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RE: Cross-platform monetization

in #steemit7 years ago

The biggest issue I see is content theft. It is something YouTube is having to deal with where bots are just downloading and uploading 100’s to 1000’s of videos in a matter of hours.

If it’s your content you should be able to reuse it but that also means there will need to be some kind of process to verify you are the owner of that content and some kind of system in place to catch those just stealing other people’s work.

I do think it is a bit harsh to only be paid for first 7 days of your work in this kind of content creation. Even with how far profits generated tend to drop off after the first week or two for most content it is nice to have passive income from older works. If you had 10,000 blogs and they all could earn revenue your new content covert first-time views into short-term binge views of your content would be great.

With that said not all types of content will work cross-platform and those would be easy to spot. Naturally very specific platform content and anything that is affected by time will not carry much worth moving forward.

I could see myself at the very least wanting to redo some of my works and publish them elsewhere. I think as content creators that is just a very smart thing to do. Why put in 10+ hours into a high-quality content piece when you could spend an hour or two updating it and making it more for that platforms target audience. I have quite a few very time consuming pieces of content I’ve created in the past and it just be nice if they could earn a better ROI for the time invested into them.

Will be more interesting I think to see how other platforms deal with the issue as well. It might also change how some creators move forward in kind of content they create. As some of their stuff has little to no value on another platform.


this is how I see it too which is why I mentioned my own 'non-time specific' content. I also think that there is going to be room for a lot more translation work in the future too.

There are going to be many variables of course and eventually it will hopefully come together so many can benefit.

I think one thing that could cause a huge road bump for many is difference of culture in platform. As we have seen here with some ways people choose try and promote themselves via spam linking their blogs. They might consider that practice acceptable as they yell in a market place all day long to “come and buy fresh fish” or whatever it is in their local market but overall our platform does not like that.

Words can also have different meaning in different language and I can see people having to deal with that issue as well. That will certainly be the case when it comes to translations. There have been many companies that found out the hard way their product name directly translated into another language means something offensive or bad.

Someone once on steemit was offended because of my username. I could also see people stealing/name already taken issues. Which will make trying brand things rather difficult if you have to use a bunch of different names.