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RE: Steemit Milestone: 500 Followers! THANK YOU!!! 50 facts about me + ask me your questions for a Q&A if you want :)

in #steemit7 years ago

Thank you!!! :) :) :)
Hahaha, yeah I loved doing archery! I only stopped doing so as we got a new trainer and he was like a dictator and took all the fun away. To him it was all about achievements and success, winning medals and stuff like that. To me it was something very relaxing, even meditative, and a lot of fun. Almost the whole club left after he was hired :D
It's pretty sad, as we had two very, very lovely teachers before which had to go due to illness :(

Oh my gosh, I love Fallout!! :D And it indeed is kind of the same ,especially as it is both from Bethesda :)
I actually started playing Fallout 4 a few days ago :D

Optimist with experience is so cool, hahahaha :D
Being more pessimistic than optimistic is fine with me. The only thing I can't handle are people always complaining, weeping and being negative about anything and eveything without having a reason to do so. Or people who ALWAYS expect the worst in any situation without giving it the chance of getting great :D


Yea competition often kills the fun. Had the same problem with swimming. So i quit swimming, also due to girls :D

Fallout is a timegrave so be warned :D

Yea, i agree, feel kinda same about that ;)

Absolutely!! No one understood that, so I am very happy you do! :) :)
The same with school: It totally killed my motivation to learn due to the pressure to have good marks!
Hahahaha I laughed so hard when you wrote you also quit swimming due to the girls :D
I hope they didn't stress you out too much :D

Oh yes, you're so right about Fallout!! :D :D