Great post. I definitely would like to add a few particulars that I think could really benefit the conclusion of your post; things that pertain directly to self governing and Steemit even more so.
Support those that need and deserve support but are not seen in the trending section and all too quickly buried by other content.
We can suggest or link to the accounts of Steemians at the end of our post or maybe even the body of our post if appropriate i.e. giving a shout out to people we respect. "Follow @suchandsuch to see this or that"
We can avoid giving attention to the drama and drama seekers altogether. I understand they poke their heads in and down vote good content unnecessarily, but if this happens we can literally just roll with the punches and give them no attention. Don't feed the trolls.
We can write posts covering enlightening and enriching topics and shedding light on the beauty that exists. I think more people can dive into specifics without losing focus on the fact that we are trying to solve a big problem, that of selfishness.
We could consider writing up weekly digests on the state of a certain topic or choose a new topic each week. Regularity helps people feel secure and gives them the ability to depend on us, a much needed experience in general.
We can join Discord groups to find like minded people who can help our visibility and vice versa.
We can set up contests on our pages to incentivize creative thought. The best idea wins "this thing or amount".
Do you have anything to add? There are probably a variety of ways that are not mentioned here. I think the overall goal is to simply provide quality to people that engage us. If we were focused more on the act of giving simply to give then we have the opportunity to shift the balance away from selfish pyramid structures.
Anyway, great post. Thank you for writing and inspiring:)
Be well.
Great adds @elohprojects. Share it to the steemworld.