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RE: A Love Letter to the New Generation of Steemians

in #steemit8 years ago

Hey there, @nutela and thanks for the feedback.

I respect what you say and understand that there will always be some form of circle jerk or popularity contest going on. It's similar to real life. People comparing theirs to *yours" mentality which will always exist. But as I said in my post.

Whilst selfishness is usually considered a negative trait, your first baby steps into the world of Steemit should be just that. Think about yourself. Forget about trying to make an impression on anyone else. Establish “your” brand first and foremost.

Exactly! Forget about the goings on of other steemians. That is something completely out of our control and comparing. that will only lead to bitterness and jealously over time. I know because I used to feel the same way in the beginning! What do you have control over? You and your actions alone! Look at my blog, for instance. It only revolves around words! Hardly any pictures to speak of and I didn't get any free handouts to get where I have. Just by pure graft and fun! My looks haven't come into it one bit! It's my blog that validates me. So let the good-looking girls and celebs make their money and have their say. Concentrate on you, buddy! :)

Stay positive! Do what makes you happy. :)

I feel you're over thinking the whole thing. The main goal of using this platform should be one thing: about having fun! And that is a choice you can make on your own without the involvement of anybody else.

Best of luck to you and I wish you nothing but greatness! :)


Thanks I was not feeling well, went outside and the rest is written history. I sometimes feel like popping out of my skin. Battling restless.
But it dunno no good to me.