well I honestly dont have a big solution for this and I resteemed one post of you already since I think your cause is good. But (there is always a but :-)), it makes you not more sympathic if you hijack threads and start spamming.
I think the smarter thing would have been to be active on steemit for a month and build some connections before you started your funding. I dont know if this is to late for that and you have a clock ticking or so.
But as you can find all kinds of people here I am sure you could have been finding some enviroment friends and maybe find a whale to support your cause.
I dont think there is a shortcut for finding your niche. As I stated in my post, I think you will not gain anything from the people who arent interested.
I see. Thanks. I am going to write an article about spamming these days as reaction on some people´s reaction I am actually spammer. :) Yes, I am! If you look at my statistics - truly our main objective here is to get funding for our conservation activities following with raising of awareness and the last is to be loved by everyone. Although it could be one of the way how to get the funding. There is not much time for that. We have to be as effective as possible. But I am not saying spamming is the most effective way. I don´t even think so, but not yet found out the best one. The second thing is we are trying to bring more people here (environmentalist), but not really succeeding . It is still too strange for them to trust into it. We keep trying sure! Thanks again, have a nice day!