What to post!!? Distancing Yourself from the Anxiety of Writer’s Block - 3 Tips!

in #steemit7 years ago

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Dayleeo here, handing you the vaulter’s pole of tips to help you glide over your writer's block like the blogging Olympian you are!

I get it, sometimes life doesn’t throw you a day that’s particularly bloggable. You feel stuck, like you’ve said everything you want to, you’re not sure what to talk about but you want to take part! Sometimes you’re surrounded by the same 4 walls you always are. You don’t have the luxury of changing your space and switching things up.

Sometimes it’s just a grind, and if you’re anything like me, the draft editor you use is SO PAINFULLY BLANK that it feels like it’s mocking you.

What a jerk.

1. Figure out WHY you want to write.

Is it just because the price of Steem is up??

Yep I went there. It’s ok! We’ve all been there, making some extra coin was the main selling point that got us all here right? Hopefully you’ve come to fall in love with the community of folks here and the coin isn’t the only thing you’re in it for. But DAT PRICE THO! - Be honest with yourself! Really, it’s ok!

Maybe it’s the fomo of having a partner or Steemit friends who are crushing it, maybe it’s your own personal work ethic about wanting to post daily or maybe you’re new and you’re frustrated that your posts aren’t making what you thought they would right away.

I’m going to say it again, it’s really ALL OK! Whatever reason brought you to your machine today to write something, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what you make of that effort. Once you know why you want to write you can remove the stress and performance anxiety of doing it “RIGHT”. Wright?? WRITNG RIGHT?!! right.

2. Don’t Write

I mean, it really is OK! (I’m going to say that a lot in this post) After finishing my 30 day yoga challenge I didn’t write for 2 days I took the time to recharge, and enjoy the holiday and just decompress. Deep down I felt AWFUL about it. I felt like I had let myself down, or I was some kind of slacker or bum.

(Which is so silly by the way, if you’re feeling like that, quit it right now, go do something nice for yourself, circle back to tip 1 and come back to me after you feel like you love yourself as much as you deserve to… go ahead, I’ll wait…)

One of the coolest things about Steemit is that we don’t just get rewards for posting, but for commenting as well!

If you’re stumped and not feeling like you can post, start surfing some tags that interest you! Find some new Steemians outside your regular circle of view and don’t be stingy with that follow button. Leave THOUGHTFUL and GENUINE comments. Really read and react critically to other’s content no matter how minnow-ey or whale-ey they are.

Not only for the rewards, but for your own headstate, I’d wager that if you spend enough time seeing what’s out there in the Steemiverse it might inspire your next post or next 10 posts! If you can’t post, take the time to expand that beautiful brain of yours!

3. Write about not having anything to write!

So you’ve gotten all external with it, you’ve surfed the Steemiverse high and low for inspiration and you’ve come up with nothing (which I think is truly impossible, but let’s continue for agreement’s sake).

Maybe it’s time to turn inward! For your convenience I’ve provided a list of reasons you may be experiencing writer’s block and various post solutions…

  • Not feeling well? - Write about your tips, for beating a cold, or the story about how you caught your cold standing in the rain waiting for Rick Astley tickets, or your favorite shows to binge watch when you’re having a sick day!
  • Feeling burnt out by your day job? - Write a fiction adventure tale about a hero (you) overcoming a mighty, awful, and smelly dragon (your boss).
  • Just wanna play video games instead? - Yeah I get it, those headshots aren’t going to fire themselves. Write ABOUT your favorite game or hobby that’s keeping you from writing. Then go get those headshots fam!!
  • Hungry? - Eat then blog.
  • Tired? - Sleep then blog.
  • Both of your hands broken? - First of all congratulations for even being able to access this post! Now, go download a voice dictation app and blog.

Are you a newly sentient AI trying to find out what it means to be human and you’re not sure where you fit in in this digital storytelling ether?

Please reference the works of Alfred Hitchcock, Charlie Brooker, Sufjan Steevens, Depeche Mode, Tim Burton and the entire film catalog of Jean Claude VanDamme. I’m sure that’ll give you a good place to start. ;)


Write a blog post helping others with their writer’s block. Might as well turn your stuck-ness into someone else’s breakthrough right?

The important thing is to be accepting of wherever you’re at in this current moment. However you find yourself at your machine today, know that you are enough you’re incredibly blessed to be here, alive with an internet connection in the age of the blockchain and you’re going to be just fine.

