@jl777 So basically you are looking to do this ( and I am explaining it in simple term as I always do )
- you want to catorgorize steemit into several "smaller & more specific" topics
- within these, we have admins to supervise the content and "judge" the content
- which basically the concept of every single forum out there on the internet
thus ADVANTAGES are " smaller management are better management"
- improve the quality of posts
- also improve the "pay-off" for posters instead of being lost in the flood of everything
- change in structure of steemit ( which i think can easily be done)
- choose who are the people who "qualified" for the admins job - and i dont mean "the people with money/steem power" are those who will judge
any #tag is automatically spawned, but without content it wont exist. and without people to judge the content it will end up with junk and without enough SP muscle to support this, we wont get the content
as a community we can get pretty much all the pieces done and we are starting with #trading as it seems a very good sub-category. so we need a website that is oriented for this, ie its frontpage is #trading, we need content providers for it, curators, and whale support for the concept in general and specifically to manually upvote #trading so after all the work to get this in place we dont end up with $1 payouts for good content.
Maybe you can help with describing the process that achieves the goal?
I know we havent achieved it yet, but we will, so it would require to be part of the process so it can be documented. Once we have a proven working methodology, then we can get dozens or hundreds going in parallel.
The role of whales will be to honor the dolphin's judgement as to which content deserves upvotes. This separation of powers of upvoting might be heresy, so I recommeded tapping into steemit account's voting power. However there could well be whales who are not having the time to be curating, so a mechanism to lease out their voting power to specific categories would be a nice core feature.
hey , im gonna help you out here
open process for the specialist curators to be elected, using method similar for witnesses. this allows anybody who can convince the community they are competent in the speciality to be a curator. So this is a representative system and it separates upvoting decision from the value of accounts. Assuming we can get X amount of voting power allocated for a category, then which posts gets the share of that is up to the elected curators. There is no dictating that I am proposing, rather the opposite.
Now maybe when there are millions of steemit users, things can be totally freeform, but for now I want to be able to target a specific high value category and then have a proven process that jump starts it. If a category doesnt have whale support, it wont have the big attraction behind it, so the categories that are selected will also need to go through a vetting process. But that I will be able to use the existing methods.
So, the selection of categories: by the community
selection of specialist curators: by the community
selection of posts within a specialist category: by the specialist curators
upvoting: based on MofN approval by the specialist curators
It isnt perfect, but my method is not a bad start. feel free to make improvements