What ref links to shady websites? Why can I not do that? Those links were copy post and I even caught you having no quotations or block quotes around an entire article you stole you hypocrite piece of shit.
The more people look into this you are going to be exposed you piece of shit. You claim you want to help community but all you do is cause drama and steal money out of people's pockets you thief.
Hamburgler eventually got brought to justice and you will to.
It isn't trolling if the people's statements have value. All of my comments exposed your hypocrisy. You cant just yell troll and ignore people's points. I mean you can but a market with perfect information will not value that strategy. And I hope to improve the information of thief bullies like you hurting expansion of the network and hurting everyone who is here to meaningfully connect with people around the world, that you seem to have a problem with you thief.