I hope at the very least this post gave you a little laugh, take a deep breath. Steem is up, life is good.



and this is the wonderful thing about living inside of a post it note that can be spread and virtual, you can effect change with words, rebalance energy, foster intention, show you are out there, somewhere, at this time or to reflect back on later on in the future, part of your past, written to a ledger that can be crawled by little sentiment bots linking those 1's and 0's cross referenced with your food intake and lack of exercise on that day, it can be the mood enhancer at the right time based on the data because it was not silo'd and hidden away -- we are merely blockchains inside of blockchains! lovely post. way to get out of a funk!

Thank you love! I felt a haduken energy reversal of the highest magnitude was in order, certainly did the trick, Just greatful to have found the outlet, and the power socket to plug my computer into as well ;)


What a great comment @teamhumble for an equally great post. Thank you all so very much for these beautiful connections and inspiring words. And thank you even more @dayleeo for that Street Fighter reference! Sonic Boom!

Haha yes feeling like the RYU of steemit today for sure! This sure is a great place <3 Thanks for the kind words @iko2017

Your writing is a blast, as well as being spot-on, and your selection of animated gifs is choice! I love what you reveal about your own personal tastes, and I can relate with you as I many of my faves in the shuffle here: Hitchcock, Sufjan, Danny McBride high-fives... This post just pops off the screen!

Oh my goodness Sufjan is a PERFECT fit for you @cabelindsay Why in the world did i not put that together sooner after seeing your open mics! DUH!

Thank you so so much for your kind words, if it wasn't painfully obvious by the post itself, I had nothing to write about today so I'm glad I was able to turn it around and give someone a smile <3

I've had much practice refining my gif game so I'm glad you enjoyed hehe ;)

You go girl! This post is so realistic and every blogger at least once was in this situation! :) Upvote! :)

Thanks love! Super appreciate the kind words and support! <3 Hope it helps!

These are fantastic tips. I certainly feel this way at times. Another idea is to look for communities on Steemit. For example, @mariannewest has a #freewrite challenge that provides some inspiration and motivation for me.

Awesome! Thanks for sharing, actually Steemit is working on a proper "communties" page so it's going to be even easier to find awesome folks! <3 Keep steeming away friend!

Love it!

Thank you @nabehalatif ! How has your steeming been this week? Feeling any momentum? I sure am!

Man I needed this! It is funny how hard it is getting back into blogging mentally after a time out.

Thanks for the well timed post!

Aw glad I could help! Every time I follow my got with an unplanned post it seems to work out for at least one other person so happy to have done my bit 💕

very nice post about steemit....i love steemit..

So do I! 👍🏻

Ha! Made me smile. Thank you for this. Now I just need to find a post topic in my pile...

Yes! Go @techslut go! Glad I could make you smile- guess I wanted to get accross that it ain’t so serious! Just share and don’t overthink it too much ;)

Ended up doing steem-related stuff that isn't posting. :sigh:

Typical me.

ah but you commented and that should be worth something right? ;)

My average is 30 comments for every post I publish on a good week. On a bad one it's 50 to one.

Solid post @dayleeo! I often find myself in this exact situation, and so your tips were really helpful for me. I like the idea of focusing on commenting and engaging with others content more heavily in a day instead of posting. I think that would be a great way to reset, recharge and feel re-inspired.

Also, I’ve been wanting to mention how much I love your cover photos for your posts! They are always bright and attractive, and the graphics and text really make it look polished.

Thank you so much @coruscate, really glad you found my musings on the subject helpful- truthfully I was drawing a total blank on what to write haha!

Appreciate the kind words about my graphics too- it’s a bit of an extra step when you just want to get something out and posted - glad it’s worth it- sometimes I fear it’s just my own ocd that notices lol

Oh, I think it’s totally worth the extra time! Having nice looking cover photos goes a long way to setting the mood and energy of your blog. Not to mention it gives it a consistent look and feel. Anyway, keep it up. 👍🏻

Thank you love I really appreciate it- we’ve come a long way from the Wordpress and tumblr days when you’d spend all day on a post and no one even sees it— just greatful to have found steemit 💕

Wisdom loosened up with hilarious gif’s, I like your style.

Daw thank you! That’s one of the nicest compliments I think I’ve ever gotten about my writing- super appreciated @street.yoga !

You deserve no less, all that hard work you put in to help others😉

Thank you, just doing my bit :)

Wow! At least I'm encouraged. I feel just exactly the way u've said. I will work more on my write-up.

Glad to hear you got something out of this post! Keep on pushing it'll get easier and easier :)

I was so lucky to stumble upon your post. Just had the worst headache for not able to think what topic I should write today. I will take your post as an advice (LOL). Need to recharge abit (had a flu) and who knows when inspiration may strike😀

Rest rest! Especially when you have a flu! Hah! You sound like me when Im sick, go go go no matter what. The sooner you rest the sooner you can get back into writing and feeling like yourself again <3 feel better friend!