Yea competition often kills the fun. Had the same problem with swimming. So i quit swimming, also due to girls :D
Fallout is a timegrave so be warned :D
Yea, i agree, feel kinda same about that ;)
Yea competition often kills the fun. Had the same problem with swimming. So i quit swimming, also due to girls :D
Fallout is a timegrave so be warned :D
Yea, i agree, feel kinda same about that ;)
Absolutely!! No one understood that, so I am very happy you do! :) :)
The same with school: It totally killed my motivation to learn due to the pressure to have good marks!
Hahahaha I laughed so hard when you wrote you also quit swimming due to the girls :D
I hope they didn't stress you out too much :D
Oh yes, you're so right about Fallout!! :D :D