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RE: I'm Taking an Extended Break from This Shithole

in #steemit7 years ago

I agree with you in most of what you said but personally i never look trending page ..i look only at my feed and I try to keep that people whose content seems interesting to me..
I like your sense of criticism @schattenjaeger


The GUI is so bad, it's next to impossible to find interesting content.

and they don't seem to give a damn or make any attempt to make it better.

Why should they, the stupid community will fix it.
Meanwhile, they introduce 'SMT', which will fix everything else.
This also wil be published as early beta..and they will go to the next project, where easy money is to be gained.

If STINC would be serious about Steemit, they would have introduced some kind of support/tech help, etc. But this is hard and expensive.

when you are looking for it, when you know where it is, it's there. ... It's not in the trending mostly, I just find 5-10 good things out there from scrolling 50 posts, sure there should be 50 good posts there, buuuut :D when if ever was the trending page any good, maybe a loooong while ago