How to help Steemit, this is your own small business startup so get working on your investment NOW ! ! !

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

thank you bittrex for the images.

Steemit has developers, steemit has guidelines and terms of agreements about using the website.


BUT unlike other platforms Steemit rewards you with Stock options you can freely sell off slowly over 104 weeks should you so choose.

People need to understand steemit is not a website just to surf around on, this is your own company you are paid in stock shares. If you are stupid enough to race out and sell those shares that is your business decision. You never paid for that free money, currently microsoft is offering usable rewards points for using some strange search engine. So if I want free Microsoft stuff I can earn rewards points for using some weird program i do not want to use.

Steemit is saying use our platform for free, if you create interesting appealing content you run the risk of earning real life money for free, the only risk is your spare time. Thus you earn a secondary income at no risk for free by investing your spare time and talent.

The people complaining are more interested in getting something for nothing than in making Steemit work. Steemit is a bloggers dream platform, people using steemit should be writing to other blogging websites and campaigning those existing bloggers to bring their content to Steemit.

Everyone is saying the whales are to rich or where are the developers and every other reason to speak trash about this golden opportunity that steemit has given you for no risk and for nothing. This is literally the same as walking to your letterbox 15 years ago and finding an envelope of three free shares in a startup called Amazon, the only requirement is you must visit the website and log in 4 times per week.

People complain that the price of steem is falling, the price of steem is not falling, the bar graph is wrong ! ! ! Simply the value of steem was unknown, that is like someone taking the IBM stock price of US$150 a share and adding a zero. Thus tomorrow IMB is selling at US$ 1,500, people think hang on that is wrong and the share price responds to supply and demand and moves toward its real position around US$ 150.

No one had any realistic price gauge to value steem at whatever it was earning in July; simply it was ridiculously overpriced and now people keep saying the sky is falling, the sky is falling and running around like panicked chickens, we fear is infectious and the sheep are scared.

None of that affects you, if you paid real money for steem shares that was your choice and steemit gives you the chance (unlike the real share market) to add interest and earn extra platform rewards to strengthen your investment. The only way steem can sell is someone must buy it, that means someone is buying steemit stock and i doubt some Colombian drug lord is cycling steem to launder their drug profits.

Write to blog websites and encourage them to bring their contents and readership to a platform to earn rewards. This is your free startup small business opportunity. Please choose to not be dumb F***'s and think I have nothing to gain here except my own entertainment. Just because you did not buy shares in steemit with real money does not mean you cannot make a go and profit from using just your talents and spare time, the more and faster Steemit grows the more your portfolio is worth.

People just are to silly to realize the free gift they have, so start by helping others with networking and mentoring and stop your incessant complaining. The price of steem is not falling it has no value until it finds its own natural price floor according to the economic law of supply and demand . . .

Now please shut up, and get back to work; remember the beatings will continue until morale improves ; )


the beatings will continue until morale improves

Thank you kind person : )

I remember a couple of blogs ago you said something about you being a mediocre blogger. I disagree!

Oh i think I am still a average blogger I think I can truly say I owe my success to my charming good looks, winning personality and my respect for others and political correctness...

That is of course if you are suggesting I am better than mediocre and not a worse than average blogger ; )

I nearly thought you said political connections! That woud make sense. Seriously, don't sell yourself short. Writing easily digested pieces is is talent in my eyes. Most people's eyes don't glaze over in boredom long before they get to the punchline.

Today people are easily distracted, I think it comes from trying to multi-task six things and failing at 4 of those things and thus wasting efficiency of execution for the two tasks they actually complete.

People should try and improve themselves and step up to the intellectual challenge of having an attention span longer than a gold fishes thought process. Truly we are the human race so we should actually be able to keep our minds and eyes on something for more than three minutes.

I know that is probably a challenge for some people but truly every day is your only true give and to apply yourself to be a better person is something worth trying. Like life long learning, increasing your personal knowledge life should be about getting out of your comfort zone and stepping up to the challenge of actually reading something.

It amazes me how useless people choose to be when they want to know something to turn on a retarded YouTube video simply because they are to dysfunctional to read actual words . . .

I will stop typing now since I might already have lost half the readership because I wrote more than 67 words ! ! !

/hugz C u @ the BlockChain ; )

I know.....sorry what did you say after that?

Nice thought do...

Impresive text but I am newbie and can'tsay is this business model actually good and decent walue for money or vice versa

Let me think on that, a free website that allows people to get paid in tokens according to their ingenuity and talent and then to trade or sell those tokens that they earned for free for real money that they can pay their real life expenses with . . .

Consider it another way, a part time additional income from home or wherever for no risk nor expense except your free time...

Yeah not sure on that, there must be some catch ----------------------- (not)

Well said, especially about the value of Steem. For comparison, I was making around a dollar per day on Tsu near the end and much less on average over the 20 months. Even at the current Steem rate I've averaged around $1.30 on Steemit with fewer views, so it's not too bad really. What can anyone really expect to make for a few blog posts and a small audience?

My Steem is all powered up, so I can't take it out any time soon anyway. Let's see how it goes.

I would not bothered to do anything for $1 just waisting a time.....

Can I ask ? what was the last website before steemit that paid you one dollar for using it ?

People tweet and Facebook for nothing

Hear! Hear!

well said, Crok

I thank you and if you wish we can do a side bet of o.001 Liquid Stm between you and I 2 C which of us hits Rep 60 first ; )

Game on ??? = (is that a challenge? )

Ah no gamble u r already rep 60...

no bet :-)

it's showing 60 on steemwhales but still 59 on my profile lol

look at it this way, my upvote for you at 60 puts you closer to 60 ;>

LOL well i just upvoted you and you did not click 60 Rep : )

the Steemit Gods are thumping us in the ear

patience, grasshoppers

: )
; )

Spot on!
Quote: "this is your own company you are paid in stock shares."

Excellent summation ... in fact I love it ..{puts shoulder to the grindstone...continues working}

Yes the beatings will continue until morale improves ; )

I am annoyed at all these retards herein complaining that they failed to make a zillion dollars in the first month.

If these fools have nothing positive to say then maybe they should shut up and close the door quietly as they leave the place ! ! !

I can find enough negativity in the local rag newspaper or nightly news without these amateurs trying to drag opinions down . . .

((( sorry ; I seem to be gumpy and irritable today . . . My suspicion is the coffee is tasting funny and maybe my lady was started "diluting" the regular blend with 'decaf' )))

I will need evidence b4 i can confront her...

I agree, the negativity also does not fit well with newcomers who read the stuff and exit without even opening the door. For the record my avatar on africanbettingclan has been a button with the slogan on "The beatings will continue until moral improves" .... on that website I am well known for wielding the ether baseball bat on idiot's heads !!! On there my handle is Magi

Millions of people are blogging for free without seeing any reaction. So if someone starts a new blog on blogspot or wordpress someone should tell them that there are ways to get an audience for free and maybe a few $ to earn. But on the other hand: I don't know how I would feel if I had started at a time when everything looked like steemit could make people millionaires. ;)

that is why exactly I made



this is a special landing page for bloggers to land at...

bloggers are busy and thus I made this to try and make a fast sales pitch to their limited attention audience spans . . .