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RE: A Literal Pile of Kittens — Some Frank Talk About Managing Expectations Tempered by All of the Cute

in #steemit8 years ago

Oh Crim! Well said! The reason you have so many new responsibilities is because you make a great leader. Your dedication to discord and its members along to the Steemuniverse has not gone unnoticed! So glad you let everyone know to not lose faith in themselves, to hit the "POST Button" and allow themselves to be heard and seen. Your the best, I'm not kitten!! 😸 Giggles


puns will get you everywhere.

Thank you for saying this. I think that last week got a bit out of control, and the more I talked with our little fam, the more I realized that this is happening to a lot of us- I was feeling alone and overwhelmed at first. It's important to me that we are able to focus on both the good of this platform and on proper self care and love. Also, the blockchain is for cats.