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RE: Managing Stress as a Steemian, Part 2

in #steemit7 years ago

I couldn't agree more when you said find a exercise routine. A few months ago I felt like I was always drained and stressed to the max. I was always burnt out and my family was noticing. I felt so bad as it was wearing on my kids and of course that started to stress me out even more.

Well a friend of mine does Jiu Jitsu and suggested I come check it out. I do enjoy MMA but never thought of doing Jiu Jitsu. I went a few times and was instantely hooked. Long story short It has helped calm me down and leaving the gym I always feel so relaxed as weird as it is. Exercise of any kind seems to calm the soul and center yourself.


Exercise has proven to b a life saver and I believe if more people take it up as a routine, they will be the beter for it. Jiu Jitsu is interesting and I look forward to trying it one of these days. thanks for stopping by.

Oh for sure and people don't even need to go over board and do power lifting or martial arts. I have been doing Yoga as well for awhile now to help with my flexibility. I just pick random video's on Youtube, its a great way to just pump the breaks on the commotion of life and just get lost in your mind with focusing on your breathing. Pretty much just like meditating I find. Thanks again for the post, great share!