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RE: I Think It's A Bit Shit - [I'm sleep deprived, hot, hungry but my mind won't go into neutral] This Is NOT A Rant

in #steemit7 years ago

I don't know the answer to that and it is frustrating. I suspect it has to do with the realities of setting a cut off date for deciding how much any post should be paid. Perhaps in the future it will become more sophisticated and able to cope with a continuum.
Meanwhile, I tend to recycle valuable "old" content in links etc in posts - not to raise the value of the original posts but to raise the value of the poster by introducing them to a wider network.
It's hard to place a value on the links in crude steem terms, but I think they may be important, as there is evidence elsewhere of the value of networks (and of having a good one). Happy 21 days!


If you wren't here helping, guiding and supporting I might not have made it past the 18days :-) Thank you! I'd love to meet you. if that would be possible? I'm d3p0 Meets...road tripping northwards (of UK) week after next. Have a fab weekend!

Yes, I'm around Leicester then, @teamhumble would be another very good person to meet if he is available while you are this way.

I think I've met Phil once, a decade or so ago. That would be ace!