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RE: STEEMIT Revolution: It's NOT Communism!

in #steemit7 years ago

Yeah, I was going to say this is probably the first time I've even heard Communism associated with blockchain. I guess there have been some comments about how we can offer universal basic income but that's not really the same.

And decentralization? I won't even think about any "centralized crypto". That's just asking for you to be robbed if you ever put money into it. Unless it's backed by government guarantees or something, but in that case what's the point...? Like you say.

That said, I still put some in Ripple. It's still has a level of trustlessness to it, that the network is not just dominated by a single entity (unless I missed something). I like that it can get rid of all of these middle-men between banks that need to underwrite and verify liquidity for transactions. So... yeah. I would see it more as a "permissioned blockchain". Centralized in that fewer participants have a say, but decentralized enough that one does not have to worry about it disappearing.

Will have to do some poking around resource based economies when I have more time, can't offer much of an opinion on that.


You can find a good example of communists' vision about crypto when you see in the news that Venezuelan government is about to release its own cryptocurrency, the "Petro".

Looking for a way to overcome international financial sanctions, cryptocurrencies was like music for their ears (played by well know international communist advisors), because in their vision this is a weapon to fight against the "Imperialist" US Dollar.
Obviously, this will be a centralized coin, but I think they will seed a dangerous (for them) idea in people and they could not control anymore. It will be like opening the Pandora's box.

Interesting... Thank you for the information, will check it out. Sounds like everyone wants to try it out but I suspect they will have a very difficult time. A centralized coin is not different than their already failing Fiat... Unless I am missing something.

Agree with you. I think it has to do with lack of information, or taking decisions with incomplete info.

Truly excellent comment as always @eonwarped

RBE is what I think communism 2.0 - especially those like Venus as mentioned.

Glad to have you around.