It's most definitely not easy to have your content seen as a new person to the platform, I feel exactly the same way, you absolutely nail it in regards to quality of content not being equal to amount of exposure.
The way I see it, personally, this platform is full of very interesting people who share their interesting views via all possible mediums, just participate in this beautiful madness, put your content out there and have no expectation. Enjoy yourself and others who make up this cool place, reach out to anyone who makes you wanna hi to them by saying a word or two on their posts (I just check "new" constantly) and people looking for your niche will organically gravitate via shared interests. That's how I look at it, from the perspective of someone who has been putting out his passion project for years with no expectation in return and now seeing this amazing new platform that is brimming with potential.
As someone mentioned to me very recently - we are all pretty early adopters at this point, there will be people with all kinds of different interests coming in the future, I believe in the future of steemit, so for now be proud of being on a ground floor and perhaps posting to a seeming void can be a personal challenge to hone your craft.
I don't know if it helps, but my point is - you are not wrong, it's not just you. Be yourself, do you - and don't have expectations, don't let it get to you, enjoy the ride!
All the best @thouser, you got it!
Thank you deeptechhouse. I have followed you in return. From all of the videos that I have watched, it's not a matter of content, it's a matter of investment (time and money). So, it will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out. I am happy to be on the front end of this game and will continue to do my part to put out content that is useful and positive!
I think it's a good way to look at it. Of course it's not linear and investing time VS the money is much more is a lot more exhausting, but again if you think about it from a perspective of any other social network, you generate content there with 0 chance of getting anything from it passively.
So while I'd absolutely love to provide quality content (subjectively of course) and get rewarded for it, I'd rather shift a mindset of doing it with no expectation of any returns. I have done that for years now doing my mixes, so even the chance to get anything in return is amazing, what I am more excited about is having a platform where I can do a long term investment and build an audience that would genuinely care, and that to me is a lot more exhilirating :)
I do appreciate your follow and I hope you will continue to enjoy the stuff I put out. Best of luck!