Yo! Steemonians! I've completed week three (21 days)on the platform.
Already I've connected to positive, supportive and talented strangers, it's a beautiful thing!
Special thanks to @shanibeer who has made me feel that I'm not posting to myself, I really value your support..
@sift666 for his insights and smiles and of course @lloyddavis thank you Sir, for guiding me here, I think I landed just in time, before the crowds come.
So... What do I think Is a bit shit about Steemit?
Here goes...
I don't understand the economics of this platform at all (yet), tbf I'm not here for money/reward so the economic model during the first twenty one days has not been my focus.
I'm here to #GIVE and support the people here in anyway I can.
I do get the concept of Steemit and I love it.
I'm giving it energy, commitment, passion and my time (the most precious thing of all).
So... I think it's a bit shit you can't reward (or said another way, I can't give my crypto) content that is over seven days old.
In my mind/world, "the long tail" is the killer app - "Old Is Gold"
I could be being incredibly naive (it's been known) but that's how I feel.
{Post Ends]
I luv u,
Nicely put @d3po The platform indeed has a long way to go. But as you say the principle an freedom of it is the future. Thanks for your great input and hope to continue reading more in the future 💯🐒
thanks man! totally feeling your vibes and I really appreciate them. You have boosted my inner confidence toshare what I feel rather than just what I think or know logically.
This platform is great did the same for me. Fire it out my friend and get this world changing 💯🐒
I don't know the answer to that and it is frustrating. I suspect it has to do with the realities of setting a cut off date for deciding how much any post should be paid. Perhaps in the future it will become more sophisticated and able to cope with a continuum.
Meanwhile, I tend to recycle valuable "old" content in links etc in posts - not to raise the value of the original posts but to raise the value of the poster by introducing them to a wider network.
It's hard to place a value on the links in crude steem terms, but I think they may be important, as there is evidence elsewhere of the value of networks (and of having a good one). Happy 21 days!
If you wren't here helping, guiding and supporting I might not have made it past the 18days :-) Thank you! I'd love to meet you. if that would be possible? I'm d3p0 Meets...road tripping northwards (of UK) week after next. Have a fab weekend!
Yes, I'm around Leicester then, @teamhumble would be another very good person to meet if he is available while you are this way.
I think I've met Phil once, a decade or so ago. That would be ace!
Koto boro article