soon.

Thanks for all the MSP you do!

thanks, hubs. I'll probably just grab a sandwich after going all that way...

The day I stopped living in fear and learned to love the blog full of kittens. <3

lol, you sir have just won the internet

Crimmy, my soul mate, you have given me a post a desperately needed to read right now. It was definitely something I had been thinking about but just didn't put it into words. Thank you, this post lit a new fire under me.
This was awesome. It had kittens! It had encouragement! It was feel-good! MOAR KITTENS. <3
And if you post a silly picture with no anecdote, I'll still give you my measly upvote!

keep on keeping on. You're being an excellent content creator, whenever it is you do it.

Put the kitten down and back away crimmy.. It's not worth it.

Ya know, I really try to support minnows (even though I don't care for the term) and I am already kind of overloaded keeping up with all of the ones I am currently trying to help grow here, but after reading this and seeing you active in the community, I guess I will adopt you anyway. Even if you are a ginger. <3

you're either going to rejoice in this decision, or regret it immediately.


I can handle up to and including: 50 Shades of Cray

I've currently only discovered 37. We good, fam

Easy solution, set up a fossbot, follow only the users you want to support, set it to vote at like 1%, go go roger votebot jet.

Ya if I wanted to give them all a penny per post that would probably work, but despite my general debauchery on discord, I actually try to help them grow and offer encouragement and resteem quality posts! Manual curation and engagement takes time and effort, but I have a like 95% retention rate over the last 6 months or so and I have made some amazing friends!

I guess you could boost the more quality of posts manually, it would just a thought to take the headache out of keeping up to date 24/7.

I'm sure there is some content that flies under the radar and it was just a thought in terms of taking some of the headache out of manual curating.

I personally love scrolling through the feed, and yes, it is great fun making friends. Just a shame crimmy not been popping in it so much as of late, hopefully that changes soon!


borrows the bun

Fear and Loathing in Los(t) Steemit?

Thanks for all you do to support the platform. And us minnows. I'm sure your time is stretched thin.

You rock.

seriously, I appreciate this; it means a lot. I'm getting a handle on how I can best continue to serve MSP without sounding a bit out of control. Thanks for stopping to say so.

Well. I am partial. You helped me figure things out early on. Thats important. I read posts by other newbies expressing similar frustrations to the ones I had. It's good that people foster community and help struggling content creators.

This post is very great To read at this moment for me. I have gotten into this "can I really post this?" "Is it comparable with my earlier post?" And so on... But I have also begun to be a part of some communities and projects and I get so much motivation and energy from that. We are all cats in the same place white almost the same needs:) Once again: great writing and I love your cat photos!

thank you.
Listen, it's early days yet, and you have all the time in the world to get neurotic..you're here and you're active and you're finding your way through. You're doing a great job being natural and personable on an increasingly automated platform. It's easy to tell you how to approach things, but I hope that you give yourself permission to post on your own schedule without getting too hard on yourself. Keep on keeping on!

Thanks for your encouraging words, most appreciate!

Begins with very slow clap, incrementally picking up with speed until reaching major full on clappage, or how do you say... clapfest ;)
Excellent! I enjoyed reading every word of that. You seem to say things in a productive way that provide inspirational words to go by on here, and life really... Lets see more posts now :D
We recently adopted a rescue kitten from the shelter, her name is Tilley. Shes a rascal and im not usually a cat guy, but shes a keeper now :)


cripes, I'M not even a cat person, but that photo is friggin' adorable.

thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support you bring to our bizarre little family. <3


Oh Crim! Well said! The reason you have so many new responsibilities is because you make a great leader. Your dedication to discord and its members along to the Steemuniverse has not gone unnoticed! So glad you let everyone know to not lose faith in themselves, to hit the "POST Button" and allow themselves to be heard and seen. Your the best, I'm not kitten!! 😸 Giggles

puns will get you everywhere.

Thank you for saying this. I think that last week got a bit out of control, and the more I talked with our little fam, the more I realized that this is happening to a lot of us- I was feeling alone and overwhelmed at first. It's important to me that we are able to focus on both the good of this platform and on proper self care and love. Also, the blockchain is for cats.

Very interesting post, I mean I started reading and I didn't even stop untill the end, You are a damn good writer :]

The line in the whole post that I feel is amazing is this - ' because you know what it's like to stare at a kitten until your mind perceives it to be a tiger. '

Keep posting such things

It's easy to get lost and just throw your kitten tail between your kitten legs. And then go back to that "place which shall not be named." But then you read a post as lovely as this one. I love it. It's a $0.06 upgoat from me. It's all I've got, trust me 😉😀

not for long...keep hustlin'

Thank you for this post. It absolutely hits how I was feeling on the head! And I am not at all special, so I guess it must be how a lot of people are feeling.

I love the way you write, how you link my feelings to a load of pictures of cats is just genius! So I'll be following you and reading what else you post, when you're ready to, with interest.

Take care x

you are special.. it's why you are here! The truth of the matter is that Steemit is meant to motivate and reward engagement. The only problem is that it trains and reinforces that we must do all the things. Finding the right balance and taking control is important, but can be hard. True success here is finding compromise and rewards in both.

You got this. You do you.

What a lovely thing to say.
Thank you.
Thank you in behalf of anyone who needs a little encouragement and reassurance x

@crimsonclad, you should post more often! You're a fantastic writer. OMG. I love the kitties crawling up your leg!

thanks Karen. I do my best to put little pieces of my soul into the chain, but the more I thow myself into the MSP initiatives as well, I've been feeling strained holding on to some for myself. This post was me making peace with how I plan to go forward here. Also catz.

I know you are so happy serving us Minnows. And, it shows. But if you are feeling strained trying to hold on to some for yourself, please remember what they tell you on the planes... put the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on us. Your wholeness is what we as minnows need. I say this in love.

Loved the post, loved the kitties, the best part though had to be when I noticed your tags... #goodgodgetittogether (niiiiice).

sneaking in a little stealth self deprecating sass is my superpower

And a handy Superpower it is.

Nice post. I follow. Upvoted and Resteemed. Check my post too!

😂 Epic sarcasm!

Now, now @misterakpan, do you really think even for just second, that I would ever deliver anything other than my very best for our dearly beloved surly-girly-mod @crimsonclad?

My bad. I read that as a parody of follow for follow comments. Now I've read it again, backwards and sidewards 😀. As an aside, I'm just following @crimsonclad and that feels odd. Lool.

Continues to be parody. Continues to be wicked sarcastic. Continues to be fun! :)

I snet monehy to booster but not bidyet. Why no?

Very cute lovely kittens! I hope each one find an owner.

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good post........................................................

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Join us in Discord.This post received a 5% vote by @minnowsupport courtesy of @sammosk from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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Join us in Discord.This post has been resteemed by @nettybot courtesy of @sammosk from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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I like it..!

Nice post ...maam.
Following you for more.

thanks! I don't stand too strongly on ceremony, though, lol

click here!This post received a 2.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @diggerdugg! For more information,

I am here to just look at some cute faces....

I must say that you take beautiful photo's of cats... for a dog obsessed person 😉

'The expectation to post, to share, to succeed, to be seen' - this, and more, the social anxiety of wanting to be accepted, of worrying about what people will think, of wondering if they will even read it after i've torn my heart out and plunked it on the table. thank you for letting me breathe.