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RE: Things not to do in comments on my posts

in #steemit7 years ago

Honestly, I didn't think tagging people worked.

I do it to benefit the people reading my comment. For example, I'll mention your account in my reply, and that's done to nudge people to check you out, not to draw you into the conversation. When we tag people, they don't actually get notified of it, correct? At least last I knew, it was not working.

Thanks for posting about proper Steemit etiquette though! A lot of new people just don't "get it," and I'm trying to help them avoid reputation damaging mistakes.


I think we should only tag if the person would not see it otherwise. Some of the apps will notify for this.

I had no idea it would pester people, so I will stop doing it unless it is absolutely vital to bring them into the conversation. Thanks for the wisdom and correction!

I tag people as a means of using their name to be polite and friendly. Never considered this would be seen as annoying, I guess we're all different! ;)

I found your post amusing to read, I'm sure many really resonate with it. I did a post today offering healing and said to comment if you'd like healing and got ' please read my blog and up-vote me'

I was planning on replying 'I am not an up-vote bot' but didn't!

Well done you on just flagging all irrelevant replies, I guess that does send out a message that they're not welcome.

Yes many notifications just started appearing on my phone yesterday, including mentions. I am hoping to learn how to turn it off.

I also liked to leave these as an organic link to other peoples accounts.