I’ve seen a few of my mine in the past stolen. They use to be stupid and do a “…” in-between each thing they copy/pasted. Which at least made them stand out like a sore thumb. If this is there next evolution I can see them pulling in some decent rewards. I’ve seen comment thief’s get rewards in past and it took other people to point out to the person who reward them that they in fact stole that comment.
Between this, spam, and all phishing going around. I guess it’s just showing of the platforms success. The higher the price goes the more of this we will have to put up since they don’t tend to just ban the accounts.
well even bans here don't work, hopefully they don't learn to abuse the system better, so yeha having lots of accounts but half of them being fake and or unused is a shame, it's really looking like the decent people joined in once and then there was just a drain, sure you get some great new arrivals, but after the flood gates releasing /.. it's been more spam than good :D
Sadly they are getting better at hiding the fact they put in no effort by using other peoples works. I’m rather concerned with how much content these people will attempt to steal and post on other sites as well as here. A month or two ago I was just messing round and downloaded all my comments/blogs with very little effort using an some public database I found. Can’t quite recall how or where I did it but it was easy.
It only takes one or two bad actors and they can just flood account creation faucet and acquire 1000’s of accounts at no cost to themselves.
It’s just a shame they don’t put in real effort. They could be making so much more unless they are abusing things to such a degree that they only need a 1% success rate. I just wish the users had some better tools at dealing with this nonsense. While quite a many people are trying and using some great automation to do so. It is only putting a dent in the title wave. Even more so when they figure out that they won’t get banned/shadow banned here. At worst they just lose rep till they are grayed out even then it only takes one lucky hit to get enough rep to be seen again. Not to mention if they can get the right account they have a scary opportunity to scam quite a number of people.
Not really sure what can be done about this that is not already being done. Just sad to see people take advantage of such a wonderful legit opportunity thisplatform has for its users.
It does happen from time to time especially when people self vote and mess up the order. I am sure I have been fooled often enough too.
I am pretty sure this will happen and it will happen at more and more subtle levels so it will be more difficult to spot.