How Do You Get An Army Of Minions - Or An Enduring Network Of Followers?

in #steemit8 years ago

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So how does one create an army of loyal minions (If you're into that sort of thing), or create a loyal network, who are in the long haul towards a common goal, with you?

There seems to be a general consensus, by many social commentators, that if you're making things work for the better in real life, then it serves to appropriately apply that to your social media tactics.
If you wanted to make a good impression in a new job, or club or social circle, with advancement in mind, how would you act? How would you speak? How would you start conversations? I'm no self help guru, but I have seen a few things in my day, and I have seen effective attitudes that have stood the test of time, and some destructive ones that don't create a solid foundation, which creates cracks in a structure and a resultant fall.

The Do List


  • Interesting titbits, applicable trivia and things like trending topics can get people's attention and engage people's interest
  • Speaking of things you are knowledgeable about is the easiest way to have a conversation. Speaking about things you have a passion for, as long as you are aware of not being overwhelming, can be very charismatic and create opportunities to acquaint with like minds
  • Sharing personal experiences, and things that are precious to you, can replace formality with friendliness and can create opportunites to bond with like minds (Don't overdo this, there are only so many pics of your kids and pets people want to see)
  • Sharing methods and tools you have successfully used in your business, relationships and day to day life
  • Funny things. Your own stories or even those you have heard. People love to laugh
  • A little patting your own back in public, done with decorum, not outright bragging, can also bring attention to the fact that you are praiseworthy and good to have around
  • Listen to what people have to say. Acknowledging a person is not only polite, people like to feel validated.
  • Be open to repectful criticism or corrections. Try not to be reactionary. Knowledge will serve you better than ego
  • Know when to walk away. If someone upsets you, leave it for a minute or ten... or three hundred, come back when you can be more rational rather than reacting too emotionally. Sometimes the need to reply at all will not seem as important
  • Take note of the little guy, mutually co-operate with everyone you can, not just the big fish. You never know when their underestimated personal value, or valued contacts, may become apparent. People remember those who were there for them from the beginning

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Of course, there are things to avoid if you want to achieve and keep respect and a large, ongoing following.
Things to not do.

  • Don't insult people, or whole groups of people, you don't know, about things you have very little knowledge of. The person you are speaking to may be one of those people or care for someone you are insulting, very much, and have far greater knowledge and insight than you
  • Don't lie and don't put forward opinions and rumours as though they are facts. (Make sure anything you claim to be fact can be backed up by, at least reasonably, reputable sources)
  • Try to avoid make sweeping generalisations, unless you are quoting real statistics
  • Don't feed those who are obviously trolling. If someone's reply is unnecessarily nasty, towards you or others, stop, think, is what they have said actually of any relevance whatsoever? Are they worth giving any of your attention, and precious energy to? Is anything you say going to make one iota of difference to them, or are you just giving them more airtime outside of their little, dark, lonely hole? Again, try not to be reactionary. Sometimes it's better to direct that energy into doubly validating a healthy comment
  • Don't tear other people down, solely in the attempt to prop yourself up. It doesn't take long before people see that you actually lack substance and they lose respect, and trust, for you. They come to realise they could be next. Earn your status, with integrity

I have read up on this subject. I am by no means an expert, or even less, a great example at times. These are hints I have picked up along the way from articles written by successful business people, motivational speakers, through to psychologists. And through personal experience. I hope they can be of some help.
I would appreciate any comments people may have to add to this list. The more we all know on this subject the more likely we all are to succeed.


Another big one: Thank you audience :) If they're taking the time to read, they're invested, and interested. :)

Don't patronise with your writing, and my favorite, definitely know your audience. You wouldn't write a review of a kids video games with a university level vocabulary, unless you were planning on writing satire. :D

Yeah. So right. The last one is difficult on a multinational platform. You don't want to speak too simply so that it seems patronising, but you want people who's first language is different to yours to be able to easily understand it. I have had to deal with that with my husband as well, English is his second language.

It is a tough balance. I once had a editor tell me to dumb my content down for the audience, but it was a review for a complex strategy game, with an audience of 30+ educated adults.

Very difficult balance.

It is hard when condescending doesn't come naturally. I hate being talked down to, so I don't like doing it to others without giving them the benefit of the doubt. But then once I did want to dumb a speech down for a certain adult audience and my colleague talked me out of it. Later I had some members of the audience saying it went over their heads. Live and learn I suppose.